Arcturian Group Message for JUNE 26,2016
by Marilyn Raffaele
ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are
experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the
world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of
this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental.
comes a time for every serious spiritual student when "accidents" or
unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but
are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth.
As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the "train leaves
the station".
Everyone is feeling the higher dimensional
energies now pouring to earth with increasing intensity. These energies
are serving to open mankind to a higher awareness that is empowering
them to seek freedom of expression, self rule, and new ways of living,
being, and governance. Most people as of yet do not fully understand why
they are feeling these urges or why their thinking has changed so much
on particular issues.
Mankind's increasing dissatisfaction with
"business as usual", began when powerful and high resonating energies
began to replace the old, and personal clearings began. The heart
chakras of many have cleared or are in the process, and the high heart
is opening for all who are receptive. The dissolution of old energy
begins the moment an individual opens themselves to more.
the heart begins to open, dense self created energetic walls of
protection that were formed around it as the result of past and present
experiences, begin to dissolve. This allows the heart's already present
frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole
new world view for the individual. The "new" person often does not even
realize that anything has changed until he attempts to live as usual,
and finds that he no longer resonates with much of it.
majority as of yet do not understand why they are now feeling
differently about so many issues. Everyone interprets both inner and
outer change according to their attained state of consciousness (their
present belief system). For some, inner changes are reflected fully in
material, three dimensional ways like feeling the need to improve
personal health, join a cause, or serve in some generally approved way.
change in the emotional body manifests as higher forms of emotional
reaction, such as no longer becoming emotionally involved, attached, or
blocked to the point of giving away personal power. At the same time
there comes an underlying and gentle sense of love that begins to
permeate all actions and decisions. Mentally, one's thinking and belief
system begins to shift from self to universal.
You are seeing
in the world the outer manifestations of increased heart energy even
though much of it is still being interpreted in self serving ways.
People are experiencing a "knowing" that everyone is entitled to what is
necessary for healthy and happy living, not just the privileged few and
are expressing their frustration as anger. Change, change, change, has
become the mantra of the majority even though they do not fully
understand why.
Because of incomplete understanding and an
ignorance of the evolutionary process taking place at this time, some
are choosing to simply resist all change, seeing it as a threat to their
personal comfort and happiness. Others believe they must act to force
change. Try to understand that everything is happening according to
evolutionary plan, dear ones.
The Light of the higher
dimensional energy is serving to expose world wide and personal
creations built upon old and finished energy. Many of these exposed
issues appear to be new simply because you were not aware of them before
the light of evolution began to expose them. Many "houses of cards" are
going to fall but will go kicking and screaming. Be not afraid dear
ones, all is proceeding according to plan.
Evolution is an
unfolding process that cannot be hurried, for it is you the people, who
must bring about change through your own attainment of more Light which
then in turn adds more Light to the consensus consciousness of the
world. There is only One and thus every truth that becomes your state of
consciousness serves to lift the whole.
Many still look to
Light Beings or evolved extraterrestrials to "fix" the world, but
because of free will, they cannot step in and do the work for you. These
evolved beings can only guide and advise at this point but are willing,
happy, and eager to do it, for they wish to see you move beyond what is
old and finished as they themselves also had to do. Every particle of
Light added to the whole, shifts it a little until at some point there
will be more light than not.
It is important to support
yourselves and others in these chaotic times, meaning that as you awaken
to deeper understanding you still support others rights to believe as
they choose no matter how different from your belief system that may be.
Understand that everyone is at a different place in their journey and
your place may very well not be their place. Love is patient and
allowing, but is never a doormat.
Energy is the substance of
everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled in the physical
world. The slower and heavier the energetic resonance, the more dense
and material things seem. The physical expression of anything is always a
mind formed interpretation of the spiritual reality or Divine Idea
being seen as material. This is a spiritual universe, peopled with
children of God, but which up to now has been seen and lived through
false belief systems that are now dissolving.
Energy is
everywhere you go and many of you are now sensing the resonance of
people, places, and things more acutely. You will experience increasing
sensitivity as your own energy becomes lighter and it becomes easier
access and align with higher frequencies. Because of this, many of you
are developing new psychic abilities or accessing old ones you had long
Places that previously felt ordinary may now feel dense and
heavy to you (bars, malls, slums, even books and films). You may find
yourselves being drawn to seek out places that feel more light and
refreshing (wilderness areas, heart centered homes or churches) .
stores often hold a dense heaviness that comes from the old energy
still held in objects from the past. Places, foods, people, and
entertainments that previously resonated with you, no longer do. Let
them go, for it simply means your resonance is no longer in alignment
them no matter how familiar, enjoyable, or comfortable they were at one
If your work or life means you must be in the heavier
energies, recognize them for what they are and not resisting, for
resistance only gives something a power it does not have. Those of you
who work with the physically, emotionally, or mentally troubled (nurses,
doctors, psychologists, prison workers, and therapists) must remember
to keep your energy fields and working space clear and filled with
light. Clear through intention and Light between clients or as you go
about your duties, never allowing yourself to align with whatever lower
resonating energies may be present themselves.
occasionally finds themselves in the presence of those who are not
living up to the highest standards and because your own energy field is
now more receptive you may feel the others energy more easily. Keep
exchanges always on a level of compassion and not sympathy, because with
sympathy you align with the other person's energy. Always, in every
personal exchange at work or in daily living, pause to remember the true
Divine Nature of the other no matter what the appearances.
accept intellectually that experiences are necessary for change, yet
when these experiences actually occur they quickly revert back to
questioning; "Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?" then
proceed to seek only three dimensional solutions, using three
dimensional tools, and seeing the situation as a third dimensional
problem. Every serious student of truth must accept that they and the
world are quickly evolving and things will never again be as they were
in the "good old days".
The higher dimensional energy pouring
onto the earth right now is effecting everyone, not just those aware of
it. Many are experiencing a variety of "ascension symptoms"--dizziness,
headache, nausea, and extreme fatigue etc. A good sign that something is
ascension related and not a serious health issue is that ascension
symptoms tend to come and go. One day you may be too exhausted to put
one foot in front of the other, but on the next day you feel great.
naps or rest periods as best you can throughout the day when needed and
try not to maintain some heavy duty active schedule that may of worked
for you in your former state of consciousness.
Allow the
process, trusting that you are right where you need to be and
experiencing exactly what you need for the clearing, resolving remaining
karma, and integration of any higher resonating energies of Light you
are ready for. Many are choosing to leave both in groups and
individually at this time. Honor the choices of others whatever they may
be, for all is a part of each soul's journey of awakening.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/26/16
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