Saturday, August 9, 2014

"Boundaries and Limits as Your Key to Freedom" July 30th REPLAY | Jennifer Hoffman -Enlightening Life radio show

Many of us came from families where boundaries and limits were not understood or respected. This can be particularly overwhelming to sensitives, who tend to feel "run over" by other people's energies and demands.  They often react in anger in an effort to assert the limits they need in order to have the peace of mind they require to focus and function. Then they are met with condemnation and blame, feel hurt and bewildered, and the cycle of dysfunction perpetuates itself. Jennifer Hoffman explains the purpose of healthy boundaries and limitations, and why they are our key to freedom and expansion. -PB

"Boundaries set up the structure of your life...I call boundaries the energetic 'price of admission' to your life....Boundaries aren't about keeping people out, although they do that, they're really more about managing your energy. Without boundaries, your energy gets scattered everywhere."

"Limits represent what we will do...Limits is where you draw the line, what you will and won't do.... Limitations really represent fears of expansion, of transformation, of change, whereas limits just are part of your boundaries. Here's where I'll act, this is where I stop. When you have limits, what's good about them is this shows you where you draw the line, that way you don't get caught up in activities or situations where you feel out of control or you're out of your element, or don't know what to do.

And together, boundaries and limits act in a really powerful way, and that is, they help YOU manage your energy, and they help YOU feel in control of your environment, because you ARE in control of your environment, you're in control of what goes in, what goes out, where you go, what you allow, what you don't allow, and they make you feel PEACEFUL, and they help you be in your joy, because you can't be in your joy when you don't feel in control."

"So the limits also work when you respect your own limits, and you don't raise and lower your limits in an attempt to be liked by somebody, or to be valued by someone, without wondering and asking yourself, and how does this serve me, and is it worth it to me."

"And so, the other part about boundaries is we need to respect other people's boundaries, and their  limits, which is what THEY"RE comfortable with, where THEIR energy is, and how THEY feel comfortable in their own life, and in the world."

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1 comment:

  1. "August energy report and ways to help us make choices as we navigate the intense energies coming in" -Enlightening Life radio show REPLAY 8-6-14 | Jennifer Hoffman
