Friday, April 4, 2014

4th – 6th April: Preparing for the Off!: Liberation Awaits ~ by Sarah Varcas

"There is much talk of the intense influences around this month. What with a total lunar eclipse on 15th, a Cardinal Grand Cross on 23rd/24th followed by a solar eclipse to round the month off on 28th/29th, yes, there’s plenty to excite! And of course, as with most things in life, these alignments do not just appear out of nowhere on the day in question, but instead build gradually towards a climax of fulfilment and fruition, before just as gradually falling away into nothingness once more. If we take the analogy of child-birth, we could say that right now labour has begun but there’s a way to go yet. Come the lunar eclipse things are speeding up and the birth is imminent. The Grand Cross sees the arrival of new life and the solar eclipse brings the full awareness of what this new beginning means for us and every aspect of our life. Suffice to say we have an intense few weeks ahead, but at the end of it lies the potential for a shift of both personal and collective orientation which could, in due course, change the course of history. Of course, history can be changed in all manner of ways, positive or negative, and neither course is set in stone. It really is up to us at this juncture and there are some interesting and enlightening challenges ahead!

But right now we are preparing for the birth and as such we need to be focused on the task at hand, committed to seeing it through and prepared to do whatever it takes to bring new life into the world. This is a time of anticipation, excitement and fear, often in equal measure. However we’re feeling right now about the challenges ahead is absolutely fine. If we’re telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel [insert whatever emotion you don't want right now!] we’re already unnecessarily complicating things. If we’re scared, fine. If we’re confident, that’s fine too. If we’re full of hope or full of rage… so be it. Whatever we are experiencing at this time is our own personal fuel for the journey ahead and not to be judged, dismissed or denied, only acknowledged, embraced and respected for the message it holds for us.

This weekend, as has been the case for the past few days, intensity mounts. The air is full of emotion with suppressed irritations, anger, fears and forebodings rising up as if with a mind of their own. Whatever we’ve been avoiding lately we can’t avoid it now so we may as well give up that particular fight and open ourselves to the possibility that the aspects of our being we’ve been so eager to deny may just be the ‘pearl of great price’ we never thought we’d find. And of course, if we’re generally more inclined to identify with the struggle and overlook the pleasures, maybe we have a whole load of denied and suppressed fun to deal with now. In which case, enjoy!!

With the North Node now in Libra along with retrograde Mars, and Jupiter in Cancer, relationships are of the utmost importance in this current process. The divide between ‘us’ and ‘them’, ‘me’ and ‘you’ is under the spotlight and in need of deep examination at this time. Any tendency we have to judge and compare, blame and reject, to find others (or ourselves) wanting in some way, serves as a smoke-screen which obscures the opportunity we have before us right now. But this opportunity requires a willingness to be vulnerable for a while, to see the world through new eyes and be prepared to turn things on their head. The current burgeoning influences remind us that there is no destination on this path other than the path itself. If we feel we have a reached a point of arrival (often identified by choosing a label to go with it – ‘I am a ….’) then we’ve missed the point of the journey altogether. This month we are challenged to release all labels, which merely serve to forge yet another identity that will limit us eventually, and embrace life just as it is. In doing so we will know what is required of us in each moment, and our ability to respond will be exponentially increased without an identity that we need to serve and an idea of who we are to keep us in a familiar but stifling box.

It’s all about focus, identifying where ours usually rests and then shifting it around a bit. For example, if we know we’re sensitive and spend a lot of time focused on what we’re ‘picking up from others’, now’s the time to focus on what we’re putting out there for others to pick up and deal with. How much of us is our environment having to process on a daily basis?! If we tend to see ourselves as a ‘go getter’ it’s time to wonder what would come to us if we didn’t set out to grab whatever we desire. What are we missing in the act of securing what we think we want and need? If we identify as a healer/ light worker/spiritual [enter your own title!] it’s time to drop the label and feel what it’s like to just be me, plain old, beautifully flawed, sometimes terribly wise, sometimes really stupid, sometimes considerate, sometimes selfish me. This month the heavens are done with labels and identities, no matter how ‘spiritual’ they may be. It just wants us present and ready when the starter gun goes off at the Cardinal Cross in a few weeks time.

So this weekend the energies continue to mount and we may feel this in all manner of ways. If we find ourselves struggling with difficult emotions – our own or those of others – those very emotions can provide the fuel for deep transformation. It’s best we don’t overlook this fact because times like these don’t come around too often. Yes, the lessons may sound familiar, but right now the energy behind them is super-charged. Which is why it’s so important we get to grips with what’s really going on in our hearts and minds, in our relationships and communities, because wherever we invest our attention, energy and identity now is being infused with some of the most powerful energies in the universe, and we want to make sure we’re putting this Divine energy source to good use!

So, yes, challenging times for sure, but also liberating ones, and the extent to which we experience the latter is commensurate to how far we’re prepared to embrace the former and do whatever it takes to bring about a wise and positive new beginning in the days and weeks to come."

Sarah Varcas

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