Monday, December 12, 2016

Shanta Gabriel: The 12-12 Portal of Evolution - From December 12 to December 21 ~

Winter landscape in the mountains at night. A full moon and a starry sky. Carpathians, UkraineWinter landscape in the mountains at night. A full moon and a starry sky. Carpathians, Ukraine

From December 12 to December 21 ~
The Portal of Evolution

Clearly, without a mass change in consciousness, the future of the human species is in question.
There are two auspicious dates in December when a paradigm shift in consciousness is entirely possible. The 12:12 Portal of Evolution opens on December 12, and stays open through the Solstice Portal on December 21, 2016. The full spectrum of energies surrounding both these dates have set into motion gatherings all over the world.
Science has proven, through what has been called the Maharishi Effect, that it takes only 7000 dedicated souls holding Peace and Divine Love within their beings to create a shift of consciousness in the hearts of 7 billion people on Earth. We have an opportunity to exceed that number in our teleconference as we link with celebrations all over the world.
Join Shanta Gabriel and Shamanic Astrologer Kelly Beard for two teleconference gatherings to welcome and receive the transmissions from the empowered energies that begin on December 12. Together we will activate the Light Body Codes that will be able to hold the wave of Divine Love that culminates on the Solstice December 21.
Register now for the December 12 teleconference.

From Archangel Gabriel about the Portal of Evolution
Open from 12/12 to Solstice, 2016

Dear Ones,
You committed spiritual warriors stepped foot on this path the moment you were born. You witnessed dedication in the world around you to all that you considered untrue. You picked up your Soul’s banner of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began moving in directions that were met with fear and controversy. This may even have caused dissension in your family dynamics that continue to this day. Through it all, you were committed to your belief in Divine Light and the process of evolution – a way that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.
As the portal of Evolution for the culmination of this year of Mastery opens on December 12, there is a completion of the 12 strands of DNA leading to full balance, mastery and completion within the 13 strands upholding your new human body energy template. Mastery of the Light Body consciousness brings you into new awareness for who you truly are as you are awakening in the evolution of the new human blended with the divine.
Within this completion, a platform has been created that will allow you to transcend polarities to a more exalted level of creative Unity Consciousness. This new energy platform anchors within your being as the 12/12 gateway opens. As you expand your ability to receive, this Force will be filling your High Heart with the Christed Light, offering you a new way of perceiving the world and your place within it. As you let the energy expand into your energy system, a profound new level of divine connection occurs within you.
The Gateway of 12/12 demonstrates the Avatar consciousness within you, awakening with all the connecting links being activated for the Divine Template of your new humanity stepping forward into life. There are those in many realms who are holding the template for full actualization of this Wholeness within your self. This realization of self is something that all can experience.
Remember that this is an Evolution in Consciousness, and that it is a process occurring within the evolution of blending the divine with the human. There is an acceleration in your cellular structure that may not be obvious to your human mind immediately. However, do not doubt the process that is occurring, and remember that you are a part of the Awakening of Consciousness on the planet as you also awaken to your Soul’s most Divine Reality. This is the unification of new life accelerating within you. It is another link in the Web of Light all around the planet that is gathering now to assist your ascension into higher frequencies.
At the 12/12 Gateway, there is an opportunity to unite your soul with those beings on many realms who are providing the baseline for the structures of new dimensional freedom on the Earth. There is rejoicing as the codes for the Christed Light are magnified and radiated through all creation and your High Heart is empowered by Unity Consciousness.
Answer the call and allow yourself to be uplifted into the divine frequencies of your true, most activated and eternal self. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
December 7, 2016

Join Us for the Teleconferences
on 12/12 and 12/21

We will be incredibly supported energetically on many levels to receive this energy into our magnetic High Heart Chakra, as the frequencies of Unity Consciousness align with our human forms. Each of us plays an essential part in the world we are creating through our commitment to a new life of Harmony and Peace on Earth.
The interior of our beings is shifting with the energies of the planet, and through these activations we more gracefully hold the higher frequencies of Light within us. As we join in a Web of Light that spans the world, we are activating the codes of Unity Consciousness and empowering our new energy systems with Divine Light.
It takes only 7000 people to shift the consciousness in the heart of all beings in the world. During these pivotal times, we will be uniting with committed souls from all over the world to birth new Light on the Earth.
On December 12 and again on the Solstice December 21, 2016, at 5:00 pm PST at Mt. Shasta, one of the most sacred mountains in the world, Shanta will be joined by Kelly Beard who is on sacred ground in Florida. Kelly, who is a Shamanic Astrologer, will clarify the planetary influences that support us, and help initiate our celebration of Divine Light as we complete the 2016 year of Mastery.
Will you join us? Registration is now open for the 12-12 teleconference.
Register Here

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