Weekly Forecast for January 9-15, 2017
~contributed by Hillory Skott
A full Moon in Cardinal bossy pants Cancer, Mother of the zodiac,
is potent on Thursday. This week will create change, whether we
like it or not. An uncommon Grand Cardinal Cross, between know-
it-all Jupiter, Transformer Pluto, the sensitive full moon, and rebel
Uranus—literally form a cross if you look up in the sky. The opposing
forces of their energies pulling in four directions are creating an
awareness you may have tried to ignore until now. Squares are
seriously stressful, all the movers and the shakers of the world have
a chart full of squares. It forces you to meet your very own needs,
or the needs of important others. Take a deep breath and boldly
lean into the changes that are appearing.
This is a lot of change to digest for some people. I recommend you
activate your life with decisive action of some sort. This keeps you
in the drivers’ seat. If you refuse to make a move, if you are feeling
lifeless and stagnant you've got to get a hold of yourself and take
steps. This kind of energy can double bounce you into higher levels
of living and functioning. Be ready to jump. You have to be brave
enough to bounce in unknown directions if life is going to deliver
you your miraculous dreams come true. Stepping into the unknown
holds untold treasures.
Tuesday/Wednesday the Proud Capricorn sun is Clashing with, Rebel
Uranus, and Courageous Jupiter. The Full Moon is in view too, amping
up your irritability factor. Watch yourself. Outbursts of deep down truth
may seem right and freeing in the moment, but afterwards, when the
dust settles, you may just come out looking like an asshole. And maybe
there is a part of you that is an asshole, and really, it needs to speak up
sometimes too. Just be present. Honor what comes up and out. And
apologize when you should.
Thursday, the moon is full in home-loving, Mother of all, Cancer.
Something to do with our sense of safety and home is being held
up now. Nurturing, security, support, nourishment, and all things
you want around you in your most perfect abode. It also relates to
Family and Mother, that area of life might be asking for some
attention too.
With the grand cross active now it may feel like a stalemate, a tug
of war between four very important parts of yourself. Consider that
all these aspects of your life are important. It's likely stressful in some
way trying to figure out what to do. Remember though stress can be
good. People in the middle of dreams come true are often incredibly
stressed by the changes and new experiences to process. The right
kind of stress is the good kind that keeps you moving and choosing,
and redoing and adjusting. Life unfolds in most amazing ways when
you keep seeking to live, to understand, to Love.
There is a sweet and magical aspect on the full moon between dreamy
Neptune and harmony seeking Venus in Pisces if all things. This mystical
energy creates just enough of a haze to secretly transform your life right
before your very eyes. This is an aspect delivering gifts from your Soul.
Your higher self is offering up exactly what you need to live the highest
expression of the very life you are living now. Be still and open to the
guidance and insight pouring through now. You know what you know.
Be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude.
Mercury is done with his crazy making mix ups and heading forward
again in purposeful Capricorn. Near Pluto and the Sun, it had an incredible
insight into the whys and how’s of it all. Allowing you to choose wisely
for the greater good of all involved, nothing but growth will do now.
With Pluto its grow or die, so extreme. Sometimes dying is how you
grow too. Either way you have a brave and penetrating mind now-
use it to your advantage.
There is great momentum building, lean into it. Jump up to the higher
level. Leave behind the past, salvage what you like and get going in
new directions. You will acquire what you need as you go along, like
magic. God Speed.
~contributed by Hillory Skott
Create Amazement!
Karen & Salma
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain
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