Thursday, November 7, 2019

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences November 4 to 10, 2019 by Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
by Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours. 
MON: Venus quincunx Uranus
TUE: Mars square Pluto
WED: Venus semisquare Pluto
THU: Venus semisquare Mars
FRI: Sun sextile Saturn, Sun trine Neptune, Saturn sextile Neptune
SAT: Mars opposite Eris, Mercury sextile Pluto
SUN: Venus trine Chiron

OUR PERSPECTIVE is changing, moment by moment, experience to experience, as if we are observing life through a kaleidoscope. Last Sunday's New Moon in Scorpio, which opposed Uranus, set new energies into motion. Unexpected changes have altered how we view certain aspects of reality, and required us to be flexible and adaptable.

As a result, we may be feeling somewhat fragmented, not quite sure where to land emotionally. At times we might feel at peace and in tune with the cosmos, while in the next minute we could find ourselves reacting viscerally to some situation in our lives. This uncertain footing, while disconcerting, is providing an opening for us to think in new ways, and to release old emotional patterns that have been limiting our growth in consciousness.

WHILE SOME TURBULENCE continues into the new week, we also have the opportunity to solidify our spiritual perspective. This will enable us to embrace even upsets with greater equanimity.

Astrologically, the turbulence comes in the form of a Mars-Pluto square (Tuesday) and a Mars-Eris opposition (Saturday). As the god of war, Mars is of course volatileand hard aspects to power-hungry Pluto and disgruntled Eris only add to the antagonism.

The arenas in which this discordant energy plays out should not be surprising, since we've already been working with this tension for a while. But, with assertive Mars acting as the catalyst, there are likely to be flare-ups wherever people are already at odds with one another.

And, this is another week to closely watch both global and personal events, as they will be indicators of what issues will be highlighted at the time of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020. 

ON A PERSONAL LEVEL, we'll want to be cautious about taking actions that may be driven by old patterns of fear and control. Those habitual patterns might manifest as overt power struggles, or in passive-aggressive manipulations, or even as co-dependent tendencies, given that Mars is currently in Libra.

We'll know when we're being drawn into those old behaviors, by how we feel inside. Karmic patterns, especially, seem to express through strong "have to" feelings: We "have to" say what we think, take a certain action, settle the score, or even resolve an issue so that we no longer have to feel certain emotions. There's a sense of urgency, sometimes almost panic.

At such times, it is valuable to remember that our higher self rarely speaks to us in urgent tones, except perhaps in a moment of crisis, to save us from an accident. But the voice of our Divine Self is powerfully calming, and brings a sense of peace to our hearts when we listen. We will all benefit from drawing our attention into that space of inner peace before taking action this week.

RELATIONSHIPS AND ALLIANCES are under pressure during the first half of the week, as Venus forms hard aspects with Uranus (Monday), Pluto (Wednesday), and Mars (Thursday). Since Venus is also ruler of values and finances, these are additional areas where there may be disruption.

The Venus-Uranus quincunx that begins the week indicates dissatisfaction with how things are unfolding, and yet confusion about how best to resolve the problem. Uranus may cause short-term separations or estrangement, which are difficult for Venus to accept.

VENUS is then semisquare both Pluto and Mars midweek, when the goddess of love is at the midpoint between those two planets. A midpoint is a sensitive degree, exactly midway between two planets, that carries the combined energy of both planets.

Astrologer John Sandbach writes that when the Mars-Pluto midpoint is activated by another planet, there is "an intensification of one's actions so that one may perceive both their constructive and destructive aspects."

He further explains that when Venus is at the Mars-Pluto midpoint, "Love is expressed with an extreme of assertiveness and excitement. The loved one may try to dominate you, or you may try to dominate the loved one. Power struggles in love."

It is reassuring that next Sunday, Venus is in a harmonious trine aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This provides an opportunity for us to rebuild bridges that may have been weakened earlier in the week, as we invoke the qualities of acceptance, compassion, and understanding of ongoing differences.

FRIDAY'S ASPECTS are notable for their positive and encouraging effects. Most important is the Saturn-Neptune sextile, a longer-term aspect that represents our capacity to be both practical and idealistic. This aspect can also help us bring a vision into reality, as long as we are willing to put in the required effort. This is the third and final Saturn-Neptune sextile in 2019, with the first two perfecting on January 31 and June 18.

The Sun is also in the mix on Friday, in harmonious aspect to both Saturn and Neptune. Literally and figuratively, the Sun pours light upon whatever it touches. As it sextiles Saturn and trines Neptune on Friday, the positive qualities of both planets are highlighted. This threesome will assist in our efforts to manifest our spiritual ideals in this physical reality, as we harness our imaginations, have faith in as-yet unseen outcomes, and apply the necessary focus and discipline as we pursue our goals. 

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: More than ever, you are concerned with deeper truths this year. Communication is a specific focus, whether you are writing in your personal journal, scribing a book, giving speeches, or exploring new ideas—but with retrograde Mercury emphasized in your solar return chart, much of what you learn will be through introspection. By accessing the ideas that germinate within you, and by applying practical tools, you have the potential to bring a dream or ideal into concrete manifestation. (Solar Return Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, sextile Saturn, trine Neptune, sextile Pluto)

In Gratitude and Light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.
 About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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