It meant a lot to me to have an intelligent, articulate, thoughtful Constitutional Law Professor as our POTUS for 8 years. He actually accomplished a lot, despite obstructionists and haters. I am sure he was made to do things that weighed heavy on his mind, make hard choices under threat of the Cabal, follow through with unpopular decisions that made him appear to be something other than the kind, Enlightened Visionary he is. More and more of us are seeing through that game.
Some day the Truth will be told, and a great healing will take place. Meanwhile, I will always remember his warmth, his sense of humor, his enduring strength in the face of adversity, and his ability to rise above it all. #SoLongPresidentObama
Some day the Truth will be told, and a great healing will take place. Meanwhile, I will always remember his warmth, his sense of humor, his enduring strength in the face of adversity, and his ability to rise above it all. #SoLongPresidentObama
@BarackObama #Enlightenment comes in all colors #ThankYouObama #BestPOTUSever

#potusfarewell #FarewellObama #ThankYouObama

You Retweeted

Thank u 4 ur leadership 2 our country, 4 breaking racial & gender barriers,
& 4 making me proud 2 be an American.

@+Barack Obama Now if only
so we can have


My tags: Farewell, Obama, POTUS, Thank You, Disclosure, The Event, Consciousness,
Geopolitics, Gratitude, Galactic Family, Humanity, Inspiration,
Intention, Liberty, Love, Peace, Quality of Life, Relationships, Greater
Good, Speak Truth to Power, Transparency, Unity
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