We did make our collective wish on 11-11, just as that portal opened up ... and as always happens ... this wish was granted!
A very important lesson about this was brought home to me in a quite poignant way in the spring of last year....
A new friend of mine (who I didn't know yet) sent up a prayer to the Universe, telling God that if he had work to do on this planet, he wanted to do it with a healed body... and that he was willing to do what it took to achieve this.
... and at EXACTLY that moment ... a friend of his made contact with my partner ... who was GOING to get a tachyon chamber (but didn't yet have the funds for it) to discuss the mass meditations and how to get people together at physical locations to do them...especially at key moments like eclipses....
This person's friend ended up visiting us BEFORE we even had the tachyon chamber, tried out the Light Mandala, and did a one on one session with the Teams....
...and he ended up highly recommending the 4 Phases... as well as the Tachyon Chamber to his friend. His friend came and did many sessions in the tachyon chamber, as well as 3 sessions with the Light Mandala....and he started to heal so rapidly, that his friends came to see what was causing this tremendous improvement!
My point is...that when one person sends out his intention....(not to mention when the empowered, healed, and cleared meditators of the 144k send out their collective intention ) ....
... Source answers and starts moving things behind the scenes IMMEDIATELY...
.. this is how the manifestation process works...
...but it takes TIME
How MUCH time ...
... do we want it to take?
To put it another way … we’re still QUITE far from our potential to DRASTICALLY accelerate Planetary Liberation.
The suffering...not just our suffering as lightworkers under duress...but the needless suffering of literally MILLIONS of people around the planet...has to STOP!
We MUST find a way to turn this around… and inspire … motivate … and REACH enough people to not just join the 144k, but equally important - also support the outreach campaign to recruit & unify more members … faster.
… so we can finally REACH and MAINTAIN the critical mass – every time – without fail – so we no longer have to wait so long for freedom!
Without a well funded outreach campaign … we can expect further delays or slowness to Planetary Liberation.
… and enough, is enough!
This is all easily solved – through a simple ACTION 99% of 144k Member can easily afford.
How drastically accelerating Planetary Liberation by up to 90% or more … is EASY.
And the last remaining thing (at this point)
that’s missing – to
It’s called UNITY and INFLUENCE through - 3D Member Support:
Either through investing in life changing healing and clearing tools (either the 4 Phases … ICB … DE-Hypnosis) …
...which will allow us to fill the 144k War Chest, and recruit motivated meditators FAR quicker into seemingly the only infiltration-free Starseed Group … for FAR faster Planetary Liberation.
It’s as simple as that …
Will each of us ACT … on this simplicity?
Go HERE now to check it out:
And stay tuned for Friday's Email explaining the all new 144k AMBASSADOR PROGRAM
It’s simple …. 144k HQ provides everyone with TONS of value (life altering healing products, bi-weekly radio show, an infiltration-free and incredibly POTENT Starseed Group, solutions, support, advice, inspiration) … and you, the members, give back as you are able, along with your ALL IMPORTANT PRESENCE in the monthly or bi-monthly global mass meditations.
With the Ambassador Program, we are going to be making it possible for everyone who hasn't been able to afford the healing products to finally afford them...and hopefully earn some extra money for holiday spending!
With this circulating flow of energy and abundance ... and joy ... ENERGIZING the spread of the 144k … Planetary Liberation drastically ACCELERATES.
It’s a simple formula
… for a very real - VICTORY.
Light Forces Can’t Intervene Directly
In The Financial System?
On this week’s episode, I’ll also be talking about how the Light Forces CAN intervene directly with the financial system, BUT:
- the real reason why they won’t … (hint – it involves a threat)
- why & how the 144k – being the only Starseed Group that also focused on the Cabal’s financial server system … actually DID enable the Light Forces to seize control of the financial server system
- the other reason why the 144k was guided to focus on the financial system servers, and what the virus the RM inserted years ago had to do with it.
- what Cobra meant - when he said ‘the Light Forces can’t intervene directly, in the way we had hoped’ they could
- the mental block that may have prevented Cobra from RECEIVING different information from his off-world contacts (empowering psychic lesson for you, here!)
… translation – this is going to be another blockbuster episode of Ground Crew Command Radio. Hit the 144k Member’s link below to tune in this week's broadcast!
What To Shine The Transmutational Light
of Your Consciousness On, This Week!
Tune in to this week’s show to also learn about:
- how a determined Pentagon is jockeying for a massive counter-strike position against the Cabal, after the Cabal successfully convicted staunch anti-Cabalist & personal friend of the US President – Roger Stone. Find out what this move could be. The signs are there.
- why it’s unlikely to be against the BIS
- how all this relates to the declared release date of the long-awaited … much anticipated IG Report on FISA abuse on Dec 11 … that many say is the primary trigger for bigger investigations for the eventual PUBLIC arrests.
- what is INCREASING … as we get closer to financial reset … let alone the Event, (no – it’s not just our internal ‘stuff’ being forced up for release)
… plus much more, on another blockbuster episode of Ground Crew Command Radio:
(join links below) ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".

11:11 Silver Trigger Mass Meditation
Live broadcasts, downloads & previous Ground Crew Command episodes are right here at your internet home ...
the 144k Member's Area!
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(if you're using a different browser/device from what you originally joined with,
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Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.4phasehealingsystem.com and/or 144kactivated.org and/or https://www.internalcompressionbreakthrough.com
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