Thursday, December 22, 2016

Releasing More Duality, Entering More Unity by Denise LeFay | HighHeartLife

Denise summarizes: "‘The Phoenix has risen, anew from its own ashes of evolutionary transformation.’  Yep, okay, that works for me!πŸ˜‰  "

[Yes, that works for me, too! ~PB]

Releasing More Duality, Entering More Unity


There’s been a lot of interest and excitement over the December 19, 2016 appearance of massive energy waves around the planet. My previous article included a video by dutchsince about it if you’ve not heard about this or seen his video on it. In that article I mentioned some of the Ascension related energy side effects I’ve experienced since about December 17, 2016 when they amplified again and I knew if I was feeling them, many others were as well.

What I didn’t mention in that article were some other feelings I’ve had for a couple of weeks now that I know are directly related to the newly manifested massive energy waves surrounding the planet as of December 19th. Actually, two etheric waves around the planet have been present a short while before this date. Sandra Walter mentioned in her December 6, 2016 article that she’d recently Seen two etheric bands of Light circling the earth and that they weren’t stationary but moved slightly. At the time I read her information about them I hadn’t clairvoyantly Seen them myself, but have since hearing about them in that article by Sandra. After reading about them I went outturned around and had a look back at earth from out in space and sure enough, there were and still are two large and very bright energy waves undulating around the planet. This is all NEW information about NEW evolutionary events so bear with me please as I attempt to combine these many informational bits and pieces and we all view them together from a higher perspective.

One of the feelings and awareness I’ve had since around December 16–17, are that a very small handful of an already small Forerunner group of incarnate humans has not been present on the earth and same space as I’ve been and most of you reading this have been over this time period. Now this isn’t as unusual as it might first sound because often times small groups of Forerunners go off physically on Ascension related Mission Work in other parts of the physical world, and/or to other parts of the nonphysical world, and/or to other timelines and/or to other dimensions. This has always been the case and I’ve been on many of them myself over these Ascension years and have written about most of them. I was not on this most recent one however, but certain other Forerunners were and I keenly felt when they left and when they returned. Not all of them are back yet either, most but not everyone, not completely. This too is normal for 5D consciousness and Forerunner reality and not nearly as unusual or fantastic as it may sound at first. I’d like to name names but won’t for the sake of those other Forerunners who were, from my perspective, not here but elsewhere doing Ascension Mission Work for All. I’m sure they’ll write about it if and when they sense it’s time for them to do so. I’ve been pressured like crazy the past 48 hours and counting to finish this and get it published ON December 22, 2016. Spiritual energetic deadlines (for articles) are made very clear to many of us and this is one of them for sure for me!

Another of the multiple things I became aware of over the first half of December 2016, were different people talking about the return of and/or amplification of the Divine Feminine and other people talking about the return of and/or amplification of the Divine Masculine. At first I wondered if someone had gotten things confused or reversed or something, but as the days of December rolled on, I realized that it wasn’t a case of it being one or the other — classic old Duality — but of BOTH happening simultaneously throughout December 2016. The moment I had that thought, I saw in my mind’s eye two energy waves undulating up and down and through each other as they merged repeatedly at different points and automatically evolved into something very NEW and Unified at a higher frequency level.

Another of these related December 2016 clues was something I mentioned in a Comment on the previous article. It was about feeling external energies so high in frequency a few days ago that they caused my physical body to vibrate very rapidly, almost like being shaken or rattled externally energetically. I mentioned in that Comment that this was NOT the old familiar internal Inner Body vibrations of the Rewiring Process. I’m intimately familiar with that sensation because I’ve lived with it progressing, expanding and moving throughout my entire physical body since around 2001.

As I laid in bed in the middle of the night recently, feeling and analyzing this new profoundly amplified external energy literally causing my whole physical body to shake, I knew that it was matching in frequency the internal Inner Body Rewiring frequency inside me and my physical body. And, because the outside external was almost at the same NEW and much higher and faster frequency as my/your/our internal higher and faster frequency, that something really amazing is about to happen which will propel us into a NEW higher Unified, integrated, no longer separated state of inner being and matching external reality.

Another very important piece to all these related events was something Aluna Joy wrote on her Facebook page recently about her and her small groups pilgrimage (I call them Ascension related Mission Work “jobs”) in Palenque around December 15, 2016, and earlier in the year at England. (I’ll include links to this information at the end of my article.)

In her brief Facebook page mention of her experiences on this Palenque “job”, Aluna Joy said she/they were asked to build a bridge between the Rainbow Serpent ley line in England, and the Plumed Serpent ley line in Palenque/Mt. Shasta/Sedona etc. Their Work took place on December 15, 2016, and three (3, triality) days later, the massive two energy waves were detected via physical instruments and reported on by dutchsince in his video.

Now I don’t know about this, but are these two major ley lines—the Rainbow Serpent and the Plumed Serpent—dualized as male and female/masculine and feminine energies? At any rate, being two they represent and hold old 3D dualized energies and this whole evolutionary business we’re going through now in highly accelerated ways since September 2016 (due to the third and last 9 yearlong energy cycle of Completion), is about us and earth and everything and everyone else releasing the old Evolutionary Cycles templates, codes, blueprints etc. which were all about Duality, and evolving into the NEW Evolutionary Cycle with its NEW higher frequency and vastly more complex (and fun!) templates, codes, blueprints etc. which is all about Unity right now during the Zero Zone no time space between the completion of the old and the start of the NEW. What has been dualized is being unified internally within each of us (the Forerunners it’s our Higher and Lower Selves and more) and externally in the earth and physical world reality we live and create within. None of this has been or is “small potatoes” and is why we’re feeling like we’re spinning, falling, rising, coming apart at the seams and yet so excited to really get going creatively in the higher NEW with the start of January 1, 2017 — 1-1-1 energies.

One more thing that’s changed recently that’s a big deal and another indicator of how the old templates, patterns and energies including the Ascension Process energies leading up to right now, is that the weather here where I live in Southern California has suddenly and dramatically changed finally. OMG this has been so hard and so miserable for me here during this long period of extreme heat and drought here. I don’t like the hot months and in SoCal 10 months out of the year it has been between 80 and 110° for years and years and years…with zero rain here where I live! Horrible, just really horrible. Hot flashes, Photonic Light frying every cell constantly, solar flares, CMEs and all of it and not even clouds in the sky to give one the illusory sense of momentary relief from the evolutionary onslaught of higher Light Energies cooking you from the inside out year after year after year…

And then, all the sudden a couple of days after my cat died on November 16, 2016, (election day November 8th), it started raining here and actually getting cool, cold in fact and it has not been like this for many years here and that too is Ascension related. So, when the weather here shifted out of the old holding pattern and into the NEW one, the one where it actually cools down here and rain falls for longer than three minutes only, I knew we’d reached the turning point and are rapidly moving into the NEW everything.

Lastly, as I laid in bed very early this morning, not sleeping, I asked my Higher Self and the Angels if there is anything else to all this that I need to know now and include in this must be published on December 22, 2016 article. Immediately came the reply, ‘The Phoenix has risen, anew from its own ashes of evolutionary transformation.’  Yep, okay, that works for me!πŸ˜‰

Here’s to our current individual and collective Phoenix-like rising from our own evolutionary ashes out of old 3D Duality into NEW 5D Unity. Well done everyone, very well done and Thank You.❤❤❤

December 22, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

heartcopyright Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is NOT given to use this article in any custom videos. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

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❤ Aluna Joy’s Facebook page message –
❤ Sandra Walter’s article –

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