THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, December 19, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase:
share, communicate

Moon in Virgo

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Whose Body Is The World

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West

Skill:  move forward regardless

True Alignments: making the best of it, goodwill, heightened creativity, brave, ability to risk, choosing, exchange, re energized, the power of belief, companionship, seeing beneath the surface, trust, acceptance, contentment, forgiving and moving on, harmony, seeing the details

Catalysts for Change:  stopped by an obstacle or disruption, sounding off or spreading ill will, fooling or being foolish, denial, hyper self critical, jealousy, avoidance, disrespect, fears of commitment, placing little value on something highly valuable (not necessarily monetary value), impatient, inflexible, not seeing the need to adjust/change/move (you are likely getting this message pretty hard)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"

Wise owls, today we will transmute the intensity of the day's energetics using the energetics themselves.  All of what we need to accomplish this is present within each day's unique astrology.

So, yes, Mercury stationed retrograded at 5:55 am ET/10:55 am UT today, but let's not make it the big story.  There are other stories here.

(Plus, you will be "over" this Mercury retrograde when you hear that Mercury has stationed retrograde at the degree of "school grounds filled with boys and girls in gym suits...