Tuesday, May 22, 2018

NorthPoint Journal Your Guide to Planetary Influences for May 21 to 27, 2018 by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Neptune quincunx Ceres
TUE: Chiron sesquiquadrate Ceres, Jupiter square Ceres, Sun sextile Chiron, Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron, Mercury sextile Neptune, Mercury opposite Jupiter, Mercury semisquare Chiron
WED: Mercury square Ceres, Sun trine Mars
FRI: Jupiter trine Neptune, Mercury trine Pluto, Venus opposite Saturn
SAT: Mercury sesquiquadrate Saturn
SUN: Sun sesquiquadrate Pluto


have deepened, widened, and even multiplied during our first week of Uranus being in Taurus. Many of the structures we rely on -- the Earth herself, the safety of our society, the integrity and values of our leaders -- are splintering, revealing where complacency or resistance to seeing reality are serving to undermine our stability. Whenever the roots of a tree are tangled or decayed, there can be no healthy long-term growth.

And yet, we can also see evidence of changes in long-lived traditions that foretell of positive events that may occur as Uranus journeys through Taurus. A revolution is underway, a tearing down of old systems to allow for new and more resilient foundations to be built.

will be mostly in Taurus for the next seven to eight years, but its retrograde phase will take it back into Aries for a few months starting in November. We will likely see events that relate to our current experiences around November 6, 2018, and again around March 6, 2019, when Uranus again crosses the threshold between Taurus and Aries.

Mars and Uranus were exactly 90 degrees apart (in square aspect) last Wednesday, and as they both travel forward this week, they are still within range of being square each other. This confrontational relationship between the god of War and the god of Chaos provides an extra level of unexpected and sometimes shocking energy for us to contend with. Thankfully, the strength of this aspect will gradually diminish over the course of the coming week, hopefully moving us beyond some of the more volatile manifestations we've been experiencing.

THE COMING WEEK is very active in other ways as well, with Mercury, Ceres, Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune playing starring roles in the drama.

On Monday, a disappointing Ceres-Neptune quincunx reveals the ways in which those we look to for protection and support have not lived up to our expectations. This is an aspect of disillusionment that can also invoke feelings of deception. It can be tempting to play the victim card with this aspect, but our challenges will be to find ways to express what we feel without falling into blame or martyrdom.

Tuesday is packed full of aspects, with all of our lead actors taking part and each having a storyline to unfold:

* Chiron in Aries brings forward a lack of self-confidence so that we might be more loving toward the fearful child within.
* Jupiter in Scorpio exposes still more truth that has been hidden.
* Ceres in Leo asks us to consider where we may have been denying our own needs for the sake of others' approval (with this one, beware of overeating as a substitute for self-nurturing).
* Mercury in Taurus generally feels overwhelmed, and would prefer not to have to think about anything that makes life too complicated.
* By Wednesday, we can start to move into a more productive phase, supported by a Sun-Mars trine that enables us to know our truth and take action based on higher insights. This is our lead-in to the highlight of the week's aspects: the supportive Jupiter-Neptune trine that perfects on Friday.

JUPITER'S TRINE to Neptune represents a long-term positive influence that's been with us since early December 2017 and will continue to work with us through August of this year. It is fortuitous that this aspect is strong now, when our need for cosmic support is so profound.

In essence, Jupiter in Scorpio can enhance Neptune's ability to help us transcend the dramas of the physical plane, while Neptune in Pisces can ease the detoxification process that Jupiter is currently directing. This trine can help us find a positive perspective when life is difficult, by increasing our capacities for releasing old emotional baggage, forgiving the past, and finding sustenance through our connection with the Divine.

Other aspects on Friday include a Mercury-Pluto trine that enables us to delve more deeply into issues of concern, and to put our thoughts powerfully into words. However, a Venus-Saturn opposition means that we need to be careful if we don't want to activate a loved one's defensiveness.

NEXT WEEKEND has two sesquiquadrate aspects in effect, involving Mercury and Saturn on Saturday, and the Sun and Pluto on Sunday. These are relatively minor aspects, but indicate some agitation and emotional unrest.

Astrologer Bil Tierney writes that this aspect combines the elements of water and fire -- the literal effects of which we see occurring in Hawaii today, as molten lava reaches the ocean and creates a hazardous laze plume (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and seawater).

Next weekend's aspects require us to find our center, remain calm, and be more objective and patient. The alternative, according to Mr. Tierney, is an over-reaction that "inflames problems in most cases, since our reactions are usually out-of-place or inappropriate for the occasion represented. The tendency to over-dramatize issues leads to misjudgment."

A PARTING NOTE on Uranus in Taurus: Right now, Uranus is aligned with the fixed star Mirach, directing its energies to us on Earth. It is fascinating that the bishop's speech at yesterday's royal wedding talked about "the power of love," which is the essential message of this fixed star.

According to astrologer Roderick Kidston:

"Mirach is about the joining of forces or energies so that the combination creates a strength that is greater than the sum of its parts. With Mirach, you can really learn valuable lessons about how love changes everything."

And here's how Bishop Michael Curry wrapped up his wedding sermon:

"French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said that fire was one of the greatest discoveries in all of human history. And he then went on to say that if humanity ever harnesses the energy of fire again, if humanity ever captures the energy of love, it will be the second time in history that we have discovered fire.

"Dr. King was right, we must discover love. The redemptive power of love. And when we do that, we will make of this old world a new world."

Sounds almost like the bishop was channeling a directive from Mirach ... and what a powerful and hopeful message as we embark on these Uranus-in-Taurus years.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, you are compelled to know and speak your truth at more profound levels than ever before. While your words may not please everyone, this should not undermine your confidence, as not all ears are ready to hear. Where you are received, you will have impact, and feel rejuvenated through the sharing of your wisdom. Maintain your center of calm throughout, so that you can clearly hear the guidance that will lead you to the right place at the right time.

In peace,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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