Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Weekly Forecast for December 26- January 1, 2017 ~contributed by Hillory Skott

Weekly Forecast for December 26- January 1, 2017
~contributed by Hillory Skott
The New Moon in accomplished Capricorn is here to clear the
way to new horizons. Straight hard facts will get you everywhere
now. Ruler of our thoughts Mercury is fused with this new moon,
providing us with sharp minds and long-term vision. New moons
are a chance at a reset. Capricorn will stabilize our foundations
while it formulates concrete plans for the next five years. You are
the boss! You have what it takes to get what you want.

The new moon is exact at 10:53 pm PST. This is your chance to
start fresh. Saturn is the ruler of this new moon and Saturn is all
about taking care of business. Saturn ruled Capricorn worships
at the altar of productivity. Relentlessly working towards the
grand plan, always with their eye on prize. Mars in Pisces is tied
into this new moon too, sprinkling compassion and empathy into
the mi x. Saturn can be a bit of slave driver, a perfectionist working,
working, working. Neptune draws a bath and says stop, just stop
for a minute. Rest.

To use this New moon to its full advantage do a little visualization:
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine the past as a
long hallway behind you. This hallway has many doors, most of
them open and sending through remnants of what is done, what
can't be undone. It affects you all these doors half open,
distracting you from the power of Now. Now, all at once,
with all your might an d courage, slam those doors shut,
forever and always the past is over. There is no drafts or
lights shining under them because you are now going to
magically build a fresh clean wall in that hallway from the
past, there are no doors to be found, nothing to distract you.
You are here now, in the present, with all your power and focus.
Let Now be your magic.

Now look toward the future.  What doors do you want to open? 
What life experiences do you want to have? How do you want
the story of your life to go? Write this down.  Get clear. Think big.
What is it that will bring you the most joy? What is the highest
version of the greatest life you can imagine? Choose that! Declare
it will be yours!  Now beam the gratitude you will feel when it is so.
Gratitude is the magnet to all that is wonderful in life.

Riding the wave of this new moon Uranus is moving direct in Aries
blazing you a trail to your great and glorious future. We humans
are creatures of habit, whether its good habit or bad. We stick
with it. Uranus is our Angel of change. It shakes things up. Uses
the F word a lot. And generally thumbs its nose at routine and
authority. It says, question everything. Think for yourself. Always
ask: "Is this true for me?" You are the ruler of what is true for you.
Uranus will remind you of that. Keep you on your toes- show you
 the flaws in our culture, bust up out worn tradition. This is a great
energy to launch. Launch your new life now. By the summer you
will see the real life fruits of your real life efforts. For reals’.

On New Years Eve, Mars will conjoin Neptune in Pisces. Make space
for divine inspiration. You will be sensitive for certain, the veil between
worlds is thin now. Avoid crowds and kerfuffle of all kinds. Hunker
down and light candles, make art that sparkles, write, sing, dance,
we are here for a reason, open up to what that might be. Be extra
kind and gentle with yourself on the 31st. Meet your needs first so
you can then meet the needs of those less fortunate. Fill your cup
with all good things- You deserve the very best! Repeat frequently:
I deserve the very best! You do. You deserve the very best of
everything. May Love shine through you!


~contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy a wonderful week and create amazement!

Karen & Salma

PS   I often wondered what Santa Claus does to relax after
the big day….

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6

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