Monday, August 10, 2015

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for August 10 to 16, 2015 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies for
August 10 to 16, 2015
By Pam Younghans
TUE: Jupiter enters Virgo, Saturn sextile Ceres
WED: Mercury opposite Neptune
THU: Sun trine Uranus, Sun quincunx Chiron, Saturn semisquare Pluto
FRI: New Moon 7:53am PDT
SAT: Sun conjunct Venus, Mercury trine Pluto
Mars sesquiquadrate Chiron

JUPITER changes signs this week, leaving the dramatic and colorful realms of fiery Leo and entering more serious, results-driven, earthy Virgo. In keeping with its large physical size, Jupiter has the effect of enhancing or exaggerating the qualities of whatever sign it is transiting. It usually takes Jupiter about 12 months to make its transit through a sign.

Archetypes associated with Leo are Performer, Clown, Child, and King/Queen. While Jupiter has been in Leo, we've seen a magnification of our collective love affair with celebrity. Many individuals have successfully claimed their "15 minutes of fame" only to fade from the spotlight when the next bigger-than-life personality took the stage.

VIRGO'S ARCHETYPES include Analyst, Perfectionist, Critic, and Martyr. Although the change will not happen overnight, as Jupiter moves from Leo to Virgo, we should see a gradual shift in our shared vision of what adds meaning to life. Certain bright lights will lose their ability to command attention and our skills of discernment will be enhanced.

It will be especially interesting to watch the unfolding of the U.S. presidential campaigns over the 13 months (Jupiter enters Libra in early September 2016). We can hope that Virgo's penchant for criticism doesn't become the primary theme, but that the focus of the campaigns will turn to practical issues, and how to find solutions to existing problems.

MERCURY opposes Neptune on Wednesday, making it a good day for accessing our imagination and intuition, but perhaps not such a good day for making practical judgments or decisions. Mercury is in Virgo, so we may feel very sure that we are right about something -- but the Neptune influence means our sense of great clarity may be only an illusion.

Of all the days of the week, Saturday is a much better day for making decisions or addressing practical issues. Mercury is trine Pluto on that day, assisting our ability to see beneath the surface to the truth of the matter. This aspect should also help us communicate honestly and directly.

OUR NEW MOON on Friday is notable for the alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and retrograde Venus in Leo. New Moons always represent the beginning of a cycle, but Venus retrograde has us peering into the rearview mirror as we assess what we really value and want to manifest in our lives.

Venus is moving from its position as the evening star -- most visible in the sky after the Sun sets -- to being the morning star, the herald of the Sun's rising. Once Venus completes its retrograde phase on September 6, we hopefully will see more clearly what brings us joy and fulfillment, and can allow that increased awareness to guide our course going forward.

EVEN THOUGH Friday's New Moon is in Leo, the Sabian symbol for the location of the New Moon seems to underscore the themes represented by Jupiter in service-oriented Virgo:

"A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission: Spirituality, in terms of training for service to humankind."

This symbolic image reveals that our new lunar cycle takes us beyond the sometimes self-oriented side of Leo. It asks us not only to explore what brings us joy, but also to consider how we want to put our creative gifts to use in the world.

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of the Sabian symbol explains:

"The domesticated bird is seen endowed with a special significance and purpose. This refers to spiritual energies which are being used constructively and which bring to the consciousness messages from other realms. Individual realizations acquire their true meaning only as they fulfill a collective function."
URANUS forms a harmonious trine aspect with the Sun-Moon-Venus triad at the time of the New Moon. This Uranian influence provides the support we need to make necessary changes, and helps us adapt to new circumstances with more grace than usual.

However, Chiron also plays an important role in the New Moon chart, forming challenging aspects to both the Sun and Mars. With the Wounded Healer in Pisces, this is our reminder to have compassion for the part of us that feels fearful when contemplating the unknown. Over the coming lunar cycle, we will want to find our kit of meditation techniques and healing tools, and use the ones that most reinforce our knowing that All Is Well.

Copyright Pam Younghans 2015. All rights reserved.
 Photo: Lunar halo as seen from the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station, Antarctica (credit: Liu Yang, posted on

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