The Power of Gratitude in Everyday Life
A Message for the Holiday Spirit from Archangel Gabriel | November 29, 2019

Dear Ones,
How remarkable is it that there a holiday set aside to remember Gratitude in life?
How powerful would the world be if this Gratitude and Appreciation were practiced every day of the year?
The power of Gratitude has been studied by scientists, who found that Gratitude is the key to more health and happiness in life. After all…
Gratitude is the Attitude that takes you into your heart.
During the Holidays, people often come into the spirit of Joy and Appreciation more than other times of the year. Others are challenged by their history as well as their current circumstances that make the holidays more difficult. Below are some suggestions to uplift your holidays.
Even though it may seem that your challenges are insurmountable, your willingness to give thanks lifts the frequencies and provides a container for new life to bloom within you.
As difficult as it may be to hear, all that you are experiencing now is a Divine Gift. Your body is the vehicle your soul has chosen to live on the Earth for the lessons you came to learn. Your appreciation creates an empowering link to your Soul’s Purpose and allows you to share your gifts in a greater way.
Because there is so much Divine Light flooding the Earth right now, new awareness is opening your mind and expanding your ability to live in harmony with your dreams. Give thanks for this and your perceptions will be empowered and expansive. Remember what you love and appreciate will expand. This expansion opens the doors to new opportunities.
When you express Gratitude, you create an energy field of Light around your body
that empowers your daily life and magnetizes your requirements into your physical world.
Here is an opportunity to use Light Fields of Gratitude for the creation of change in your life.
- Give thanks for the new perspectives opening in your mind even before you see them and more creativity and clarity is the result.
- Give thanks for the healing taking place in your body before you see it and massive flows of endorphins flood your being to promote a greater healing.
- Give thanks that you are attracting your Soul’s Community of friends and companions to share your life path.
- Give thanks for the Beauty of Nature and spend time enjoying it.
- Give thanks for the prosperity entering your life knowing that Spirit is equal to every demand when you are grateful for what you have and ask for what you want.
- Give thanks as you light a candle and spend an extra five minutes breathing Light through your body to create connection to your God Source.
You can be one of those who lives with greater freedom and joy when you remember to appreciate all you have now as you give thanks for the more joy-filled life you are creating in the process. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 29, 2019
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← Living Life in Thanksgiving
Living Life in Thanksgiving

Dear Ones,
It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. marking the official beginning of the holiday season. Know that in this unique time of the year there is an awakening in you of the spirit of Gratitude. It is the true essence of Thanksgiving. When you can immerse yourself in the flow of pure Gratitude, it catalyzes new abundance in every area of your life. Gratitude can provide an energetic containment field for your heart to open into.
It is a true gift for yourself when you live in Gratitude. The power of giving thanks can help to lift you above the appearance of disharmony so that a new life emerges within you opening doors to amazing possibilities you never imagined. Your deepest dreams are being awakened now and your heart is being offered an opportunity to create manifestation of these Soul’s longings. When you open to these desires that have the potential to fulfill you in massive ways, an energy begins to work in you that you have never experienced.
The creation of new attitudes of thanksgiving in your life attracts powerful streams of light-filled energy to bless all that is honored in this way. When a blessing of thanksgiving is made in any moment, it confers Divine energy upon the person who sends it, as well as the situation being blessed. In challenging times it may seem difficult to find something to feel grateful for. In spite of this, one way to create a positive change in your life is to give thanks for what you have now. You can even give thanks in advance for what you want to create. This allows a shift in your perceptions so that you begin to attract new beneficial energy into your life.
Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and well-being.
When you find nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive so your soul will evolve. It is a gift to be in a human body and your body is a miraculous instrument. Consider the fact that you have a heart within you that needs no conscious assistance on your part to continue beating. Remember that you don’t have to tell your digestive system to do its work.
All of these body parts are functioning in a wondrous Divine plan of perfection. When you turn your attention to these systems within your body, when you begin to give thanks for the incredible processes that continue 24 hours a day within you, they will function at a higher level. Your focus of attention with gratitude and blessings will bring more light and strength into your vital organs. For extra energy, consider filling these organs with a healing color such as pink or green, which brightens them with Divine Light. For fun you can then imagine a smile on a body part such as your liver or your heart. This will not only bless your organs, it will lighten your mind.
Dr. Emoto in Japan proved that beautiful crystalline structures were created when words of Peace and Love were placed on a glass filled with water. Imagine what grateful thoughts and words of kindness can do to your body with its high percentage of water content. Science has also proven that the cells of the body can become healthier when one has thoughts and beliefs that are positive. The subconscious mind hears all the words you say to yourself and interprets them as truth.
Athletes have used creative visualization as a powerful asset in their respective sports. Studies have shown that the mind makes very little differentiation between the act of physical practice and the mental visualization of a highly trained athlete. It is extremely valuable to remember this and apply it to your own bodies. The act of giving thanks for your wondrous, healthy, strong and flexible body can lead it to respond in positive ways that assist in creating new healthier cells. Your body contains a Divine Blueprint of perfection that can be called forward into present day experience. It begins with giving thanks for your body right now, just the way it is, and adding the ideas of what you would like to create within you.
When you give thanks for your mind that is clear and serene, for a brain that functions with balance and precision, and especially when you give thanks for the Divine Light continually empowering your thinking processes, there is a positive response within you. Your gratitude will bless your mind and allow it to function at a higher level of vibration. These simple acts not only change your mind, they inspire your emotions to respond with delight. Imagine the idea of delight, and the thought of this, sometimes less than familiar feeling, will spark a new level of inspiration in your being. Your imagination is an influential tool of empowerment, and it can be used for ill or for the good in your life.
Consider the idea that your thoughts are like prayers reaching out into the Universal flow of life. When you use your thoughts consciously, they become prayers that shift your perspective so you can see a greater picture of what is actually going on in your life. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of spiritual energy into every situation. This force can create miraculous change for good in your life. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but prayers of thanksgiving can help create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so.
It is vitally important for your future to nurture compassion for yourself, the mistakes you made as you were learning about life, and forgiveness for the person you were in the past. Be grateful for all that you have learned and all that you are. This act is a good beginning for a peace filled and happy future. You can open new doors for tomorrow with your grateful thoughts today.
No matter how it feels, you are never alone. You are here on earth to remember your connection to the Spiritual Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the challenges life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring you more creative solutions. There is one place where you can always go to feel the power of Divine Love, and that is in your heart.
It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of giving thanks opens a door in your heart that allows Divine Love in.
Here are some possibilities for prayers that may help you to lift your thoughts and connect your heart to the essence of Gratitude. You can choose one or more that resonate with you and use them as a spiritual practice for the day. Masters suggest 21 days of a practice to create a new habit within your brain.
Divine Presence,
I AM grateful for the Beauty and Power of the living Earth that sustains all life and blesses all who are fortunate to live in this beautiful world. I give thanks that all beings are awakening to these gifts.Thank you for this day. Help me to see the blessings in my life, and learn the lessons given to me to learn. Show me what I need to know in order to grow into a more kind and loving human being, and take care of my responsibilities with Grace and Ease. Help me to share the gifts you have given me in a way that adds more value to the world.
Thank you for helping me move with great Clarity and Certainty. Thank you for inspiring my heart centered action in every area of my life.
I AM grateful for physical, mental and emotional Health and Well-Being. I recognize Wellness as my most empowered attribute and it blesses every area of my life.
Thank you for abundant demonstrations in my bank account and the financial ability to save, spend and support others. I AM grateful that my work fulfills me on all levels.
Thank you for my mind that is inspired and creative. Thank you for helping me to be open to new ideas that can bring good into my life. Thank you for my amazing body that is strong and flexible, and for the organs within it that are functioning with perfection. Bless each cell and fiber of my being so that it is filled with your Divine Light.
Thank you for the forgiveness growing in my heart and the compassion within me for the person I am right now. Help me to also have compassion and understanding for others as they walk their own path in life.
I AM thankful for the new awakenings of Love and Abundance all over the world in the hearts of each person embodied at this time. Thank you for helping me to live my life in Harmony and Well Being, and to be a radiant light for Divine Love in the world.
For these and all my blessings, I say, “Thank You God.” and so it is.
and bless every area of your life with Love.
So be it. Be it so. Amen.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 27, 2019
Living Life in Thanksgiving
A Message from Archangel Gabriel | November 27, 2019

Dear Ones,
It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. marking the official beginning of the holiday season. Know that in this unique time of the year there is an awakening in you of the spirit of Gratitude. It is the true essence of Thanksgiving. When you can immerse yourself in the flow of pure Gratitude, it catalyzes new abundance in every area of your life. Gratitude can provide an energetic containment field for your heart to open into.
It is a true gift for yourself when you live in Gratitude. The power of giving thanks can help to lift you above the appearance of disharmony so that a new life emerges within you opening doors to amazing possibilities you never imagined. Your deepest dreams are being awakened now and your heart is being offered an opportunity to create manifestation of these Soul’s longings. When you open to these desires that have the potential to fulfill you in massive ways, an energy begins to work in you that you have never experienced.
You are unlocking of the gateway to a new dimension with thanksgiving as the key.
The creation of new attitudes of thanksgiving in your life attracts powerful streams of light-filled energy to bless all that is honored in this way. When a blessing of thanksgiving is made in any moment, it confers Divine energy upon the person who sends it, as well as the situation being blessed. In challenging times it may seem difficult to find something to feel grateful for. In spite of this, one way to create a positive change in your life is to give thanks for what you have now. You can even give thanks in advance for what you want to create. This allows a shift in your perceptions so that you begin to attract new beneficial energy into your life.
Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and well-being.
When you find nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive so your soul will evolve. It is a gift to be in a human body and your body is a miraculous instrument. Consider the fact that you have a heart within you that needs no conscious assistance on your part to continue beating. Remember that you don’t have to tell your digestive system to do its work.
All of these body parts are functioning in a wondrous Divine plan of perfection. When you turn your attention to these systems within your body, when you begin to give thanks for the incredible processes that continue 24 hours a day within you, they will function at a higher level. Your focus of attention with gratitude and blessings will bring more light and strength into your vital organs. For extra energy, consider filling these organs with a healing color such as pink or green, which brightens them with Divine Light. For fun you can then imagine a smile on a body part such as your liver or your heart. This will not only bless your organs, it will lighten your mind.
Your Body and Science
Dr. Emoto in Japan proved that beautiful crystalline structures were created when words of Peace and Love were placed on a glass filled with water. Imagine what grateful thoughts and words of kindness can do to your body with its high percentage of water content. Science has also proven that the cells of the body can become healthier when one has thoughts and beliefs that are positive. The subconscious mind hears all the words you say to yourself and interprets them as truth.
Athletes have used creative visualization as a powerful asset in their respective sports. Studies have shown that the mind makes very little differentiation between the act of physical practice and the mental visualization of a highly trained athlete. It is extremely valuable to remember this and apply it to your own bodies. The act of giving thanks for your wondrous, healthy, strong and flexible body can lead it to respond in positive ways that assist in creating new healthier cells. Your body contains a Divine Blueprint of perfection that can be called forward into present day experience. It begins with giving thanks for your body right now, just the way it is, and adding the ideas of what you would like to create within you.
When you give thanks for your mind that is clear and serene, for a brain that functions with balance and precision, and especially when you give thanks for the Divine Light continually empowering your thinking processes, there is a positive response within you. Your gratitude will bless your mind and allow it to function at a higher level of vibration. These simple acts not only change your mind, they inspire your emotions to respond with delight. Imagine the idea of delight, and the thought of this, sometimes less than familiar feeling, will spark a new level of inspiration in your being. Your imagination is an influential tool of empowerment, and it can be used for ill or for the good in your life.
Gratitude is the Attitude that will take you into your Heart
Consider the idea that your thoughts are like prayers reaching out into the Universal flow of life. When you use your thoughts consciously, they become prayers that shift your perspective so you can see a greater picture of what is actually going on in your life. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of spiritual energy into every situation. This force can create miraculous change for good in your life. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but prayers of thanksgiving can help create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so.
It is vitally important for your future to nurture compassion for yourself, the mistakes you made as you were learning about life, and forgiveness for the person you were in the past. Be grateful for all that you have learned and all that you are. This act is a good beginning for a peace filled and happy future. You can open new doors for tomorrow with your grateful thoughts today.
No matter how it feels, you are never alone. You are here on earth to remember your connection to the Spiritual Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the challenges life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring you more creative solutions. There is one place where you can always go to feel the power of Divine Love, and that is in your heart.
It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of giving thanks opens a door in your heart that allows Divine Love in.
Here are some possibilities for prayers that may help you to lift your thoughts and connect your heart to the essence of Gratitude. You can choose one or more that resonate with you and use them as a spiritual practice for the day. Masters suggest 21 days of a practice to create a new habit within your brain.
Divine Presence,
I AM grateful for the Beauty and Power of the living Earth that sustains all life and blesses all who are fortunate to live in this beautiful world. I give thanks that all beings are awakening to these gifts.Thank you for this day. Help me to see the blessings in my life, and learn the lessons given to me to learn. Show me what I need to know in order to grow into a more kind and loving human being, and take care of my responsibilities with Grace and Ease. Help me to share the gifts you have given me in a way that adds more value to the world.
Thank you for helping me move with great Clarity and Certainty. Thank you for inspiring my heart centered action in every area of my life.
I AM grateful for physical, mental and emotional Health and Well-Being. I recognize Wellness as my most empowered attribute and it blesses every area of my life.
Thank you for abundant demonstrations in my bank account and the financial ability to save, spend and support others. I AM grateful that my work fulfills me on all levels.
Thank you for my mind that is inspired and creative. Thank you for helping me to be open to new ideas that can bring good into my life. Thank you for my amazing body that is strong and flexible, and for the organs within it that are functioning with perfection. Bless each cell and fiber of my being so that it is filled with your Divine Light.
Thank you for the forgiveness growing in my heart and the compassion within me for the person I am right now. Help me to also have compassion and understanding for others as they walk their own path in life.
I AM thankful for the new awakenings of Love and Abundance all over the world in the hearts of each person embodied at this time. Thank you for helping me to live my life in Harmony and Well Being, and to be a radiant light for Divine Love in the world.
For these and all my blessings, I say, “Thank You God.” and so it is.
May this time of Thanksgiving fill your heart with Gratitude,
and bless every area of your life with Love.
So be it. Be it so. Amen.Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 27, 2019
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