Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights


The Greek god of the sky Ouranos, which Uranus is named after, governs discoveries, ingenuity and breakthroughs.
Today the sky-god principle undergoes its own revolution!
Uranus changes signs today and moves into Taurus where it will reside from May 15th, 2018 through April 26th, 2026 (with short sojourns back into Aries and Gemini).
It happens the SAME day as today's Taurus New Moon – a synchronistic symbol of Taurus’ big impact.
Expect to revolutionize how you live your life over the next years.
The SKY (Uranus) wants a secure haven (Taurus) – thus, brilliance, breakthroughs and ingenious approaches want to be taken seriously and manifested.
That means you’ll radically shift on a ground level.
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus -- love, abundance, beauty, creativity, harmony.
In one (or more) of those areas, YOU are experiencing brand new paradigms, leaving behind old ways of being and suddenly embracing ways you would NEVER have considered before now.
It’s not just a small change.
These are moments when shackles are lifted, your life is taken to a NEW dimension that sends ripple effects through your body, soul, way of thinking... taking you and those around you by surprise!
Uranus LOVES surprises.
Just like the sky can turn from calm to cloudy in moments, just at it can rain and then magically shine, Uranus makes you stay PRESENT.
The same principle of being present is reflected in the number 11. (11 is the number for 2018, facilitating breakthroughs that bring us into the present moment all year long.)
Both Uranus and 11 carry an electrical charge, that brings the gifts of intuitive insights, exciting news, unexpected events…
Moment by moment you experience bliss, transcendence, deep happiness, peace...
How are you breaking through into a new way of life?
It can be in the realms of love and romance, ingenuity of your ideas, new exciting commitments, a brand new environment, a risk that initially seems stunning…
No matter what the changes are, you are being set FREE.
The sky is the limit. And Uranus the Sky god is about embracing your limitless potential!
Going galactic...
When you seek a change (consciously or unconsciously), new opportunities appear that initially seem to NOT fit into your current way of life. They don’t.
You just know there’s something irresistible about the opportunity…
It feels SO new, different, even crazy, that you notice your perspective is shifting.
Uranus brings a new way of seeing the sky. It’s very freeing.
And Taurus makes it stable, secure and real.
If there was a time to accept a big positive shift in your life, it is now, at the start of Uranus in Taurus.
Since Taurus also governs the flow of money and your unconscious attitude towards abundance, you are getting in tune with new ways that you naturally manifest abundance!
Fortunately, the universe made sure you have a NATURAL WAY to create abundance that is totally unique to you!
It is expressed in your birth promise.
Specifically... at birth you were given three Jupiter Wealth zones. Your Jupiter Wealth Code describes the unique ways that YOU are DESIGNED to manifest financial flow and happiness.
Take this wonderful opportunity – with Jupiter harmonizing Pluto - to discover YOUR personal Jupiter blessings!
Blessings and Love,
Tania Gabrielle

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