NorthPoint Astrology Journal:
Your guide to planetary energies for June 27 to July 3, 2016
By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects This Week
MON: Chiron goes retrograde, Venus trine Neptune, Mercury square Chiron
WED: Sun sesquiquadrate Mars, Mercury enters Cancer, Mars goes direct
THU: Venus opposite Pluto
FRI: Saturn sesquiquadrate Ceres, Venus sextile Jupiter
SAT: Sun quincunx Saturn
SUN: Sun trine Neptune, Mercury sesquisquadrate Mars
ONE OF THE COSMIC AGENDAS of our current timeline is to support us in healing a lack of faith and to help us trust in the higher plan that over-lights our lives -- especially during times when we feel disillusioned, confused, helpless, or hopeless. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, plays a major role in that process. While in Pisces, Chiron is specifically focused on helping us open our hearts where they have been closed in fear.
Chiron's influence is particularly strong right now. The planetary body comes to a standstill on Monday, preparing to start its retrograde (backward-motion) phase. When a planet is "at its station" (stationary), we usually feel its effects more strongly than usual.
We have been aware of Chiron's enhanced influence for the past week or more. We've had opportunities to heal and release old fear-based ways of perceiving reality. As always, when we take even small steps in this direction, we come into greater spiritual alignment and open our lives more fully to higher guidance and inspiration.
This process of healing and release continues into the coming week as well. As we expand our hearts, we discover and recover our knowing that love is greater than fear -- that even the darkest room gives way to the light when a candle is lit.
MARS also changes direction this week. The Red Planet goes direct on Thursday after having been retrograde since April 17.
Over the past two months, Mars has regressed through early Sagittarius and back into Scorpio. During this time, we've been called to assess whether or not our actions are in alignment with what be most believe in and value, and to reflect upon our deeper desires and motivations. Over the next few weeks, as Mars slowly begins to move forward, we will be supported in taking new actions based on what we have learned about ourselves.
WE'RE IN THE WANING PHASE of the lunar cycle this week. Since the Sun is in the sign of Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, we may particularly benefit from following Luna's timeline and guidance now.
With the Last Quarter Moon to start the week, Monday is a good day to review where we've traveled since the New Moon on June 4, and especially what came into fruition with last week's Full Moon. As we observe what has and hasn't worked, we can start to see where we want to put in more effort, and where it may be best to move on.
The Balsamic phase of the Moon occurs on Thursday. This is the time for release, to clear the decks to be ready for the New Moon next Monday (July 4). The Venus-Pluto opposition, which is also in effect on Thursday, increases our desire to transform our lives, in particular to renovate or regenerate important relationships.
NEXT WEEKEND, when the Moon is in its darkest phase, we are drawn further inward to gain insights and to reconnect with our essence. On Saturday, this may be an uncomfortable journey, as we struggle with our attachment to old concepts and beliefs that we are truly ready to release (Sun quincunx Saturn).
Sunday is a mixed bag of energies. The strongest influence is the supportive Sun-Neptune trine that can help us trust the flow of the day, without needing to control outcomes. We may be overly sensitive, however, especially if someone is very pointed in their comments. This is a good day to step back from confrontations and do some releasing of resentments and angers, and to do our best not to take things personally.
FOUR DAYS AND COUNTING! My teleclass "Bridging Realities" is this Thursday! Thanks to all of you who have already registered -- I look forward to this opportunity to walk with you through the next six months and to talk what we can expect energetically.
There's still time to sign up! To register, visit and also see the "When You Register" note at the end of today's Journal.
And remember, you will receive the replay link after the class airs, so no worries if you can't attend live on Thursday.
Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.
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