Note: Bold and Italics are mine, not Mike's -including BOLD ITALICS :) ~PB

Earth is alive with secret activity but little of it reaches your ears,
because the dark Ones still control the Press in spite of the fact that
their power is quickly weakening. However, desirable changes are still
taking place, and the next major one will be when the new Republic of
the United States of America can be officially announced. A new
President has already been appointed which along with dramatic changes
will give power back to the people. It has been a long hard road for
those involved but well worth the effort. It will bring freedom from
those who would hold you all in bondage. The "silent war" over who
controls the Earth and its people is coming to an end very soon, and you
will be relieved to know that the threat hanging over your heads has
been removed. To be prisoners on your own planet would have been bad
enough, but plans had been made to drastically reduce the population.
Some of you have learnt who is responsible and in time all will be
revealed to everyone so that you understand what had been planned for
your future.
doubt many will wonder how and why such circumstances can arise, and be
assured that in time you will informed of your true history. Bear in
mind that through their many incarnations, all souls have shared
responsibility for the ultimate conditions that you have experienced.
Because freedom of choice operates where you are concerned, and as a
civilisation you have projected your own future onto the fabric of time
and have created your own experiences. Naturally the dark Ones have
taken advantage of the warlike Race of Humans, to create situations to
their liking that have perpetuated the conditions of lack and disarray.
a long period of time each soul has had many incarnations, and now that
the old cycle has served its purpose you are seeing the process of
change that will result in the new cycle coming into being. It has been
one where freewill has been honoured. However, the dark Ones used the
opportunity to imprison you on your own planet. Their ultimate aim was
to control the Human Race, take away their freedom and reduce the
population to a manageable size. Having insidiously worked for many
years to keep you in a state of "lack" and hiding the truth from you,
they have left you in a time warp where progress has virtually stopped.
However, the Hierarchy of Light have kept a constant watch over you all,
and ensured that matters did not get out of control. Your future had
already been decided upon and through their efforts and the loyalty of
Light Beings upon Earth who have overcome the challenges given them,
they have risen above the negativity and set out a path to Ascension
that can be joined by any soul that has lifted its vibrations.
on Earth is a powerful challenge yet many, many souls have begged for
an opportunity to experience life upon it. They have realised that if
you can overcome the challenges to be met, you are on a quick route to
evolving beyond the 3rd. dimension, and can leave that cycle behind.
Whatever you are doing there are always Beings of Light who are at your
service if you need them. They do not otherwise interfere with your life
and you are able to experience as you wish. However, if you make the
wrong decisions you are responsible for them. Through them you grow
spiritually, and adapt your thinking to the realisation that All are
present the Earth is in a state of unrest and Mother Earth desires to
create changes so that she can begin to cleanse it and gradually restore
it to a pristine condition. She has given of herself many times by
allowing Man absolute freedom of expression, and suffered at the hands
of uncaring souls that have abused her. That can no longer continue and
if Man does not change she will have to take matters into her own hands.
Even so care is taken to avoid harm to life but in some instances it is
unavoidable. There are also karmic situations to consider and they can
be a natural part of the changes, as nothing of any consequence happens
by chance.
soul is helping to create the future as your collective energy leads
the way. Of course the actions of individuals can have a pronounced
effect one way or the other. Your senses are constantly being assailed
by thought forms that you attract to yourself as "like attracts like".
Few people understand that what you focus on whether it is in your
reasoning "good or bad" links you with more of the same. So it is best
not to get involved in matters that are of a negative nature. You may
wish to read of them but avoid giving them energy that would attract
more of the same. Life can sound very complicated but most souls simply
follow their desires with little thought for the consequences.
in mind that you came into birth with a life plan to allow for
opportunities to come your way so that they could be played out. Every
soul to a greater or lesser degree has goals to reach, that providing
you are successful move you on quite quickly. Most experiences will
involve other souls who will also gain from them. Karma can sometimes
weave a tangled web but at the end of your day all involved should
benefit. Of course what you do not know is what lessons are being learnt
by each one. You have a saying "that one good turn deserves another"
and in essence it is true, and the more you give of yourself the more it
comes back to you through the Law of Attraction.
some respects it is as well that you are unaware of what is going on in
the real world. You have enough to cope with as you are whilst the
powers that be fight over world control, and the Forces of Light
exercise the powers they have to ensure that nothing is allowed to get
out of hand or interfere with the higher plan for your Ascension. Many
people cannot understand how the dark Ones have gained so much control
over your lives. It has taken place very slowly and over many, many
years and as a result you have not realised how your freedom has been
eroded. In reality you have been severely held back, and subjected to
conditions deliberately brought about to enable you to be controlled by
the dark Ones.
do not be too concerned as in reality the Forces of Light are in
overall control, and apply limitations of their own to prevent the dark
Ones from taking full control. Their plan for your release from their
grasp and control is in place, and all is proceeding well in spite of
the conditions that presently exist upon Earth. At the right time many
benefits are ready to be given to you that will immediately lift you up.
You have already heard of the many devices that await you, that will
totally change your way of lives forever - the future is Golden.
leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days
and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,
for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
Please see the Neil Keenan/ Anonymous post, as they carry the same message regarding the transition of power going on behind the scenes in the U.S.