Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What's Happening in the Stars? August 3-9, 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars?
August 3-9, 2015  ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

~scroll down for this week’s forecast~


The very special day of August 8, 2015 is the point of opening the
Lion Gate in our galaxy and is also the Solar Eight vibration.
August is the 8th month of the year, and this gateway happens
on the 8 day of the 8th month in an 8 year, as 2015 in numerology
adds up to 8.  When the number 8 is doubled to 8-8, the energy
increases and strengthens.  Then tripled, it creates an even
stronger vibration of the energies the 8 carries with it.

This is all happening in the astrological sign of Leo, which is
symbolized as a Lion. Thus, this day is called the Lion’s Gate.
The Lion represents courage and strength. As a totem animal,
it represents strength, or the powers of the Sun. Lions are also
considered to be proud animals, thus the name “The Pride”.  
We are a bit shell shocked around the world as we are being
drawn to the tragedy of Cecil, the protected lion of Zimbabwe
who was recently murdered.

Millions of people around the globe ....expressing their hatred and

disgust towards the dentist seems unprecedented and immense.
Could there be a connection on how Lions Gate and the death of
Cecil could be related and synchronistic?  Are the two events
unrelated and random coincidence?

This senseless killing to murder for fun is an event that can
further activate massive positive changes in humanity.
Millions around the world are expressing their Leonine Hearts
wanting to actually “do something to change it” instead of just
the old “that’s not right, but what can you do” attitude.

Cecil ....The Lion Heart resonates throughout the world.
it is an unconditional love we carry in our hearts
for every living thing on our planet....from hummingbirds to lions...
it’s all relevant! We are ALL connected.


August 3-9, 2015
  ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Ever expanding lucky Jupiter joins peace loving Venus for a magical
moment on Tuesday afternoon PST. They are both in Fabulous Leo:
Shine your best bright light. There is much love and opportunity available
this week, magical moments of right timing are creating intersections of
opportunity. Remember: Discipline proceeds dominion. Lead by example.

Saturn and Jupiter are both hitting off areas that cause us to contemplate
relationships.  Because Venus is retrograde someone from the past might
show up.  It’s all rainbows and long stem roses. Such romantic kismet.
But wait. There is more to the story so keep it really real. Watch for red flags.

It may be a matter of when one door closes another opens.  But take your
time opening this one- peek carefully and stay away from Vegas. Can you
say roller coaster. You may want to declare your love by renting one of those
planes that has a big flag trailing behind it saying “Marry Me.” There is less
expensive ways to declare your love says practical Saturn.  

Saturn is making sure you keep your foot on the brakes- it's time for close
 inspection.  Don't give away the keys to your kingdom. Choose your cohorts
carefully. Discuss five year plans to see if you are on the same page with
any new prospects.

It's really a week of tricky contradictions. If you happen to have these own
aspects in your personal chart you will feel this so much more acutely.  You
might feel like a bit of a crazy person with different aspects of your personality
wanting different things. Just think how interesting you are, with all your
contradictions.  Now you might have the courage to state what each side wants.
Even if it does seem crazy. We are human-curiously complex.

Thursday Mercury and Venus combine to help you express yourself with talent
and flair.  You might deliver the performance of your dreams if you are currently
involved in the arts.  Communications are blessed with grace and beauty now.  
Any attempt at harmony will be rewarded tenfold.  Just say what you need to say.
You will be met with magic.  Our words create our reality. What kind of reality
are you creatin g?

Friday Mercury and Jupiter combine again providing lucky communications.
 What do you need to say? Perhaps it is a matter of what you need to hear.  
Be sure you are open to receive.  Things are expanding now.  Truth and
reconciliation are possible - and oh so healing.  Jupiter is a faithful seeker
of the truth. And Mercury has to talk about it. The truth will set you free.

“Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the

right ones”  -John Lennon.

Life is too short to spend your precious time with
the wrong people.  Seriously.

Mercury slides into Virgo later Friday PST cementing in your practical awareness
of what works and what won't. Now it's time for the details. Virgo is brilliant at
improvement.  How can you improve upon things? For the next month you will
have a special flair for higher order. Virgo energy can help you to edit out any
clutter, physically, emotionally and spiritually. August is a great month to get it
all done.  You can rest in the winter.  For now your efforts to put true and total
order in your world will be so rewarding-,paving the way for new life of lighter
energy and dreams come true. Make room for your future.

Mars will be in fiery Leo starting Saturday until the end of September.  This will
give you the confidence that you need to let yourself stand out from the crowd.
It's time to share your discoveries. It's time to show them what you can do. If you
have been following the Loving guidance of your Heart you will be met with a
great deal of confirmation.  You are on the right track!  Reach for what you can
see for yourself.

"He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the

 universe." – Marcus Aurelius.

May we each be aligned with who we really are. In perfect Love and perfect Trust.

~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Create Amazement!
Karen and Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more
And Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Visit us at:

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain

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