Awakenings with Suzanne Lie:
Arcturian Message - Keeping the Lights On
members of our “away team” on Earth,
are happy to assist you with your earthly matters, as we see that they can be
very distracting to our grounded away team. First we would like to share with
you that you are about to have a wonderful surprise. We have seen our away team
suffer under the constraint put upon them by the very Dracs, now disguised as
humans, that they fought during the Galactic War.
war, to which Earth humans were completely oblivious, has been resolved in
Galactic Space and moved onto your planet Earth. The Draconians could no longer
roam our space and cause us problems, but they did seek a vulnerable planet on
which they could continue their domination over others. It is for this reason
that we have sent our volunteers from the Ashtar Command to incarnate in
physical earth vessels.
away team has tired of their position and their inability to assist those who
have totally surrendered to their personal slavery of the Draconian domination.
It is for this reason that many of our away team did not chose wealthy lives.
They have discovered in former missions to Earth that gaining, having, and
managing financial wealth can be a great distraction from their mission
members of our galactic away team
wearing earth vessels have tried to create a financial balance in which they
have enough money to be comfortable, but not enough to be corruptible. As you
have seen, there is a hypnotic effect that the “power of money” can place into
one’s consciousness. In fact, we have lost more of our away team to the lust
for money than to actual combat with Earth’s many hidden enemies.
is finding the manner in which one can balance their life so that there is
enough money for comfort and ease, but not so much that money becomes an
obsession. It is when the accumulation of money becomes a primary goal that our
away team falls into the induced trance of the Draconians, Illuminati and/or
the Cabal. These are three different names for the same group.
group is the “Guardians for Darkness and Domination.” On the other end of Earth’s
polarized reality are the “Keepers of the Light and Love.” These two groups
will be locked in combat until the two extreme polarities of light and dark can
find the Center from which they began.
Center in within the Core of every one incarnated on Gaia, as well as within
Gaia. The battle between dark and light has been waged within the consciousness
of Gaia’s humans since the fall of Atlantis. We say “humans,” as that included
the forces of dark in human form and the forces of light in human form.
we ask all of you to remember is that even the darkest person holds some light
and even the lightest person carries some darkness. This fact is the core of
your mission. If all those of light can find, then unconditionally love and
transmute their own inner darkness, they will not have any fear of the outer
initiation that all of our grounded ones must face is not the darkness without,
but the darkness within. That darkness is often titled “fear” in all of its
many faces. Fear is the creative force for the darkness and love is the
creative force for the light. In order for the merging of polarities to occur,
those of light must face and love free their own inner darkness, which is fear.
this knowledge, the members of our away team chose the darkness/fear that they
would incorporate into the earth vessel they would wear while on their
incarnational mission to Earth. Some of our members chose to be what you would
call “a spy,” in that they would be born to live within the reality of one of
many Illuminati families.
Illuminati families are the primary carries of the Draconian DNA on planet
Earth. Unfortunately, many of these brave spiritual warriors where lost to
death or to the indoctrination that they had to endure while in that life.
you are not aware of the term “Illuminati” we offer these links:
come to you within your NOW to inform you that the conflict with the Draconians
as relayed through Jaqual the Antarian, it still occurring in your daily life.
It is NOT within your NOW to go into battle, but it IS with your NOW to rescue
the myriad aspects of your SELF that been “taken from your awareness.”
as Jaqual is leading a mission to rescue the people in his community, we ask
that each of you go on the “mission” of rescuing the myriad “people” that
represent your vast, Multidimensional SELF. Life after life you have incarnated
into an earth vessel to assist Gaia. Please remember that your Multidimensional
SELF lives within the NOW of the ONE. Hence, you have chosen many different
timelines into which you have taken an earth vessel.
some of those timelines you became overtaken and lost to the darkness. It is
one of your tasks in your final incarnations, away missions to Gaia’s Earth, to
retrieve those fragments of your SELF that were once lost and bring them into
your own true Light and Love. Do not be concerned about how you will accomplish
that retrieval, for as you begin your transmutation into Lightbody your
frequency will attract all fragments of your SELF that have become lost to the
see, just as your light will transmute your present reality, it will instantly be
shared with all the expressions of your SELF that have taken an earth vessel in
differing locations and timeliness. As Gaia returns to the HERE of the NOW, so
will all persons, places and things that have taken a vessel on Her planet.
hear you ask, “But when will this great harvest of our SELF occur?” Of course,
it will occur within the NOW. You will find the NOW within the fifth dimension,
and you will find the fifth dimension within your SELF. “When” is a third
dimensional question that has NO third dimensional answer.
learn to ask, “At what frequency will this great harvest of SELF occur?” The
answer to that question is that it will occur while your consciousness
resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. When your consciousness resonates
to the higher frequencies you have the courage to perceive your wounded self in
your higher consciousness will embrace that you in order to love it free. Of
course, the embracing of your own fear/darkness will temporarily lower your
consciousness again. Then you will need to remember your Multidimensional SELF
and call for assistance.
Of course, the Galactic and Celestial members
of your higher expressions of SELF will answer your cry and come to your
rescue. After you have recognized, rescued, fallen into and gained assistance,
you will remember that every player in that scenario is YOU. Once you fully
realize that fact, you will enjoy a fulfilling and healing reunion with your
reunion will appear to occur only when the “blanket of third dimensional
illusion” is removed via your higher consciousness. We, also, happily share
with you that from our perspective there are more and more areas of Gaia’s
planet that are resonating to the threshold of the fifth dimension.
the members of your higher dimensional SELF applaud your dedication and
courage. Within these “threshold areas,” which we call them, we see our
volunteers for “Earth duty” who have taken human, animal and etheric bodies to
assist in holding the fifth dimensional light. To be a “Keeper of the Light,”
you do not need to be human. But you do need to be the Master over your fear.
mastery does not need to occur in all of your “timelines,” as you face many
different challenges in the many moments of your life. Your mastery is not a time or even a place. Your mastery is a “state of being,” which is the natural
result of fifth dimensional consciousness. There are, of course, certain times
or places in which it is easier for you to maintain that state of
we recommend that you:
1. Forgive
your self for allowing your frequency to drop.
2. Take
note of the times, places and activities that expand your life, as well as the
times, places and activities that diminish your light.
3. Remember
to say to yourself, as well as to every person, place or situation that drains
your light,
“I love YOU unconditionally.”
simple statement will re-set your consciousness into the higher frequencies.
We give
you this exercise as we have found they when our ones in human garments give their
worried self a task to perform, they becomes distracted from their “problems”
enough to focus on the solutions.
wish to tell you that many changes are occurring on the inner levels of our
grounded ones, meaning humanity. Those who are allowing their consciousness to
expand beyond the illusion of time
will feel these changes on a daily basis. However, those who are still bound to
time will likely feel the changes in
what they would call “later.”
course, there is not time and there
is no later, except for within your
third dimensional holographic projection. This holographic projection is
beginning to morph and change because so many habitants of the hologram are
beginning to expand their consciousness beyond the confines of the holographic
reality to experience another reality based on truth.
“new reality” is not new, as it is infinite. It is infinite because it
resonates beyond the confines of time and space. We have often spoken about the
“real world” beyond the 3D hologram, but there is something that we have not
shared. Do not think that we are about to share shocking news. In fact, we have
alluded to this message many times. The difference is that in your NOW more of
you are able to understand the core
of our message rather than the lower
emanation of it.
we have said on myriad occasions, the reality you perceive is the reality that
you live. What is occurring NOW is that there is a beautiful harvest of light.
If you could see your world from our perspective, you would witness a beautiful
light show much as those you might have in a concert.
perceive Gaia’s Earth as a living being with different patches of light and
darkness. For many eons Gaia’s body was primarily in darkness with timelines of
light that were eventually snuffed out by the encroaching darkness. What we are
seeing now is more and more patches of light beaming out to unconditionally
love the patches of darkness.
might wonder how a patch of land could unconditionally love. Hence, we remind
you that the planet Gaia is a living being. Just as your human body has an
immune system to heal parts of your body that are sick or injured, Gaia can use
Her immune system to heal Her planetary body.
fifth dimensional patches of light have a great deal of healing ability because
they resonate to the power of unconditional love. Therefore, Gaia’s patches of
darkness are increasingly growing smaller because they are being
transmuted/healed by Her light.
our awakened ones are aware, the darkness of fear can only be transmuted with
the light of unconditional love. The forces of darkness have continued their
fear campaigns and confrontations, but there is a growing majority of humanity
that are refusing to participate in their “game” of illusion.
third dimensional Earth is a hologram, every one, including animals and all of
Gaia’s creatures, have the ability to participate in altering this hologram.
During the long Kali Yuga, Earth was furthest from the Golden Age of direct
light from the Multiverse. Hence, darkness was the primary programmer.
now that Earth is in Her Golden Age, you are in direct alignment with the light
of the Multiverse. Therefore, you all, that is every creature on Earth, have
access to this higher light should you
choose to accept it. Before you were within the Golden Age you needed to
seek out the light, which was often hidden in the darkness.
your NOW of 2014 you have been in direct alignment with this flow of infinite
light for over two of your years. We say to you dear humans who have lived many
years in the darkest times of the Kali Yuga, that two years is not very long in
your measurement of time.
the first task of this multidimensional light streaming form the ONE is to release the illusion of time. You
will all cling to this illusion because “time” has become a habit to which you have structured your
life for many incarnations. On the other hand, we observe that many of you are
beginning to release the illusion of time and float into your fifth dimensional,
and beyond, expressions of SELF. We also see how dangerous this can be to your
earth vessel. If you float beyond time while driving a car, crossing the street
or cooking at your stove, you could harm your earth vessel.
we suggest that you put aside certain “times” in your day in which you can
place your earth vessel safely in a chair and allow your SELF to visit your
true multidimensional HOME. This activity is much like giving a child his or
her “playtime,”so
that the “child” can be patient during times
of third dimensional obligations and activities.
our perspective in the higher dimensions you all appear like race horses
waiting in the gate for the bell to sound so that you can run as fast as you
can. You want to “run HOME,” but your Mother Gaia needs your growing light so
that She can return HOME as well. We know that we are asking a lot of you.
our dear Ones that ascension is not an escape. Ascension is the Mission that
you volunteered for before you took this incarnation. Yes, not all of humanity
volunteered for this mission, but if you find yourself reading this message,
you are likely among those volunteers.
is a vital component of your ascension process that you remember that YOU are
the creator of your reality. Therefore, YOU program into your hologram every
thing that occurs in your life. We feel your collective resistance to this part
of our message, but we remind you that you also programed your other lives in
myriad parallel and alternate realities. Therefore, there are always options.
a 3D perspective death is a tragedy that creates great sorrow and loss. But, from
the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF who programmed your 3D life,
death means that you are logging out of the hologram. Also, confronting death
it is a powerful initiation that forces you to look deeply into your life to
determine what is really important and what is a third-dimensional distraction
from your mission.
fact, many of you have programmed a near death experience into your holographic
life when you become too distracted from your true reason for incarnation. In
this manner, you can “reset” your program. Near death experiences may also
occur during a major initiation into a higher expression of your SELF.
third dimension teaches you that death is your enemy and you must “be the
strongest ones” to survive. This message primarily occurs in the patches of
darkness. When that area transmutes into a higher frequency of light/consciousness,
the beings of that area begin to realize that third dimensional life is an
illusion and the LIFE they wish to experience is actually in the higher
dimensions of reality.
more and more of you are becoming Masters of your energy field, which is your
consciousness, you are remembering that YOU must also be the master of your
emotions and thoughts. The thoughts and emotions that you allow to remain in
your aura influence your state of consciousness, just as your state/frequency
of consciousness influences your thoughts and emotions. When you are trapped in
the areas of darkness, it is very difficult to come to that conclusion. Hence,
we greatly commend those Masters who are assisting Gaia to clear these patches
of darkness.
once you become Master of your energy you realize that ALL life is of equal
importance. While in the third dimensional holographic projection is it easy to
believe that only humans are important and the myriad other life forms that
share your planet are far beneath you.
truth is that Earth could easily survive, and in fact prosper more, if all
humanity would leave. However, without the “insignificant” insects, the entire
ecosystem for Gaia’s planet could collapse. It is important for our human ones
to remember that they are not in any manner “better” than any other component
of Gaia’s immense ecosystem.
are sure that those reading this message are aware that humanity has caused
great harm to their home planet and have brought Gaia to the verge of
destruction on more occasions than your limited “history” reveals. Therefore,
we remind you that that ALL life on Gaia’s body is vital and sacred.
human expressions of your great Multidimensional SELF, remember to walk softly
on the body of your Mother. Send Her your unconditional love with your every
breath. Remember that your current physical incarnation, which appears so
important to you, is a mere fraction of your SELF and less than a millisecond
of Gaia’s ‘time.’
you move beyond the limitations of the illusion of time, you also move beyond many
illusions that you have held as the “truths” for myriad incarnations. This
expanded awareness of the truth is occurring within your NOW. Sometimes these
truths can tempt you to fall into fear, anger, sorrow or judgment, which will
lower your consciousness.
frequency of your consciousness sets the dimensions of your perceptions, and
the reality you perceive is the reality you live. Since we perceive that you
wish to live within the higher frequencies of light, we remind you that you are
always calibrating your consciousness
to the higher dimensions.
you continue your ascension process, you will move out of alignment with the
third-dimensional holographic projection of Earth and into alignment with
Gaia’s true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond. In your other
ascension lives, all of you (even those who are now lost in darkness) have had
ascension experiences.
does not make you a Saint. Ascension merely means that you have returned your
consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that resonate
above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities. What is different
in your present timeline is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic
projection of Earth is closing. Gaia and all
Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF.
Those who
wish to take on a physical form to study at a “planetary school of cause and
effect” will need to log into a different planet. Those humans who do not feel
complete with their lessons of cause and effect will simply shift from Gaia’s
holographic projection to another planetary holographic project to complete
their education. There is no judgment by an outer source, as the concept “outer
sources” is a third-dimensional illusion.
fact, the concept of “judgment” is also a third-dimensional illusion. While you
are still feeling trapped in third-dimensional illusion, you will not be able
to understand this message. Nevertheless, the “egg” that has encased you as your
embryo self is cracking, and you are emerging into a new version of reality.
YOU MAY question whether or not our message is “real.” This act of beginning to
question your world will open windows in your mind that allow the
ever-expanding light to shine into your consciousness.
closing, we remind you to withdraw ALL attention from that which you do not want to manifest. Meanwhile,
remember to recognize and send gratitude to the “everyday miracles” that are
increasingly blessing your life.
BE to our ascending ones,
will keep the light on while we await your return,
The Arcturians
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