THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Full Moon Phase (7:06 pm ET/12:06 am UT):
clarity; revelations

Moon in Gemini

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess of Peace

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will):  Elias, God of the West

Skill: focus on remaining strongly grounded; open to new opportunities; blaze a trail

True Alignments:  discerning, setting a certain standard, rising to the occasion, inner matches outer, receptive, lasting value, information or realizations that give direction, in good time, discovery, integration of multiple ideas or trajectories

Catalysts for Change:  gullible, commitment issues, bitter, undeveloped, "throwing the baby out with the bathwater," quid pro quo, false flags deception, caught off guard, built on sand, perfectionism, impulsive reactions, inefficient, projecting fears onto others

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"

The "Magic Carpet Ride of 2016" blazes a trail over today's Full Moon's skies, taking us to places with dazzling new sights and scenes.  This Full Moon, we chart new directions in the field of consciousness.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at the time of the Full Moon is "immigrants entering a new country," and the Sabian symbol for the Moon and Earth at the time of the Full Moon is "three fledglings in a nest high in a tree."  So we have a high vantage or viewpoint, particularly of very new, alternate, or emerging situations.

Both symbols image newness and new birth, perhaps with a slight sense of fear (fear of the unknown, being vulnerable, or open, and fear of being prematurely pushed or unsafe or insecure).   We tend to question our paths.  This may prompt the feeling of being at a crossroad -- a place where choices (and changing) are involved...

Monday, December 12, 2016

Gibbous Moon Phase:  trust
Moon in Gemini
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Whose Body is the Earth
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West
Skill:  keep an open mind; see alternatives
True Alignments:  creative impulses, back to basics and keeping it simple, taking breaks instead of ploughing through at once, relief from struggle, translating messages, reminders from the past, stability, integrity, finding balance
Catalysts for Change:  outworn, neurotic, attention seeking behavior, self loathing, loneliness and imposed isolation, waiting around instead of taking action, believing one is not worthy of happiness or does not deserve to be happy, anti human, limitations, trendy
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed" (deep internal shifts, transformation, transmuting darkness and shadows, emergence)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the unraveling control paradigm)
The eve of the Full Moon takes us back to the foundation or beginning of something.  The goal is to keep an open mind today, especially about things that have mystified or eluded us, as we are being shown alternatives or new ways.  Things are revisited or "redressed," revealing new options or ideas...