Monday, July 2, 2018

NorthPoint Journal Your Guide to Planetary Influences for July 2 to 8, 2018 by Pam Younghans

Photo: The Moon and Mars on July 1, 2018, over Dresden, Germany (photo by Sylvio Müller, posted on

Aspects of Note this Week
MON: Mercury quincunx Saturn
TUE: Mercury conjunct North Node, Uranus trine Ceres
WED: Chiron quincunx Ceres, Chiron stations retrograde
THU: Sun trine Jupiter, Mercury opposite Mars, Uranus conjunct Juno
SUN: Sun trine Neptune

 of July starts with a temporary writer's block on Monday, when a Mercury-Saturn quincunx gets in the way of our creative flow. But this pause in the action gives us a chance to rework our ideas, resulting in significant improvements in the final product.

We'll feel more in tune with positive directions on Tuesday, when Mercury aligns with the North Node in Leo. We are guided by creative insights that lead us to success. Our ability to think in new ways can greatly affect the unfolding of the timeline, and move us forward on our evolutionary path.

PROVIDING a backdrop for the entire week, Chiron's influence is heightened due to stationing retrograde on Wednesday. Whenever a planet comes to a standstill and changes directions, we feel its effects more deeply for the days around its station.

With the Wounded Healer now in Aries, we may feel more uncertain or hesitant than usual, our inner warrior's energy seemingly depleted. If we lack self-confidence, feel hopeless, or fear that we will never attain our desires, this is an opportunity to heal the small child aspect of self that is expressing itself through those insecurities. This healing begins when we can acknowledge and send love to this fearful part of our personalities, instead of losing ourselves in the emotions, or judging, ignoring, or suppressing them.

The other side of the fear coin is anger -- so be aware of a tendency to fall into that abyss as well, especially with the Mercury-Mars aspect on Thursday. Do your best to feel compassion for the part of you that goes to anger out of fear or confusion.

THURSDAY is very high energy, and likely to be the most memorable day of the week. A Sun-Jupiter water trine is in effect, amplifying visceral responses and emotional honesty. As we get in touch with our true feelings and motivations, it can transform how we deal with current issues.

Retrograde Jupiter is moving very slowly now, getting ready to go direct on July 10. With Jupiter's influence heightened, deeper wisdom can be accessed more readily. As we gain insights into the truth of our situation, we allow a shift of perspective that will alter our trajectory in positive ways.

A MERCURY-MARS opposition is also in effect on Thursday. If we're not careful with this one, we can quickly go into battle mode, especially if our egos are bruised, or we feel rejected or misunderstood.

Whether we use words (Mercury) or actions (Mars) to fight our battles, we'll quickly find that the more pressure we put to bear, the worse the situation becomes. With Mars now retrograde, aggressive acts are not well-timed and are likely to backfire.

THE WEEKEND looks calmer, primarily due to a Sun-Neptune trine that occurs on Sunday. This aspect increases our sensitivity and our capacity to express compassion.

With the Sun trine Jupiter on Thursday and then trine Neptune on Sunday, the Sun is activating the longer-term Jupiter-Neptune trine throughout the last half of the week. This aspect has been our saving grace since it first perfected in December 2017, encouraging us to seek spiritual purposes and higher meanings for what may be troubling experiences.

As the Sun forms a water grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune next weekend, our emotional and psychic empathy is heightened. We are more impressionable, so need to keep good boundaries in place -- but if we are able to do so in a healthy way, we can make great progress in spiritual and creative endeavors.

As astrologer Bil Tierney explains, a water grand trine "represents the evolutionary blooming of the ability to attune to the needs of the mass consciousness with much compassion." When we work intentionally with this influence, we can "do exceptionally well in fields involving specialized creativity, beauty, or the fine arts. We can also find success in areas allowing us to probe into the hidden mysteries of life, in which a fine awareness of subtlety is required."

MY "ENTERING THE CHASM" TELECLASS is just 11 days from today! This time, the class will be "live action" instead of just a slide show, since we're using Zoom to film and record. You'll receive easy instructions on how to access Zoom, if you don't already use it.

Thanks to everyone who has already registered! If you're ready to buy your ticket, here's the link:

Or, if you want more information, please read on.

Entering the Chasm
Astrological Guidance for
July to December 2018

Airing Live on ZOOM
Recorded for Replay

Thursday, July 12 at 4 p.m. PDT
/ 7 p.m. EDT

To register:

The last half of 2018 begins in spectacular fashion!
We usually have two eclipses every six months, but occasionally we have an extra -– and this year is one of those rare times when we have three eclipses within a four-week time frame. With two eclipses in July and one in August, we are receiving several course corrections that can significantly alter our trajectory, individually and socially.

And that’s just the beginning of the journey!

In the first half of this 90-minute class, I’ll cover the major planetary events that will occur from July through December and their impact. In the second half, we’ll look at calendars for each month and talk about the day-to-day influences that will be in effect.

A few highlights:

I’ll talk in depth about the three eclipses and how they are positioned to move us forward on our evolutionary path. We’ll also explore more fully the shifts that are occurring now that Uranus is in Taurus and Chiron is in Aries, and what to expect when each is retrograde and returns to its previous sign.

Then there are the personal planets that are also going retrograde! With Mars, Venus, and Mercury all moving backwards at various times in the next six months, we’ll pay close attention to those dates and talk about how we can use the energy to our advantage.

The excitement doesn’t stop there, however -– after a year of traveling through Scorpio, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius in November. Jupiter’s stay in Scorpio has activated the #MeToo movement, along with other investigations and revelations. With Jupiter moving into its own sign, interesting developments are in store!

Also in November, the karmic North Node moves from Leo into Cancer. We’ll talk about the new growth imperatives that this sign change signifies, and ways we can each align with humanity’s higher path.

We hope you can join us
! And don’t worry if you can't attend live on July 12 -- the class is recorded, and all registrants receive an email afterward with a link to the replay and the pdf of the slideshow.

Everyone who registers for class will also receive a pdf of the calendars beforehand, so that you can use them for taking notes during class.

To register, please visit:

Class fee is $33. Payment may be handled online or by check.

Please note that we are using Zoom for the live presentation.
This is similar to Skype, but with better clarity and reliability. Zoom is a F*REE download. You'll receive complete instructions when you register.

Questions about registering, Zoom, or payment? Contact Elsie at or 856.988.7426.

 This year provides you with many opportunities for enhancing your spiritual and creative life. These doorways will be open to you, but you will need to walk through them. Challenges arise if you rely too much on the appreciation others for your well-being. Your greatest success comes when you do what you love because you love it, not based on others' approval.

In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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