Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Praying Medic: Qanon November 12, 2019 – Dangerous Freedom + 8kun Returns and Q has Posted

Q returned with a flurry of posts, including a prediction that indictments will come by the end of the year.

Qanon November 3rd – Rig for Red


The first post today could be a test.

Or it may contain a message.

There are a lot of possible interpretations (December, Declass, etc) but I prefer not to guess at this point.

I’m not certain if this was a test or a coded message.

Many possibilities.

No clear interpretation, yet.

 was Q’d for her video showing a post by Q this morning followed by three retweets by POTUS, then a post by Q.

Link to tweet:




Then Q
This is the Q I know…

Embedded video
@JustInformU was Q’d for his video where POTUS explained ‘We have a forum… we have a place we can talk.”

JustInformed Talk @JustInformU

Nothing to see here…

Just @realDonaldTrump confirming the new http://8kun.net  ‘FORUM’ in last night’s speech.


Embedded video

America Will Be Unified Again.

This post contains part of the routing url for 8kun which goes through a Defense Department (DoD) server.

What did Q mean by “Future Proves Past?”

In April of 2018, Q said “America will be unified again” and indicated 11/11 was an important date.
(The year indicated in this post was 2018 but many statements have multiple meanings or applications.)

Maybe 11.11.18 wasn’t a year.

Maybe it was.

An IP address?

An IP address used by the military.

And Q, no doubt, knew that in April of 2018 when he made the original post about 11.11.18.
Did Q anticipate the future need to set up a new domain?

Project Looking Glass is a software project that allows users to display 3D windows including windows that are reversible.

“Going Forward in Order to Look Back.”

Q   (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_L…)

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
~Thomas Jefferson

Q asked a series of questions.

POTUS first mentioned, “The calm before the storm” on October 5th, 2017.

Q’s “public” operation began on October 28, 2017.

On November 13, 2017, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd notified members of Congress that the DOJ had appointed “senior federal prosecutors” (plural) to investigate their concerns about corruption rather than appoint a second Special Counsel. (themarketswork.com/2018/03/30/why…) The next day, Q asked why indictments would be sealed outside of DC.

The Washington DC area is heavily pro-Clinton.

Finding objective jurors would be difficult so the DOJ chose to base its investigation elsewhere.

In March of 2018, AG Sessions finally revealed the name of one of the prosecutors who was investigating corruption— US Attorney John Huber. (brassballs.blog/home/sessions-…) On December 12 of 2018, Q asked what if there was another prosecutor with the same mandate as Huber?

We know US Attorney Durham has been investigating public corruption since at least October 3rd of 2018 thanks to the transcript of Jim Baker’s congressional testimony. (foxnews.com/politics/forme…) Durham has specialized in prosecuting public corruption, including abuse by the CI_A.

Q noted that this article says Durham Also spearheaded mob prosecutions of the [Gambino], Genovese and Patriarca crime families.

Gambino is in brackets = [Kill box] (content.time.com/time/nation/ar…)

Q wrote:

What AB[C] agency did Durham target? (It was the CI_A)

How are messages sent?

Q then posted a link to a Rolling Stone article about the young man who gunned down mob boss Frank Cali. (rollingstone.com/culture/cultur…) Thoughts on the article and Q’s question “how are messages sent?”

The mainstream media has been attacking Q for a long time but this morning, the attacks went a little bonkers.

Why do they so badly want to silence and discredit Q?

Q linked to a tweet by @duffing_it_up who found… a zero delta.

A zero delta is when Q posts within 60 seconds (one minute) of the President, but prior to the President’s tweet based on timestamps.

This graphic shows that Q posted 33 seconds before the President tweeted.

If you’re not sure why it matters, try posting just once before, but within 60 seconds of the President’s tweet.

(Q has done it more than 20 times.) (trumptwitterarchive.com)

Q does not have access to the 8chan board where his old posts were hosted (no one does) so he is copying the text of old posts instead of providing the images like he used to. (I’ll provide screencaps of old posts as needed.)

On June 12, 2018, as the President and Kim Jong Un were meeting in Singapore, Q said that Obama [Hussein] tried to call Kim but didn’t have his phone number.

Q implied that Kim’s phone number was being tracked by a team of people (Clowns?) and that the number was changed after Trump was elected. (I’m guessing POTUS told Kim to change his number for his own safety. )

Q posted a link to this article where Trump claimed that Obama tried multiple times to call Kim but his calls were never answered. (dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7…) This article explains that Kim had all the numbers in North Korea changed.

After the removal of the clowns who formerly controlled NoKo, it was probably a good idea. (thesun.co.uk/news/5152863/p…)

Q wrote:

Relevant to future upcoming events.

On February 18, 2018, Q posted a series of questions about Edward Snowden.

There was a hint that he was helping Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey.

Project DeepDream is a reference to the Facebook-like social media platform the CIA created in Jason Bourne film to spy on its users.

In March of 2018, Q hinted that either Edward Snowden or Eric Schmidt wrote the code used to censor across multiple platforms. (ES usually indicates Eric Schmidt, but it can also indicate Snowden.)

Q posted a quote from the February 2018 post and connected it to news from Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies who claims that Google bought project DeepMind to spy on the entire planet.

“Google bought this AI company called DeepMind… a god-like AI system that is able to ingest the available public information on the internet and make sense of it. Think of it like Amazon Alexa except much much much more intelligent.” (breitbart.com/tech/2019/10/1…)

Snowden was CI_A & advanced their illegal domestic surveillance program while pretending to be an NSA whistleblower. The CI_A has many operatives in government past and present (Bush 41 was CI_A Director). All to control foreign policy and preserve the agency & its agenda.

Q indicated that the unsealing of indictments (JUSTICE) would not happen until the DOJ IG report on FISA abuse and Declassification of Spygate documents were released to make the public aware of the crimes of the previous administration. We are nearing the release of both.

Q now predicts that indictments will be unsealed this year.

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After a three month absence, 8chan made a brief return under the new domain 8kun. Although the new domain has been accessible since its return for users of Tor and Lokinet, it has been offline and unavailable to most users. The day 8kun went live, someone posted a few messages on 8kun using Q’s most recent tripcode. (I believe it was Q but I’m waiting for further confirmation.)

This morning, 8kun returned on a web address that is available to the public. I’m not posting that address because 8kun has been unavailable at least partly due to curious people trying to access the website. The site was unable to handle the traffic which made it unavailable. I would advise you not to access the website at this time, even if you have the web address. The apps and websites that display Q’s posts will pull any new ones and display them. There is no reason to bombard the new domain with unnecessary traffic. (The Q research board is not shown in the public index for the site and you won’t be able to access it unless you know how to find it.)

As I was writing this, Q posted the message below. I’m not sure what it means but I will keep you informed if Q posts again.

qanon dec praying medic

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Praying Medic, Q, QAnon, Geopolitics, Dangerous Freedom, DOJ IG report, FISA Abuse, Indictments Coming, Declassification, Spygate, POTUS, DoD, Project Looking Glass, AG Sessions, US Attorney John Huber, US Attorney Durham, Gambino/Genovese/Patriarca Crime Families, CIA, MSM, Zero Delta, Kim Jong Un, Obama, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Project DeepDream, Edward Snowden, Eric Schmidt, Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies,

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