Tuesday, December 27, 2016

4 from John Smallman: Saul and Jesus Through John

On the anniversary of my birth it is always a joy to see so many celebrating it.  As we move forward powerfully toward the moment of humanity’s awakening celebration is a most appropriate activity in which to engage.  To awaken will be stunning for you all.  You have prayed and hoped for this for a long time, and now that it is imminent, celebrations put you in the right frame of mind to accept the wonders that are being offered, and acceptance of them will bring you great joy.  Our divine Source has planned a most exalting welcome for you all, a welcome that we here in the spiritual realms as yet have no knowledge of except that it will be absolutely astounding for all present.

As time ends and all move into full conscious awareness of NOW, all that was not in complete alignment with God’s Will, all that is unreal, will be gone as though it had never existed, which of course it never has.  The now moment, the unitary and only state of Presence, will bring all consciousness together as One and many simultaneously, without any remaining sense or feeling of separation which, over the eons, you have come to consider and accept as the normal state of being.

There is only the One and all will now know that state even as they experience individuality and communion concurrently.  What is a complete and incomprehensible paradox for embodied humans will fill you with endless joy.  You will be fulfilled in the fullest sense of that word, as ineffable peace, contentment, satisfaction, and Love in Its most complete state, as Its complete and vital life principle, becomes your eternal and unalterable experience.  Love is always complete, but, as humans, you have not experienced that state, not even conceived of that state, in fact it is utterly inexpressible in terms that would make any sense to your limited human abilities to comprehend.

You are, and always will be, the beloved children of God.  You are free because Love does not command, demand, deprive, or control, It ALLOWS!  God is Love, and so are you, therefore you are free, free to accept what God offers you, or to decline.  You were created free and remain free eternally.  You chose to experience limitation embodied as a human in a small and severely limited human body with a clearly defined and therefore limiting life span.  But, in truth you are free, you always have been free, and you always will be free because your Source, God, the Supreme Intelligence, All That Is created you free, and therefore you remain eternally Free!  That body, that form will die, decay, and pass away, but you are forever.

There is nothing to fear because fear is unreal, like your bodies, and it will decay.  But you can nurture it by focusing on your bodies and their imminent dissolution.  Bodies do not last, they are not meant to last, they were formed to allow you to experience the limitation of separation, and to fall away as you learnt that you were and always will be unlimited beings with no need of limiting forms.  As Love you have limitless potential to create diverse opportunities to express your creative abilities.  One of your choices was limitation.  Now the collective, the One of which you, each and every one without exception, are essential aspects, and without which God would be incomplete, have chosen to set aside limitation and awaken from the insane dream that has seemingly crushed and repressed you for so long.

The time for your collective awakening is NOW!  But of course you chose as humans to engage with and be limited by time, itself an unreal concept within the illusion.  Now you are in the process of discarding or dissolving time, and with it the illusion of which it is an essential and extremely limiting aspect.

Freedom is yours, you only have to claim it.  It will never be enforced or imposed because then it would not be freedom.  This is a concept that is very difficult for you to understand while remaining embodied as a human, because to be human is to be limited and to accept limitation.  But you are not humans, you are divine beings, vast and limitless as you were created, and nothing can contain or restrict you in any way once you choose to be uncontained.

That choice has now been made and so your awakening is assured.  Your Father awaits your awakening with joyful enthusiasm because He has missed your joyful enthusiasm creating along with Him.

Although the illusion and your presence within it is and has always been unreal, illusory, your choice to experience that state has always been divinely honored.  Asleep and dreaming within the illusion you had deprived yourselves of the Joy that is Love, that is Life, that is Source, and your Father was aware of your deep dissatisfaction with the limits you had imposed on yourselves.  He has always willed that you awaken, but He has never required that you awaken.  In His infinite Wisdom He has always known that you will choose to awaken because limitation of any kind is totally unfit for divine beings.  He knows therefore that your awakening is inevitable, and because time is unreal, an insubstantial aspect of the illusion, that it has already occurred but a moment after the collective decision to experience unreality was made.

The illusion is unreal, it was never constructed, it was but momentarily conceived of and then the idea was instantly discarded, dissolving into the nothingness from which it had been imagined and leaving not the slightest trace.  However the power of your thought is immense and so it appeared to come into existence, and you chose to experience it.  God’s Love for you is total, and so, while observing your discomfort benumbed within the illusion, He chose not to override your choice to experience that state, knowing as He does, being All Knowing, that your complete freedom desired and needed that experience to confirm for you that there is only God.

Now your awareness of this knowing is bringing you out of the dream and home to Reality where you have your eternal existence in the brilliant Light of God’s eternal Presence.  That is why you should rejoice and celebrate, for you are about to once more know and experience the divine Reality that is You and your Father in your eternal and infinitely loving embrace where all that can exist does exist.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season.

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love.  In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance.  As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.

Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It.  It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you.  As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.

Therefore each and everyone of you is eternally Loved by your divine Source, and consequently it makes no sense whatever to reject, spurn, or judge another.  At this Christmas Season make a point of acknowledging and accepting your true nature, and, in so doing, release all unforgiveness, judgment, and negative assessments of yourselves and of others.  You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season, and come ablaze with the Light of Love that will flow through you and out into the world, bringing healing to all, if you will just allow your hearts to open in response to the Love that is offered to you in every moment of your existence.
You incarnated to help humanity, all your sisters and brothers in Christ, to awaken from the dream that is the illusion in which you all seem to be ensnared or enslaved.  It truly is unreal, although while you are experiencing life embodied as humans it does appear to be very real.  Its purpose was to allow you to experience separation, but now that purpose no longer serves you and you will awaken.  Your task is simply to love and to be Love, to show your true selves uncloaked by masks or disguises of any kind, neither more nor less than that.

However, because of your ongoing dream-state experiences, many of you have suffered deeply and painfully during your present lifetimes and are holding on to bitterness, resentment, and even hatred of those who have hurt you. Those feelings, emotions, and judgments are endemic across the planet, and you, before you incarnated, were well aware that this was the case.  You came to release first your own issues and unresolved fears of that nature – all issues and problems arise out of fear – and having done so and aligned with Love, to assist the rest of humanity do likewise.  But most of you have found yourselves far more deeply ensconced in the illusion than you believed was possible before incarnating, and so to awaken and attend to the challenging task you chose for yourselves while still unembodied is proving far more difficult than you envisaged it would be.

Nevertheless, you have an abundance of help available to you from those in the spiritual realms who are watching over and supporting you in every moment.  They respond instantly when you call on them, but because of the denseness of your environment it is very difficult for you to hear them or even be aware of them.  As we in the spiritual realms have so often told you, it is absolutely essential for your own well-being that you go within at least once daily to connect with Source.  If you do not you tend to get drawn more deeply into the illusion where, instead of engaging with your sisters and brothers as the way-showers and Light bearers that you are, you join with them in their lack of awareness of their true nature and become as seemingly separated from Source as those you have come to help, maybe even succumbing to some of the physical or psychological illnesses that are now so prevalent throughout humanity.

Remind yourselves daily that what you are experiencing as a human is, for the most part, unreal.  Deep within you do know this, but that depth can only be accessed if you go within daily to your holy shrine where Love blazes forth brightly whenever you open your hearts and allow It to flow through you and out to all of humanity.  What you came to offer is sorely needed, and only you can provide it.  With your loving assistance, which is the energy frequency that you extend from your hearts out into the world, those with whom you interact will feel uplifted and inspired, and will start to move towards their own natural state of wakeful joy due to just being alive.

As we watch over you and observe the ongoing progress of your awakening process we are filled with joy because it is continuing to accelerate due to the loving intentions that so many of you are holding, and more are joining with you daily as they too are nudged toward Love and away from fear.

Fear is unreal, but you can only become aware of this by letting it go and embracing Love.  Love and fear are incompatible, and only Love is Real.  Open therefore to the Love that is within you and enjoy the feeling as It flows through you and utterly suffuses you as it extends out way beyond you as part of the divine awakening process for all of humanity.

You are here to love all with whom you interact in any way at all, and to bring them forward towards their own individual awakening, which is divinely assured as you assist them to perceive and acknowledge this.  The awakening has, of course, already occurred, you just are not yet aware that this is so.  When your awareness knows this supreme state once more your joy will be supreme.

With so very much love, Saul.


Love is unassailable power and cannot be defeated.

As you all know, as all life forms presently incarnate on Earth know – and yes you do know! – all is flowing along as divinely planned.  You will have new avenues of growth to explore as your spiritual awareness and acceptance of your knowing of the constant and unimpeded divine Love flow strengthens, releasing the doubts and self-disparagements that you have held closely to your hearts for far too long.  It has been an invalid self-judgment that has caused you much pain and suffering over the eons, as you attempted to abase yourselves before the unreal authority figure you had invented to replace your loving Source.

Instead just open to the REALITY that you are dearly beloved children of God in an eternal and unchanging relationship with Source and withall of God’s perfect creation.  ACCEPT yourselves unconditionally as God does, it truly is insane not to.  There is only Love and with It the unconditional acceptance of all divinely created beings.  And ALL are divinely created beings because God created ALL THAT EXISTS.  There are NO unacceptable beings, ALL are the beloved children of God.  What God creates is perfect, and that perfection is eternally unchanging.

Self-disparagement and self-judgment are extremely negative aspects of the illusion that your egos encourage enthusiastically.  Your egos are the little personal selves you imagined into being to fill and operate your human forms.  That is their only purpose.   They are like a closed off or fenced off aspect of your true Self that you set temporarily aside to deal with the illusion and your human forms within it. That aspect needs to have its many files and folders deleted to return it to its pristine state so that it may be reintegrated with the Oneness that you all are.

God’s Love is the field of Life, of Full Consciousness, to which all conscious entities are eternally connected in an inseparable and utterly joy-filled Relationship.  To be alone, separated, abandoned, forgotten, or unseen is impossible because God, Source, the Creator is infinitely aware of and forever in communication with all of Creation in every moment.

Your individual sense of any personal inadequacies – incompetence, unworthiness, unlovableness, sinfulness, shame, and the resultant ostensible divine disconnect from Source – are all constructs of the ego with which it attempts to keep you separated and dependent on it.  But it is nothing!  Many of you have given your power away to it, allowing it to disparage and judge you, and then accepting those disparaging and false judgments.  Every time you become aware that you are making negative self-judgments, stop!  Then remind yourselves that you are perfect divine beings at One with your Source where there is only Love!

You have all at some time in your lives loved a child or an animal unconditionally, delighting in its simplicity while never judging it.  Its behavior might well have been unruly and messy, but that did not cause you to cease loving it, even for a moment. God’s Love for you is way beyond any unconditional love you may have felt for anyone else.  RELAX, there is absolutely nothing you can do that will even in the smallest way reduce your Father’s love for you.
Knowing that, as deep within yourselves you do, then intend to be always and only loving, and observe how your life changes from one of worry and anxiety to one of peace, joy, and contentment.  You will also notice how all your relationships change for the better because of the loving energy field that extends from you to all with whom you interact, physically, psychologically, spiritually, and electronically.  As the Andrew Lloyd Webber song from his musical Aspects of Love maintains: Love Changes Everything!  And you will discover how true that is.

Love is feared by many because it involves trust, and many have had their trust betrayed while incarnate as humans.  Love is the only Reality.  Betrayal is of the illusion, it is like a preemptive strike against an enemy, and it is nearly always responded to in kind, intensifying the sense of bitterness that led to it in the first place.  All attacks come from an intense sense of inner pain, and possibly shame, that the individual desperately needs to dispose of, and he does so by projecting it outwards onto another, whence it is returned, intensified, often instantly.

Those who claim to be defending love by attacks on another, or on a philosophy, or a religious or political opinion or dogma, are in fact reacting out of fear because they feel their own beliefs threatened.  For many their beliefs are the apparently stable ground on which they stand secure and safe, until someone else disproves them, whereupon they engage in conflict – personal or far more widely spread – to prove themselves right and the other wrong, thus hoping to reestablish the seemingly firm ground they believe supports them.

Love does not attack, nor does It defend Itself, It has no need.  Love is unassailable power and cannot be defeated.  It does not take sides and is beyond conflict, It would stand between those in conflict gently encouraging them to disarm.  Love can resolve conflict, whereas conflict can only lead to more conflict.  This has been demonstrated innumerable times throughout your history, and yet you have frequently resorted to conflict in the mistaken belief that force will prevail, leading to eons of pain and suffering.

The Love now flooding across your beautiful planet and flowing abundantly into the hearts of God’s beloved children will resolve the eons of conflict that have weighed you down for so long.  You all want peace, but many, living in fear, believed that the way to achieve it was through even more forceful conflict, and you even engaged in a number of wars to end all wars.  Finally a large enough percentage of the human collective has come to the awareness of the futility of this approach and has chosen Love over fear.

As the divine Love field continues to expand and intensify in accordance with humanity’s collective choice and decision to engage fully with It, the conflicts across the planet, on every level, will wind down as peace unfolds.  Peace is normal, conflict is insane, and yet for eons the opposite belief has prevailed.  Where you focus your attention brings into your lives the events that resonate with that focus.  Focus on Love, your natural and unchanging state, and just allow fear to fall away, as it will when you focus on Love.

Remember, Love Changes Everything, so engage with Love to change your lives and dissolve the illusion.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Here’s the link to the song Aspects of Love on Youtube for those interested. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Kl2iBders)


God is within you, period.

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday December 18th

There is no reason to be in fear.  Fear is of the illusion, unreal, a reaction to uncertainty which just drains your energy, because it focuses on the future, distracting you from living in this now moment which is the only time that exists.  Now is where you need to focus your attention and your feelings, and through doing that be fully aware of your state of presence right now.  Intend to maintain this constant state of present awareness so that you are fully alive and alert, and then you are open to the intuitive nudges, the wise guidance from those watching over you from the spiritual realms.

You are constantly being watched over by those who would assist you immediately if you call on them.  You are never alone or unsupported, but you do need to pay attention in order to access what is offered.  Frequently you have strong expectations of what your guidance should offer you, and so you often miss what is actually being offered.  Relax, allow, receive, and enjoy the guidance that then arises, miraculously!

Knowing, as in truth you do in every moment, that you are divinely supported and never alone, then relax into Life, into Love, and allow the Reality of that to guide you in every moment.  Always engage lovingly with others, all others!  There are no exceptions to this if you wish to heal yourselves.  Love expands, embraces, supports, and encourages, increasing your energy and your vitality; whereas fear discourages, disempowers, drains, and weakens.  Love responds with Love.  Fear responds with fear.  Remind yourselves frequently that you are Love, open yourselves to allow It to enter within you.  Love is like a vast flowing river that envelops and embraces you in every moment if you will permit.  If you shut It out it is as though you were in the river but covered completely by a dry suit, completely protected or shut off from Its warm embrace.

Love is all about allowing.  You need do nothing else because Its purpose and intent is to totally suffuse and renew your energy field in every moment if you will allow It to do so.  When you do peace and contentment will fill and uplift you.  Do not focus anxiously on the conflicts and suffering you see in the world around you while wondering what you could or should be doing to help relieve them, by all means intend to send your love to those who are suffering, but focus instead on the Love that you are as a divine creation.  By doing this the world is changed, and that is what you incarnated to do.  Where you focus your attention, whatever thoughts you hold – positive or negative – bring into your life those points of focus.

It is very difficult for you not to become distracted by the chaos and confusion with which the illusion constantly bombards you, however, you knew that this would happen before you made the choice to incarnate for this particular lifetime.  So, go within at least once daily to make contact with the divine flame burning constantly within you, It is the flame of divine Love from which you were created and from which you can NEVER be separated.

You are already saved, there is nothing you need or can do to make yourselves more acceptable to God.  God created you already perfect, from Love, from the energy field that is All That Is, and to which you are eternally connected.  You are all God’s beloved children, and there is nothing that you can ever do that can or will change that.  Sin, however grave and unforgivable it may appear to you to be, is of the illusion, it is unreal even though it brings intense pain and suffering to many who are incarnate as humans.  However, your true and eternal existence at One with each other and with your divine Source is unchanging.

Initially you constructed or built the illusion to play games and experience separation because in Reality separation is impossible, and it was only by imagining and building the illusion that you could in any way sense what separation would be like.  Now you have had enough of the intense pain and suffering that it brings you and you desire only to awaken from the nightmare that you built.  All around you are signs that people, humanity, are waking up.  When the conditions of life in the illusion become intolerable you choose to awaken, and that time has come.  The power of your awakening energy fields, your unbreakable connection to Source, is intensifying simply because that is what it does, and purely in order to assist in your awakening process.  Being divine your real wills are completely in alignment with God’s, and so your awakening is divinely assured and inevitable.  You can continue to delay it, but it makes absolutely no sense to do so, after all why would you continue to experience intense pain and suffering when there is no requirement to do so?

It seems that many are addicted to pain and suffering, it has, in fact, become so normal that without it they feel incomplete, that something important in their lives is missing.  God’s Power and God’s Love resides in each of you.  You need seek no gurus, no priests, no pastors, no intermediaries of any kind because each one of you has her or his own unbreakable connection to God which, if you will allow it or listen to it, will lead you home.  Others may be able to help you find your path, but only you can identify it through your own inner knowing, and then choose to follow it home.

That you are eternally and inseparably One with God is reason to celebrate.  To celebrate is healthy, uplifting, inspiring, and fun.  It intensifies your energy fields so that they expand out into the world, melding with others who are also celebrating, and raising the whole planetary frequency so that humanity’s awareness of its true nature arises to the surface of its consciousness thus making it impossible to deny it any longer.

Denial of your divine nature has been an enormous obstruction on your path to awakening.  You have, over the eons since the separation game commenced, been very confused about life and its purpose because of the amnesia that is a powerful aspect of it.  Consequently you have been seeking but unable to find a convincing answer to the question: “What, if there is one, is the purpose of life?”  Many myths arose with stories of gods and goddesses, demons and witches, magicians and sorcerers, but none of them offered any meaningful help or consolation because they all demanded your allegiance to someone or something outside yourself.

God is within you, period.  It is within yourselves, and only there, that you can and will find your unbreakable connection to God, Source, the Creator who so lovingly brought you into existence to enjoy the infinitely abundant fullness of life forever in His Presence.  When you chose to experience separation from your divine Source it was essential that you also chose to remove all memory of It from your conscious awareness otherwise you would have been unable to experience the sense of separation that you wanted.

Always the choice to go within and find God has been available to you, but the distractions of the world outside yourselves, the unreal world, have seduced you for eons with their siren songs that lead only to unmitigated disappointment.  Now, finally, you have made the collective to choice to dissociate yourselves from the distractions of the illusion and return to awareness of your true nature at One with God.  Your eternal Home the Home you have never left, is within you and always has been, It waits patiently and lovingly for you to remember and awaken, and that is what humanity is collectively in the process of doing right now.

The choice to awaken was made eons ago, at the moment when the apparent separation occurred, but the decision to follow through on that choice was made only in the last few decades.  All around you signs of this inevitable decision abound, so take heart and know that you are waking up from the nightmare into full awareness of your Oneness with Source, and that your joy and delight will be unbounded.

With so very much love, Saul.


My tags:
John Smallman, Jesus Through John, Saul, Love is Reality, Divine Support, God Within, Rejoice, Celebrate, Love Allows, Collective Awakening, NOW, Freedom, Source, Home, Reflect, Forgive, Open-Hearted, Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Transcending Fear,

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