Thursday, January 26, 2017


January 25, 2017


DIVISION ENERGY STILL EXISTING - Some people feel activated, awake and more ready to bring their purpose online at this time due to outer circumstances in the world. Others are in fear, grief or recoil and still dealing with collective density. Question for you (if you are the latter): Are you feeling or absorbing the strong collective energy of fear and confusion?? Recite, daily “I let go of any energies and emotions that are not mine.”

MERCURY RETROGRADE-STYLE SYMPTOMS - Things are not moving as fast or as fluently as you would like. This is a worldwide happening so do not be surprised. The grounded energy fields are in a lot of flux, so slow and steady wins the day with grounded details or movement. Be patient and remember, if it isn’t working, focus elsewhere for a while until the energy opens again.

THE DETAILS WANT YOUR ATTENTION RIGHT NOW - They are the key to bigger forward movements and creating new foundations for your coming years. If having to attend to details brings up resistance or resentment inside you, notice those feelings, accept that they are there and then intend to move beyond them with grace and ease, “I allow myself to move forward with grace and ease.” “I allow myself to build this new foundation in my life."

DEALING WITH LOWER STATES SUCH AS DEPRESSION OR ANXIETY - This is a collective theme - processing unconscious or lower emotions/states, and it’s contagious for some of you. Are your thoughts and reactions to your lower states of feeling letting you make the situation worse? Is your fear of your anxiety just adding more anxiety? Accept the anxiety is there. Work with it in your body through conscious breath and open yourself to receive help. Look into helping your body process anxiety. Find techniques, teachers and resources that will help you do this. IT CAN CHANGE - remember this in the darkest moments.

WE ARE HERE TO BE THE CHANGE - You came here knowing there are better ways of being and you are here to show up each day, experience yourself as the most expanded you when and where possible, and then offer that energy to others.

WE ARE A PEOPLE IN MOVEMENT - Change energies are strong so keep connecting with your desires, needs and intentions for you and others while these energies move across the world.

FIND YOUR POCKETS OF LIGHT - You may be ‘island-hopping’ between pockets of light in the coming years - people, places and moments. The light is there, is stronger than ever in many ways, and we need to invite ourselves into a new paradigm of finding and moving into the light more than ever before. This movement between pockets of light will strengthen you.

ENERGY MASTERY CHANNELED INFO (as mentioned in video):

A time of light and fire on Earth.
A time of light and fire in you, personally.
One in which many of you are finding your voices, your power and your freedom beyond any lifetimes prior.

FREEDOM is vital for the next phase of your journeys.
It is the power to feel connected to source and soul energy, and then create with it in human form.
A FREE soul creates divine action.
But here is some perspective on that last statement.

The most enlightened on your planet are creating divine action as much as 60% of the time they have on Earth. The vast majority are creating it anywhere from 10-20% of the time. The remainder of the time is spent creating ‘repetitive action' for potential healing, through replaying of patterns past and present.

For example, an abused child who becomes an adult may keep replaying that pattern of feeling abused in ever decreasing circles. They may find employers, friends, lovers who have echoes of this history, and play a similar (albeit less painful version) of this dynamic in their life, until the abused child reaches a place where they undo the dents inside them. Then they are healed from that impact, and enter a freedom from that history. It is THEN that this energy freedom is achieved and now more of their energy can go toward divine action.

SO you see, even the most enlightened (who create divine action as much as 60% of the time) are spending at least 40% of their time on divine healing of the self, the collective and the planet.

There is nothing wrong with this - it is what life is for so many.

And you are entering a deeper level of collective healing in the coming 3-4 years.

YET, Energy Masters are those who wish to fully access more of their inherent power to not only be personally freer of the collective weight, but to also experience the greater freedom of being human, and then to deliver and share their divine action with people and ALL energies on this Earth.

Let us know what resonates with YOU in the comments below.

My tags:
Energy Update, Lee Harris, Divine Action, Major Collective Healing, Release, Patience, Move Forward, Grace, Ease, Details, Process, Breathe, Embrace Change, Expansion, Challenges, Catalysts  Intention, Be Open, Higher Truth, Find the Balance, Pockets of Light,

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