Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Akashic Transformations: The Akashic Records of May 2018 by Jen Eramith

Akashic Transformations: The Akashic Records of May 2018 by Jen Eramith (an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

The energy of this month has a swooping feeling, like a sudden uprising. If you remember the metaphor for April was a sense of freefall, what you might imagine happening in May is that something swoops along and picks you up. You might imagine an eagle, a dragon, or an airplane picks you up on its back.

There is a sense of being rescued, but that is not really what this energy is about. The feeling is of being carried along to something greater than yourself, and being carried along by something greater than yourself. This is a time when it will be more evident than ever before that none of you are really in control of what happens in this life. This is a spiritual truth that is well conveyed by every religion, and yet it is a difficult one to fully embrace. This is the month when it will come to the forefront – that you are not in control of your destiny and that you are not in charge of what happens in your life or in anyone else’s life at the deepest, truest level. While you are accountable for your choices and the consequences that arise from those choices. At a much deeper level, your fate is in the hands of something greater than you. This month it is really time to fall into that in the same way you would an eagle or a dragon swooped along and picked you up. Let yourself fall into that embrace.

Another likely experience this month will be feeling disoriented. You were moving in one direction – even if it was freefall, at least it was a singular direction – and suddenly things have changed and you are not yet sure of where you are going. There will be a feeling of dizziness in the same way there would be if you were suddenly swept up after falling. Some of you may experience this in a physical way with vertigo, tinnitus, losing your sense of direction, or temporarily struggling with some of your five senses.

There is a sense that your brains are rewiring to see the world in a different way, and you are going to feel disoriented throughout the month. If you are prepared for this, then you will be more able to stay calm and make the adjustments you need to. If you are not prepared you might panic and exacerbate the feeling of being disoriented. Watch for ways you feel a little lost, afraid, or even nauseated this month by sudden changes and look for something within you to stay calm and centered as you move through that adjustment...

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