Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5/22/2018 FB Hawaii Tracker, USGS + Other Updates: 2018 Hawaiian Island Eruptions

My obsession with lava and the Big Isle of Hawai'i continues... ~PB


5/22/2018 FB Hawaii Tracker, USGS + Other Updates:

Live continuous broadcast from a private residence...

Live Video: Kilauea Lava Flow Activity In Lower Puna Hawaii
Recommended for you
Started streaming 13 hours ago


This feed is from a camera at a residence about a half a mile from fissures 20 and 17. We have permission from the homeowners to broadcast from their home. IF you want to license this video please email editor@storyful.com. Do not ask to rebroadcast. Sometimes we have to turn the sound off for privacy of the homeowners who are now home and around the camera. There will be times when someone stands in front of the camera, we ask for your patience as this is someones home. Please be respectful to others and the broadcaster in chat or you will be removed.


This thermal map shows the fissure system and lava flows as of 12:15 pm on Monday, May 21.

Here are some quick points to help interpret the map:

• The primary lava flows originate from the Fissure 20-22 area.
• The dominant ocean entry is marked.
• The black and white area is the extent of the thermal map.
• Temperature is displayed as gray-scale values, with the brightest pixels indicating the hottest areas.
• The thermal map was constructed by stitching many overlapping oblique thermal images collected by a handheld thermal camera during a helicopter overflight of the flow field.
• The base is a copyrighted color satellite image (used with permission) provided by Digital Globe.
The image is from this morning’s overflight, showing the upper flow field.

Maps are posted on the USGS-Hawaiian Volcano Observatory webpage, at

Photos and videos are on the USGS–Hawaiian Volcano Observatory webpage at https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/…/kil…/multimedia_chronology.html

#usgs #hvo #hawaiianvolcanoobservatory #kilauea #volcano #KilaueaErupts #LERZeruption #LERZ #KilaueaEruption

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USGS Volcanoes

Checking in on conditions at the Kīlauea Volcano Summit:
33 mins ·

A bursts of ash overnight from Overlook crater sent a plume to 8,000 ft. The trade winds are blowing, so any ash in the plume will head downwind to the southwest.

USGS scientists use Ash3D computer simulations to show how far ash might travel and how much ash might fall to the ground. A daily Ash3D ashfall forecast for Kīlauea is available at https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatori…/…/activity_2018.html (scroll down to the bottom of that page).

Animations, such as this gif for May 22, 2018 (16:42 UTC), are available at https://vsc-ash.wr.usgs.gov/ashgui/…. This webpage includes model runs for other volcanoes, so scroll down to find Kīlauea.

#usgs #hvo #hawaiianvolcanoobservatory #kilauea #volcano #KilaueaErupts #LERZeruption #LERZ #KilaueaEruption


2018 Hawaiian Island Eruptions -Google My Maps
A COMMUNITY MAPPING PROJECT - UPDATE 5/22/18 730 AM HST (about 90 minutes ago)



Field crews report that fountaining at Fissure 22 does not appear to be as high as yesterday's (May 21 heights were about 50 m or ~160 ft).

#usgs #hvo #hawaiianvolcanoobservatory #kilauea #volcano #KilaueaErupts #LERZeruption #LERZ #KilaueaEruption


Leilani Estates Eruption Update Monday 8:45am HST

We are trying to rescue the one-eyed cat. It’s backyard has been overrun by at least fissure 5 early this morning that is currently raging. Pray we can find him.

Also a car just got stuck in a crack trying to leave that area.

Fissure 5 has reopened and is fountaining as you can see from the images. It’s crossed over Kahukai St towards the bottom. I marked the location on the map. It’s raging down there and has caused lower Kahukaki to plateau at the bottom there. 

A lot of action going on there right now.

Nohea street cracks opened up and fountained last night completely covering Nohea street. You can see from the pictures. 

I am trying to figure out where else in the subdivision that fissures are opening up and I will keep the map updated the best I can.

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Chain of Craters road could take 4 weeks to open.

Just got off the conference call with USGS and NOAA and here are some interesting bits of information that I came away with.

More fissures have begun opening back up in Leilani Estates. This needs to be noted because in the 1955 flow that this current flow seems to be mirroring, the fissures trended uprift, towards the top of Leilani and even further. All indications at this point are this current flow will do the same. I believe it's just a matter of time.

The easternmost flow coming out of fissure 20 had a hole open up and all the lava is pouring into it! "The hole opened up and the entire width of the channel and all of the lava that was flowing toward the east from the fissure 20 complex is pouring down into this hole in the ground".

They have no idea where it is going or if it will be seen again. The last time this happened (2012?) the lava was never seen again.

The western most flow is continuing to pour into the ocean and is the most vigorous.

Chain of craters emergency road is a minimum of 2-4 weeks out before possibly completion. NPS, state, federal agencies do not even have an agreement ironed out yet but hope to have one later this week. I repeat, 2-4 weeks out minimum for completion of the road being opened up. If you are a resident that relies on highway 130, you need to take this information to heart when making an informed decision about what you should do. There is a very real possibility that 130 could be closed again before that time.

Weather, dryer conditions starting Monday. Trades will continue their normal path. Ash emissions from Kilauea will go to the SW.

Under current weather conditions and gas levels by the ocean entry, laze is traveling downwind for 15 miles. If it stings, go inside.

Friend to friend. 130 could be cut off in a week. Lava is trending upward again higher into Leilani. 1955 flow did the exact same thing, like a roadmap for us. People need to plan for 130 to be closed in as little as a week in my opinion. This has all the makings of a catastrophe if that happens before the road to the national park is opened. Sorry to be blunt, but these last second emergency evacuations and animals being left behind situations are unacceptable given the amount of knowledge we currently have.

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  1. Kalani is where I stayed when I visited and fell in love with the Big Isle and Puna district. 💔The Lava fissures and flow into the ocean are close by, so Kalani had to close in early May due to poor air quality. My heart goes out to the staff and community that made my visit so fantastic and memorable.~PB

    43 mins ·

    It has been more than three weeks since the earth beneath our feet began to rumble. After earthquakes, fissures, eruptions, and lava flows, Tūtū Pele covered Red Road on Saturday night near Malama Ki Forest Reserve, about five miles to the east of Kalanihonua. It’s been quiet on our campus, as guests, volunteers and most staff have departed. A handful of Jedi ‘ohana are here keeping campus secure, and Uncle Crandall and his weed wacker keep the ever-encroaching jungle at bay. Kalani leadership team and board of directors are meeting regularly to determine next steps.

    Neighbors continue to visit Hale Aloha daily to say hello and pick up supplies. We invite our local community to follow the Hale Aloha Facebook page for updates on daily offerings and to share feedback on what is needed most during this time.

    This has been a particularly challenging and confusing time, as we await our Hi‘iaka moment of rebirth. We dearly miss our global ‘ohana, wherever you are. Your messages of love and courage bolster us. We are still grieving the hurried goodbyes and abbreviated sojourns.

    We are grateful for your patience as we sort through the wake of this awe-inspiring and humbling event. We are still in a place of responding to the geological phenomenon and its immediate implications. In seeking safety first, we are experiencing displacement, economic stress and physical and spiritual fatigue. We will be in touch soon with more information on how you can help Kalani and Hawai’i island rebuild.

    #malamaaina #malamaohana



    Donate to Kalani

  2. Ryan Finlay
    Admin · 9 hrs

    Tuesday Night Update May 22

    PGV Update - They dealt with the last well today as best they could. The details aren’t that important because no matter what happens, if gas levels at PGV get too high, people will be evacuated. During the day, if hydrogen sulfide gas levels get too high there will be a mandatory 1.6 mile evacuation radius. If elevated levels happen at night the radius would be 3.3 miles. We added a map below to help people understand clearly their distance from PGV.

    The EPA (in conjunction with the DoH) is doing air monitoring around the clock. If elevated levels of gases are detected, evacuation alerts will be sent via all forms available, radio, siren, text messages etc. That chances of a mandatory evacuation as it stands right now are very low, in the short term. If the lava changed course or a new fissure erupted upslope of PGV, that could change the chances. But those things haven’t happened. Tonight I believe you can rest.

    No further advancement of the closest lava edge towards geothermal was reported by Andrew Hara who was just on site checking things out. That’s good news. Fissures around fissure 6 continue to be active at this time but are not currently a threat to the PGV property.

    Winky the incredibly sweet one eyed cat that was left behind at her house has been found and reunited with her owner! Lava broke out late last night at fissures 5 and 15 below Kahukai in lower Leilani. This was basically Winky’s back yard and a bunch of us sprang into action to make sure Winky got evacuated. After a social media flurry of attention this morning/afternoon, someone saw my post and commented that a one eyed cat had been taken to the Keaau shelter last night. That message got sent to Travis, Travis contacted the cats owners, cats owners made it to Keaau shelter just in time to rescue Winky. They were going to put her down because they considered her feral and they don’t keep feral cats? We need to look into what’s going on with that, any help from you guys would be awesome! But that’s a separate issue.

    Shout outs: Travis Sanders, he took the lava video that Winky made a cameo in and spent a bunch of time and energy looking for her.

    Debbie Patterson for bringing it to everyone’s attention that the cat in Travis’s video was being looked for by it’s owners/caretakers.

    Nadine Fischer for noticing the comment today someone left about a one eyed cat at the Keaau shelter and forwarding it to Travis.

    Also Kris Burmeister, Heath and several other kind hearted people for looking for the cat and all of you for sharing, praying and getting the word out.

    It’s especially moving when those who are in distress themselves consider the plight of a little cat who woke up one day and her world was threatened by a raging lava flow.

    So thank you for caring not just for the cat, but for each other as well.

    Aloha and have a goodnight everyone!
    Image may contain: sky, cloud, mountain, grass, outdoor and nature

