Saturday, January 21, 2017

L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Activating The Higher Dimensions of Light within Your Cells”

L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Activating The Higher Dimensions of Light within Your Cells”

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“This ACTIVATION, creates a PORTAL of LIGHT ~ whereby Harmony, Light, and Love frequencies of the HIGHER dimensions shift the frequency in your DNA, the Liquid in your cells.  To that of the conscious Higher DIMENSIONS of UNION with your Original Light.  Receive, breathe, open and relax.  A new Dimension of consciousness experience.  A New World.  A New Timeline.  ALL Now.  As ALL was created in the NOW.  Eternal Love and UNION flowing into the Hearts of ALL as the VIBRATORY frequency of The New Divine Humanity.  Your Ascension.  Your Mastery.  ALL NOW.”

~L’Aura Pleiadian

Thoughts, words, feelings, choices, unfold through your subconscious program.

The subconscious LEVEL of alignment with your conscious desires, represent the levels of harmony or disharmony held in your Blueprint as your cellular memory.

Those that are sensitive may also pick up and take on the memories of Mass consciousness, as they are everywhere transmitting their frequency as a Dimension of thought.

The levels of Consciousness correspond to the Dimensions of Light.

It is possible to exist in a Dimension dominated by a Mass Level of thought and function through a Higher Dimension, consciously.

The levels of harmony with the inner subconscious mind and conscious mind, represent the levels of Union, within the dimensions of frequency.

Dimensions are Worlds unto themselves.

Dimensions transmit and vibrate at a frequency level that when ATTUNED to that level, YOU function through it.
An entrainment to the HIGHER Dimensions and worlds, may seem somewhat like time travel. Yet it is all here now. Coexisting through the varying degrees and levels of FREQUENCY.

The Fluid in your cells is the medium in which your entrainment through the crystalline vibratory matrix of LIGHT ~ ALIGNS you with the frequency level and dimension you function though.

The Subconscious and conscious levels of harmony, represent the degree of completion through initiation of a consciousness dimension. You adjust, attune, complete, then on to the next Dimension.

Mastery of the LEVELS ~ the DIMENSIONS represent the level of inner harmony.

HARMONY at the HIGHEST Levels take place through the frequency of the HEART, through which the frequency held in the fluid of the CELLS ~ then  vibrates to.

Harmony, levels, DIMENSIONS ~ subconscious and conscious MERGING are the initiations of LIGHT ~ experienced as varying thought processes, that represent the different frequency LEVELS of Light.

Activating NOW the GOLDEN Initiation of Light within your Cells as the LIQUID GOLDEN LIGHT ~ FREQUENCY ~ now flows as LIGHT from the higher dimensions, into the lower dimensions, into your heart NOW.

This adjust and aligns your Blueprint of consciousness to that of the HIGHER dimensions.

The FLUID in your CELLS shifts in frequency NOW to these Higher Frequencies of Light.

This ACTIVATION, creates a PORTAL of LIGHT ~ whereby Harmony, Light, and Love frequencies of the HIGHER dimensions shift the frequency in your DNA, the Liquid in your cells. To that of the conscious Higher DIMENSIONS of UNION with your Original Light.

Receive, breathe, open and relax.

A new Dimension of consciousness experience. A New World. A New Timeline. ALL Now. As ALL was created in the NOW.

Eternal Love and UNION flowing into the Hearts of ALL as the VIBRATORY frequency of The New Divine Humanity.

Your Ascension. Your Mastery. ALL NOW.

Every hour ATTUNE ~ 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour. Intend to receive. I love you!


To Receive The New Divine Humanity “The Divine Council of Overseers” Activation:
To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

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