Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What's Happening in the Stars? August 17-23 , 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

For this week....go with the flow and follow your joy.  
Just don't be dumb and make bad choices mid week.  

Then on Sunday, the Sun enters Virgo where it transits for the next month until September 23.

Enjoy the last week of Leo for 2015.  Such a wonderful time of year.


What's Happening in the Stars?  August 17-23 , 2015 
~Contributed by Hillory Skott 

August 17-23 2015
is the last week of the Sun in Fabulous Leo.

Boo, because Leo knows how to have fun. But also Yay!
Because the Sun in Virgo gets things done. So enjoy the
playful Leo Sun this week, it won't be back until next year.

Wednesday this week
has an interesting trine between Venus

in do it big Leo and seriously shocking Uranus. This might be a
wonderful sudden romance- that triggers your awareness of
boredom and routine.    True, we could all use a shake up in
the routine, especially the fixed types: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
and Aquarius. It keeps us young and alive to contribute to the
world around us in new and different ways.  But be careful not
to do something that can’t  be undone. Your current relationship
might be dull but don't throw in the towel with one bad decision.

Use the energy wisely by trying a new art form or going dancing.  

Something different, but still wholesome and supportive to your
overall life. If it's really all that bad you can make big changes in
the fall. For now observe what is occurring around your and be
happy. Life is short- choose happy.

The weekend looks a little heavy. Big strict Saturn is contacting

the Sun before it influences the moon.  The moon is in Scorpio
this whole time too.  Scorpio can go so dark.  This might be good
energy for digging deep into something. Something complicated
but worth the effort, like Astrology, or the history of royal inbreeding-
Scorpio loves a conspiracy. Has a knack for sniffing out the lies.  
Oh the lies.  If there is work to do- do it now, face the things your
pretend don't bother you all the time. Whatever that may be.  

Sunday August 23, 2015
The Sun will move to Virgo at 3:38 am PST.

You will feel this shift.  Earth and Water signs will enjoy this energy
but Air and Fire, not so much. Virgo is a grounded organized helpful
energy.  Almost everyone I have ever lived with has had a Virgo moon.  
First my dad, then three of my boyfriends and my long time best friend
roommate too.  Now my lovely hubby also has a Virgo Moon.   Eve n my
most beloved Dog had a Virgo moon.  So I consider myself a bit of an
expert on this energy. And I wouldn’t live without them apparently Virgo
can see what is wrong when no one else can. All the finer details in life
that are often essential are noticed and attended to in Virgo. Virgo notices
and sorts out how to save time and money.

More on the Virgo Sun, next week. For this week go with the flow and follow
your joy.  Just don't be dumb and make bad choice mid week.  Enjoy the last
week of Leo for 2015, such a wonderful time of year.
Many Blessings of Happiness and Health.

~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

Create Amazement!
Karen and Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more
And Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
Visit us at:  http://unboundedpotential.com

1 comment:

  1. DAILY OM ~
    Working with a Larger Energy: Going with the Flow

    Going with the flow doesn’t mean we don’t know where we’re going; rather we are open to other ways of getting there.

    The expression going with the flow is a metaphor that applies to navigating a river. When we go with the flow, we follow the current of the river rather than push against it. People who go with the flow may be interpreted as lazy or passive, but to truly go with the flow requires awareness, presence, and the ability to blend one’s own energy with the prevailing energy. Going with the flow doesn’t mean we toss our oars into the water and kick back in the boat, hoping for the best. Going with the flow means we let go of our individual agenda and notice the play of energy all around us. We tap into that energy and flow with it, which gets us going where we need to go a whole lot faster than resistance will.

    Going with the flow doesn’t mean that we don’t know where we’re going; it means that we are open to multiple ways of getting there. We are also open to changing our destination, clinging more to the essence of our goal than to the particulars. We acknowledge that letting go and modifying our plans is part of the process. Going with the flow means that we are aware of an energy that is larger than our small selves and we are open to working with it, not against it.

    Many of us are afraid of going with the flow because we don’t trust that we will get where we want to go if we do. This causes us to cling to plans that aren’t working, stick to routes that are obstructed, and obsess over relationships that aren’t fulfilling. When you find yourself stuck in these kinds of patterns, do yourself a favor and open to the flow of what is rather than resisting it. Trust that the big river of your life has a plan for you and let it carry you onward. Throw overboard those things that are weighing you down. Be open to revising your maps. Take a deep breath and move into the current.

