Sunday, August 16, 2015

An Akashic Perspective on Romantic, Loving Relationships


An Akashic Perspective on Romantic, Loving Relationships
by Jen Eramith | Akashic Transformations

Q. What is the best way to bring more loving and romantic relationships into our lives?

The key to attracting loving relationships of all kinds, both romantic and non-romantic, is to deeply embrace the fact that human beings are born with a much higher capacity to give Love than they have to receive Love.  In fact, Every baby is born has a capacity for giving Love that is about ten times greater than their capacity for receiving Love.  That capacity for Love is equivalent also to the need for Love.  Babies, children, and adults who are emotionally healthy have a much stronger need to love others than they have a need to be loved by others. 

Every person needs to be loved as well as to love, but the wonderful thing about human beings is that you are built to give more than you take.  This ensures that there will be more than enough to go around.  Unfortunately, because people have been hurt and they often close their hearts in order to protect themselves, it can sometimes feel like there is not enough Love to go around.  But, the truth is, every person is built to be a generator of Love.  You have so much more Love to give than any of you are giving.  And, your need to give that Love will fulfill you so much more than trying to get more Love. 

Human beings are built to be attracted to Love.  It is the one thing that every single person wants.  The way to get more Love is to give more Love.  There is nothing more attractive to someone than a person who is generating Love.   If you could look at your energy fields, you would see that the human energy field is fluid. The energy in your field is like a river or an ocean -- it is always in motion.  It is like water, it is always in motion.  Your life force energy does not sit still.  There is always a flow and therefore a direction.  At any moment, your energy is moving outward or inward.  When you give Love, your energy moves outward.  When you are receiving Love, it moves inward. 

At any given moment, you are generating Love and putting it out into the world, or you are seeking Love and pulling energy inward.  It is rarely both. When you are in need, your energy field sucks energy in from the world around you.  People can sense this flow, and they tend to avoid someone who is pulling energy inward.  Most people are attracted to those who are shining energy outward, and this happens when you are giving Love. 

Of course, just like with ocean tides, in order to stay in balance your energy moves in both directions at different times.  You must give and take.  You have to ask for things and need things and receive and you also need to give Love and generate Love.  To be a healthy human being, and to be the very best you can be as a human, you would spend about ten times more energy giving Love than you would spend receiving Love.  That would be the perfect balance for a healthy human being. 

Unfortunately, many of you get caught into a pattern of chronic need.  Because very few children grow up with all of their needs being perfectly fulfilled, most of you have a deficit as far as needing to feel Loved by others.  Being in a constant state of need becomes a self-fulfilling problem.  If you walk into a relationship with need, with your flow moving inward, people shy away because every other person out there is longing to be loved as well.  Few people are going to want to give their Love to you if you are just sucking it up without sharing more Love than you are taking. 

On the other hand, if you are giving Love you become very attractive.  Instead of thinking about your own need and your own wishes and your own fears, if you walk into a room and you look for someone to Love and you share as much Love as you can, you become the person who is most loved by others.  It is a paradox, that if you are most willing to give Love then you become filled with the most Love.  Looking for people to Love, sharing as much Love as you can, and holding an ongoing attitude of forgiveness and grace makes you very attractive. 

It is not meant to be that you give away your time and energy or that you allow yourself to be drained in order to offer Love.  The Love we suggest you offer is held in your heart, so that even if you refuse a request or step away from someone’s need, you can do it with Love in your heart.  Your need to love others is based in the attitude of forgiveness that you offer as you witness and support those around you.  It is not meant to be that you make yourself a martyr in order to give Love.

In regard to romantic relationships and attracting a romantic mate, then we can say it does not matter what people you choose to offer Love.  If you are sharing Love with anyone, it makes you more attractive to potential romantic mates.  If you are looking for a romantic partner, do not limit your affection and attention to potential mates.  If you do, you hold the wish that people will love you and that creates the inward flow of energy that is unattractive.  Instead, walk into the room and hold Love in your heart for every person regardless of whether you have romantic interest or not.  Think of how you can make someone’s day happier.  Smile.  Shine your light without the need for that someone to like you in return.  This attitude of Love makes you like a light bulb glowing with energy.  Everyone in the room will feel drawn to you, and this includes the people who may be romantic mates. 

Once you establish a habit of Love, you will have the problem of abundance.  Too many people will want to be your friend, your neighbor, or your mate.  You will need to learn to say "No" in order to preserve your own time and energy, rather than the problem of scarcity.  Cultivate a lifestyle in which you spend time each day thinking of how you can share Love with an elderly neighbor, your best friend's child, your parents, your co-workers – even with the birds that fly past your window.  Every time you think about how much you Love someone or something, every time you do something generous and kind, every time you open your heart and really enjoy someone, you become a glow light.  Your energy field is moving outward and you become very attractive.  That is the best way to bring both more Love into your life and more romantic partners.  It is also the best way to establish the healthiest balance as far as your energy field to generate far more Love than you receive.

Q. Is there really someone for all of us in the romantic sense?  Are some people destined to be alone without a romantic partner?

(...For more on Romantic Love, join Akashic Transformations! Members have access to the full topic channeling each week- Consider joining Akashic Transformations today!

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