THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, June 14, 2016
First Quarter Moon Phase: move beyond comfort zone; take action
Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bagalamukhi, Goddess Who Destroys Illusions
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: see what is clearly being shown to you that promotes growth; balance
True Alignments: cultivation, practice, efforts to make things their best and presenting the best, getting to the root of something, reinforced foundations
Catalysts for Change: bossy, denial, overly picky, left or left unprotected, shallow, pretending, disorder
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a woman in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause" (rise of the inner self, rise of the grassroots)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending worries and difficulties)
Today we see how the "garden of our lives" is growing.
Gardens are prominent today with the Sun discharging the energetic of "a gardener trimming large palm trees" and Mercury discharging the energetic of "the garden of the tuileries in Paris."
These energies seek to remove what holds back our growth. Things that are no longer needed -- limitations of the past -- are cut off. Things that are out of alignment with the plan of our lives are bared. This can be hard to accept when it is not what we want.
It can be harder to accept when there is extra light to help see or see through -- like "an x-ray photograph," the energetic that Mars continues to discharge today.
Getting to the essence or essentials of something is the goal of the energetics right now.
A second goal is balance. At 8:31 pm ET/12:31 am UT, the Moon will oppose Uranus. At that time, the Moon will be at the Sabian symbol energetic of "a third wing on the left side of a butterfly." This is about balance coming to things that have been "overdone" or areas where there has had to be overcompensation. Uranus rules sudden changes, shocks, and surprises, so these factors accompany today's energetics.
Things may have to come to a stop, go dormant, or play out in inertia in order for the day's goals of getting to the essence and balancing. Venus is discharging "winter frost in the woods," a symbol that indicates the time of the growing season when things are quiet, building strength underneath. Moments, circumstances, situations, relationships, projects, work, and ideas are somewhat frozen in time to give us a picture of clarity. Embracing the quiet calm of frost may be very helpful today, especially if emotions are high (or are being triggered by traumatic events within the collective of humanity).
The stops, dormancies, and inertia that lead to getting to the essence and balancing are also emphasized by the Earth discharging the energetic of "a chubby boy on a hobby horse." A lot of energy can be put into something that seems to go nowhere, but may actually be creating a future reality. Things cannot be rushed today. If you are experiencing anxiety, get busy with something. Simple things like sweeping the floor or watering a flower garden can help.
How does your inner garden grow today? What needs to happen or form? What do you need to do? What would bring order and stability? What needs to rise?
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