This week is about boundaries blurring and veils being lifted.
The shimmery mist brings messages of magic and other worlds.
Facilitating them is Wednesday’s angles between Mercury and
Saturn and also between the Sun and Jupiter, which all combined
creates a clear signal from the universe that there is more
happening that meets the eye. The call is to create healthy order
in your body mind and soul.
So use this week to make lucky changes that will support you
through changes you need to make to get closer to the life you
are working towards. Ground work can be laid in super lucky
ways. Not exactly glamorous, laying ground work- but when
you look back on this time you'll see how lucky you were for
things to fall into place as they did. The signals are strong and
the information is profound for anyone who chooses to tune in
and listen.
~scroll down for this week’s forecast~
Our neighbors to the north of us felt some summer heat relief last
weekend with an August snowfall! The surprising weather
was met with a bit of excitement from winter sports enthusiasts.....
but, it was short it’s back to 90 degree temperatures this
Looks like they’re enjoying the weather, eh?
August 24-30 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Our minds turn to balance in relationships as Communicator Mercury
moves to peace seeking Libra. Jupiter Joins the Sun to expand what
is possible with jaw dropping coincidence. And, the full moon in Pisces
adds a dash of dreams come true to the picture. You may just be lucky
in Love. Risk pays off this week. Not death defying risk, but well thought
out moves towards brighter futures. Up, up and away!
Jupiter joins the Sun once a year. Wednesday PST this lucky combination
offers us up some luck. Jupiter and the sun are both buoyant up-reaching
energies. They are in Vigilant Virgo, helping create an expansion of order
and health in your life. The Saturn ruled Capricorn moon underlies this
fortunate energy. Saturn is always serious, conscious of foundations and
slow steady progress. Jupiter prefers the lottery winning avenue to wealth,
so there is a bit of resistance factored into this lucky joining of Jupiter and
the Sun while the moon is in Capricorn and the sun in Virgo.
If you allow your lucky expansion to be practical too nothing can stop you.
Perhaps it’s time to add something to your routine that supports your health:
Yoga or Pilate’s maybe. The good then could grow within your body while
you gain strength and alignment. Saturn would be proud. Or maybe you
make sure to get your essential fatty acids. Any practical expansion is
supported immensely. Jupiter is generous. A little bit of effort lines you
up with all the luck you need to get you where you are going.
Mercury Moves to Libra Thursday- Mercury does well here in logical Libra.
Justice and balance become valuable to you this month. Relating to others
is important now. Being Alone won't feel right. It is through the eyes of others
that we get a glimpse of ourselves. Libra is all about getting along. Seek
peace and beauty-Such things will be so soothing to your mind and heart
with Mercury in Jupiter.
You may also find yourself to be indecisive. Your mind is now capable of
seeing all sides to all situations- How ever do you choose? Maybe now is
not the time for choosing. Make notes for now and choices later.
This full moon in Pisces is conjunct its own ruler Neptune. Boundaries will
blur, veils lift. The shimmery mist brings messages of magic and other worlds.
Neptune sees the magic and mystery in life. Music, poetry, art of any and all
kinds is necessary to express the unexplainable. Make rest a high priority on
Saturday PST. Nap and lay around if that is what you feel you need to do.
Neptune communicates to you while you let your imagination wander. Send
off your wishes in hand drawn images. Magical situations can happen now.
What is unreal can be made real. All you have to do is choose.
The Virgo Sun is a wonderful time to create healthy order in your body mind
and soul. So use this week to make lucky changes that will support you
through changes you need to make to get closer to the life you are working
towards. Ground work can be laid in super lucky ways. Not exactly glamorous,
laying ground work- but when you look back on this time you'll see how lucky
you were for things to fall into place as they did. Keep notes. May all the
details be lovingly dealt with during this week and always. And so they are!
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Create Amazement!
Karen and Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more And Never Settle for Less Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
Visit us at:
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain
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