Elohim of the 8th Order of Light (Ray) – Energy Update

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. The message that you’re about to hear comes to us from the Elohim of the 8th Order of light.
Elohim of the 8th order of light wish to speak with you now. For the moment in the human history is approaching which shall transform the way of the universe, which shall transform all that has been into all that is. Which shall bring with it the equivalence of signified momentum of triangular degree of consciousness (Christ Consciousness) and benevolence.
The intricate dance and design of your vehicles of time and space, is changing rapidity for you now and nothing shall come to harm, for nothing shall stand in the way of enlightenment and return to pureness of Being. For all is unfolding as it should, for all is god’s will and god’s glory, for all shall see the light of day and the light of the new dawn, for all shall see the magnificence of all that indeed you are, for indeed you are magnificent in all your light and your glory, for indeed you are a particle of God.
For indeed you bring with you the eternal creation, the eternal benevolence, and might, for indeed you are, for you are that which is, and it is you who has come to create, who has come to change, who has come to uplift, who has come to bring back that which has been lost eons into the past, it is you who has volunteered to carry the light and hold the light for all who have forgotten who they are. And it is you, and it is through you, and it is with your help, assistance, and absolute surrender to that which indeed you are that you shall be able to carry out your mission on this planet.
It is you, it has always been you, whom you are longing to find, longing to be with and longing to untie with, for all of you are ONE, one with the creator, one with all that is, and in this day and age you are finally realizing that it so, you are uniting with your innate star of truth, and shining your light bright. Shine your light as bright as you can with all your might and glory that is within you, carry said light into the masses and you shall see the reward of such actions, for when all that you touch turns to light, it is then through the encounters with those who are still only beginning to remember their innate light, only beginning to feel their innate light, that you shall receive the answers to that which you seek. And that is a peaceful coexistence peaceful and loving energetic upliftment, the co-creation of a new world.
Whereupon you shall be able to truly BE and truly shine and truly enjoy that which you are. For upon the awakening of those who are still only beginning to remember their inner light, and their calling within, you shall be rewarded by their love, by their cooperation, by their attunement to the ONE, the ONE which is their heart, the ONE which is their own selves, and though said attunement they shall unite with the ONE, and all shall be blessed with the loving energies of the creator, with the blissful magnificence of light, love, harmony and peace.
That is all that we have for you now. WE are with you. WE love you. Goodbye for now.
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self!
For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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