PLEASE NOTE that I have created the audio link above
for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ.
I’m so glad to connect with you during this *Season of Light, Gratitude & Giving*! I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude for you, my Community. Without you to read or listen to what I share, I’d just be creating in a vacuum, which is no fun. It’s because of you that my words or concepts have LIFE! I believe we are having an *energetic exchange* when we connect and I always want it to be stimulating, enlightening, uplifting & reassuring in this crazy, transitional time in Earth’s Story. We’re all in this together!
We need each other’s perspectives & support as we navigate truly new territory on grander scales than our little human mind can actually process in its entirety. We have to break it into pieces to figure it all out sometimes. I love sharing the day-to-day energies that we have to navigate with and I really love supporting you as an individual. I think if we get our individual selves together, then the globe will be okay. My life’s work is dedicated to supporting our wholeness so that we are more effective teammates in other realms.
I feel privileged to witness your individual evolutions and many of you have traveled with me since 1999 – which makes 2019 our 20-year anniversary (OMG!) and ironically, brings another evolution for me too. In 1999, I started Cosmic Switchboard, then in 2007, I created Karmic Tools and now I am knee-deep in developing Kelly M Beard herself (and her service to the world). It would seem that I went from connecting with cohorts to creating tools for us to play with to finding my SoulSelf, my true purpose and finally, a sense of wholeness within that makes me a better instrument for good in the world.
I am so grateful to have all of you in my corner and many of you have held my hand too, through the intensity of individual transformation that we all have to do. And I really love & appreciate you for that. Thank you for being part of my ever-expanding Circle of dedicated students of Life, lightworkers & wayshowers on the Path, and master teachers sharing their Wisdom along the way. Not to mention our Invisible Support Team – they are very important too! So Infinite Gratitude to the Ancestors who brought me YOU!
I believe that anytime you lock-eyes with someone, whether you speak or not, you have known them in other lifetimes. That is tricky on the world.wide.web. but I have to say that if you’re reading (or hearing) this, then I feel we are truly connected in a sacred & meaningful way. I love the way the Universe always provides us with people for the perfect season and all the right reasons. Onward & Upward! I look forward to all that we will create & explore together going forward. I’m hopping OFF this computer more often and hoping to connect with you all IN-PERSON more often ~ around the globe. That’s the other thing, I have a seriously international crew here – so even if you’re in another country, I encourage you to reach out to discuss possibilities! I want to connect & collaborate in the new year.
Much Love & Many Blessings! OneLove, Kelly

* * Copyright © 2000-2019 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.
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