Aquarius 9 - A flag is seen turning into an eagle/Leo 9 - Glass
blowers shape beautiful forms with their controlled breathing
blowers shape beautiful forms with their controlled breathing
THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, January 27, 2017
- New Moon in Aquarius
New Moon Phase: begin, intend
Moon in Aquarius
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all ten Mahavidyas (Wisdom Goddesses) are on duty this month
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Seth, God of the North
Skill: feel the infusion of spirit
True Alignments: freedom, cooperation, leadership, sensitivity, guided and directed, production of projects, illumination, the flow of energy and exchange, refreshment like a breeze, breathing life into something
Catalysts for Change: displays of force, rejection, stress, unproven, power/control struggles, religious zealotry, uncaring, imbalance, unsure of self, shallow, false flag operations, special operations
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a flag is seen turning into an eagle"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"
Welcome to the New Moon in Aquarius! This month, beauty and wisdom manifest, ideals are made real, transformation from one state of being to another occurs, and mind, body, and soul experience a new sense of freedom.
This year's magic carpet is a like a flag, and the ride is like a soaring eagle.
The energetics in place at the New Moon unfold all month long. Let's take a look at them, understanding that they are not only in effect today, but flow all month long with the waters of Aquarius, The Water Bearer...
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