June 2016 Emotional Intensity & the Ongoing Completion Energies by Denise LeFay | HighHeartLife
‘Hi Denise,Numerous friends and I have noticed extremely strong emotional currents sweeping through during the last few days. One highly evolved friend had such rage she finally wound up on the kitchen floor (her dog hugged her through it). Another was dysfunctional all day with victim energies. Others are crying for days. All of us report this is not our emotional stuff, we can tell. Others are having huge trouble even visualizing their 2nd chakra, and are experiencing pain there. WTF is going on? Could you inquire?A. What is causing this? Dimensional shift, which will get worse before it gets better, as one angel reader has said? Some infernal new technological attack by Team Dark to elicit one last milking of the human herd? Their own rage and despair at being removed? It is certainly more than the Pulse massacre, and I think more than Neptune retrograde. Whatever is it, it is laying people Out.B. When will it end?
C. What can we concretely specifically do to cope with it (besides clear our own issues, which I think provide hooks for these waves to catch in us).
I so hope you will inquire and can get some answers. People are definitely suffering and asking.

We’d been having Comment conversations under my earlier article about how many of us have had an unusually difficult time with highly amplified emotional energies suddenly hitting us really hard. I’ve mentioned in a few articles this year how I’ve struggled with on again off again depression, and none of it feels like “me” but some strange territory I’m having to trek through this year. Others mentioned how they’re getting hit hard now with rage, anger, complete dissatisfaction with everything and pretty much everyone, and others have reached that magical point where they are all done with enduring the A’s & I’s — the Assholes and Idiots any longer. Maybe my old term makes more sense to more people now than it did ten years ago or so when I felt this way and struggled with it and many other related things.
Then I received the email quoted above from Falcon, and it’s obvious large numbers of people are getting hit hard with whatever it is we’re required to be consciously aware of now in ourselves and other people. Thanks for letting me share your email Falcon.
There isn’t just one or two things causing what we’re all feeling and witnessing in ourselves and others, it’s a whole cluster of massively important and reality-changing things all happening in highly amplified ways in 2016.
2016 is a 9 Energy Year

2016 is a 9 energy year. 2+0+1+6 = 9 numerically. Nine energy has to do with completions, and in this case with the Ascension Process those completions are vast and all-encompassing both personally and collectively for individuals and the human collective and beyond. We’ve been through many 9 energy years over the decades—2007 was the last 9 energy year we went through—but not one of them took place at the end of Galactic Alignment! 2016 is a 9 energy year like none ever before and more and more people are feeling this intense and trying fact throughout 2016.
I believe that, especially so from
September 1st through the last three months of 2016, we’re going to see
(globally but very much so in this country) things, people, situations,
systems, belief systems etc. disintegrate even more quickly. Old lower
ways are already crumbling under the patriarchy’s feet, and as the end
of 2016 gets closer and closer, this dismantling process of the old
lower everything will only escalate. Some will love this while others
will freak out more than they already are, but anyway you look at it completion on all levels (which means total change) and in all ways is upon each of us personally and collectively as a species.
Plus…we’ve got to traverse the zero energy, the zero zone as I’ve called it before we’re catapulted into the NEW of 2017, 2+0+1+7 = 1 energy but again, this is 1 energy as humanity and Earth has never ever experienced before. 1 energy has to do with new beginnings, and in this Ascension Process case, they’ll take place completely within the NEW higher level of being and dimension etc.
So we complete whatever we must this year in the 9 energies; then we travel through the mysterious and timeless quantum zero energy
(probably all of December 2016 if you’re very sensitive) which will
most likely also be highly amplified and personal for each of us.
Immediately after this we reach the NEW 1 energies of 2017. But because this is 1 energy within the NEW on the other side of the Galactic Equator/Galactic Alignment, it won’t be like anything humanity has experienced before.
I’m working on another article about
2017, our exiting the Galactic Equator/Galactic Alignment energies and
space, and the upcoming ‘three Flashes of Light’ arriving
throughout the NEW of 2017 that will fully impact, alter and rapidly
evolve mass humanity. They need this because we Forerunners/Pathpavers
cannot haul their dense unaware butts up any more Stair-steps. Plus we
shouldn’t have to suffer the unaware, the negative, the violence and
insanity any longer either. Get an accurate sense of the monumental
transition we’re actually in right now
and will continue to be in throughout 2017. Feel into this information,
and the current amplified personal and collective craziness, rage,
depression, emotional sadness etc. etc. starts making a lot more sense.
The Sun’s Journey Across the Galactic Equator/Galactic Alignment

I created these three images which is why they aren’t perfect. I intentionally lightened the color of the Sun however to match the actual physical and energetic changes (entrance into Photonic Light) it has gone through during this Ascension Process/Galactic Alignment journey.
Please spend a few moments from your
HighHeart, not your intellect, viewing the start, mid-way and completion
dates of the Sun’s spiritual energetic journey, along with the steady
changes in our Sun from traversing the Galactic Equator/Galactic
Alignment and embodying higher frequency Light from doing so. And
lastly, be very consciously aware of the date of the third image, which
is December 2016, a mere six months from now.
The June Solstice is three days away,
meaning we’ve got the second half of 2016 before Earth and all humanity
reaches this incredibly important completion point of our Sun completing and exiting the Galactic Equator area, also called Galactic Alignment.
It is no coincidence that 2016 is a 9 energy year (completion)
AND this thirty-six-plus yearlong transformational Ascension Process
journey of the Sun across the Galactic Equator/Galactic Alignment
reaching its completion at the December 2016 Solstice. No coincidence whatsoever, just massive
multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multiple lifetimes worth of intense
Ascension Process Work here and elsewhere. You know this and much more
in your very cells, in your ancient Self, in your Star Self, in your
Greater Divine Selves.
This is a lot
of spiritual, energetic, physical, mental and emotional pressure for
each of us Forerunners/Pathpavers/Light Embodiers to be going through
this year, which has much to do with why we’re sort of all over the place emotionally. Honestly, is it any wonder?
For many months now I’ve had higher visions of hundreds of thousands of super fast images of people, beings, events, energies, lives, deaths, horrors, loves, places, dimensions, locations across time, multiple dimensions and plenty of things I don’t even know what or who they are in my mind’s eye. It’s hundreds of thousands of faces and places, events and emotions, Light and Dark duality events and much more all being lifted up and out of the old evolutionary cycle and cleared and/or moved elsewhere and catalogued. At times it becomes way too much for me to witness and I do my best to not become overwhelmed by what all I’m Seeing wiz past me on its way out. Some of the depression I’ve felt this year has to do with this as it’s not all me or mine by any stretch! I’m just another of many higher dimensional witnesses to this massive completion, clearing and evolutionary dimensional transition across the Universe.
There’s much more of course but this is a
good start I feel for what we’re going through now and a decent glimpse
into the massive changes coming via 2017 and the NEW 1 energies and life, reality and creativity on the other side of Galactic Alignment.
June 17, 2016
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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