Friday, August 21, 2015

Comments on Threads

The following is a comment I made in a thread, here:
in response to another person. I made a lot of comments.

I think sometimes I do my best writing (and/or venting) in comment threads. Some of it may even qualify as wisdom! But here it is, one of many comments I made. visit the link and blog for context.


NO, he's not,  I understand his point. @Kosmicleo A few things come to mind (and I could be "wrong", this is just my understanding.

First, I want to say that Cobra is not the only person talking about The Event, and I think some of them possibly never even heard of Cobra, they are getting their own information intuitively.

For example, someone posted this link to a video on an earlier thread, and I found it very helpful, once she gets into the meat of the channeling. I wish I could recall who posted it or where, so I could acknowledge and thank them, but I don't recall.  I found her descriptions very helpful, and uplifting and she's got a good sense of humor, too!

"The Event" (requested gathering)
Beck Horne

Yes, Contact Point is full of wisdom, or something (I am teasing) and I do appreciate a lot of his posts, but that one just irked me and I came down on him pretty hard. He maintained his sense of humor, repeating a phrase I used, which is owning it and it was pretty funny how he did that. (Yes, I can get pretty hot when I speak my mind, that's why my friends who know and love me say my name was bestowed on me long ago from a good friend. It actually had more to do with dancing all night outdoors to Shoban and Goa Gil than flaming anyone..ah, but I digress...).

My next point to @Kosmicleo is that I don't so much think Cobra's information is "inconsistent" as you do, and why I feel that way is not about being blindly devoted to him.

I mentioned once in a thread somewhere that it seems to me that what we have is an evolution of consciousness that involves a SYMBIOTIC relationship between THE MASS CONSCIOUSNESS and CO-CREATION.  Any future outcome (timeline) that ultimately manifests is dependent on an ever-shifting perspective.  This is why psychics can seem to be "wrong". The seen result is not set in stone. They see the timeline most likely to occur, from the point in time they read it. But personal and collective choices, whether conscious or unconscious choices, can influence timelines and outcomes. This is why information appears to be inconsistent, when it is actually fluid and in a state of constant flux. I think the example I used is, perhaps there is a terrorist event and people go into fear, so The Event moves further away. But suppose there is a natural disaster and it causes people to feel compassion, so The Event moves closer. Remember, linear time (sequential events) is a factor on earth, not in all space-time or galaxies.

I only recently heard The Event described as a Wave of Love, and I didn't hear it from Cobra first.

While it is true that weather modification is used some of the time, we have also entered into a more extreme cycle of natural weather patterns, droughts and storms, after a few hundred years of a quieter pattern cycle. The same is true of earthquakes and volcanic activity.  Expect more intensity in all these areas. And of course, the planet is suffering due to man's ignorance, neglect and willful disregard.

As far as the supposed REALITY confirming your worst fears, I like to refer to what we see as UNREALITY.  On the surface it looks like we are going to hell in a hand-basket. But this is because so much of the negativity, dark and disparate energies are surfacing for release, that we can't see the forest for the trees. It is a temporary phase...yes, it is true, the darkest night IS before the dawn. Things are not always as they appear. Look deeper. Keep the faith.

It does occur to me that perhaps I AM crazy and delusional, as some have called me in response to expressing my views on planetary change. (My Primary Care Provider is a Harvard grad, he's sharp, but he echoed my words quizzically, "Planetary change...???". LOL -I just threw the phrase out to him trying to express the things that concern me and add to my stress.)   So yes, I do know that our views are not mainstream...yet. And it also occurs to me that even if we are wrong, and it's all a big lie, I'd rather go down with this Earthship BELIEVING that we CAN create a Positive Timeline and OUTCOME for humanity. My mind questions, BUT MY HEART KNOWS.

Yeah Cognitive Dissonance, I get it. But that seems to be what the Cabal wants to thrust on us. Stop thinking so much and FEEL. Get out in nature.  Cobra and many, many others have urged us to do so, in order to discern and know what is "real", what is "true". It is not something to figure out. It must be FELT.

Also, the fact that when you look out in the world and see our blissfully, supposedly "ignorant" brothers and sisters, please understand that they need not consciously know of or understand The Event, Cobra, or anything of this nature. They only need to choose life, to do their best, to have love in their hearts, to envision a brighter future for themselves, their children, and humanity. THAT -is-  CONSCIOUSNESS.

They don't have to know what we think we know. It is aligning one's intention with love and light. Most people do that every day and never even give it a thought. They choose to do their best. They love as best they can. They forgive. They are humble on some level, even if only in private. Most people want to live and not suffer, they want love and meaningful work. They want to be healthy and thrive. THIS is all that is required. To choose LIFE. To have love in your heart, and compassion for one's fellow man. This is also co-creation, even if not with conscious intent. Do not dismiss the average "unawakened" person, as they contribute more than we know.  

You know, in my modest neighborhood, people work hard, buy a house, put flowers in the garden or yard, and make things pretty. Well, not the house with the drug dealers, they are not friendly, the yard is plain, the house belongs to someone's aunt, but they do not deter anyone from joyful expressions and the friendly camraderie that most neighbors enjoy. They have a menacing presence, and every so often BPD pays them a visit and quells their enterprise, but I was here several years before I even noticed them, though they were here longer. They will not take over. No one is moving away. It is not the end of the world.  We are happy to be happy and unafraid, and ruin their conquest. You should have seen the way the guy glared at me the day they tried to set up temporary shop under the discrete trees across from my house, and I had the nerve to smile and say "hello"! They went back home after that, where their actions are more obvious, and all the neighbors call the police on them repeatedly.

We must be undaunted in the face of darkness. Yes, we see the chemtrails and the insanity (or what I like to call, "The Theatre of the Absurd") on the 6 o'clock news. Yes, I feel the adrenal burnout from that state of expectancy...but when I am able to be in nature, to close my eyes without falling asleep from the sheer exhaustion of it all, I see a beautiful future we are in process with, drawing nearer by the day. Don't give up, my friend, we are approaching the final days of a 26,000 year will want to see it through with us.  It might be a wild ride before the dust finally settles, but you will want to be there with us on the other side, where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Together, we'll get there. You are not alone.

Much love to everyone, and thank you for tolerating my fire-y self.


1 comment:

  1. (Another comment)

    You know, Contact Point, you seem to like to make your point/get your digs in again and again and again. I am in a better mood today, so I decided to read your (self-described) "self-serving drivel" (though I could swear I heard a similar brilliant phrase somewhere else recently...
    "hmmm", as Eliana would say).

    Thanks for the direct link, I will check that out after I read about it first in your post. Yes, you have enticed this "Cultist" to read your posts. Over there. Even though most of your discussion here is for untwine and the dreamweavers/psykers, it certainly is interesting. I just wish you could express yourself without mocking and name-calling us, for as imperfect as we are (and I know that makes for easy targets) I wonder if you realize that this habit of yours unnecessarily detracts from the heart of your messages, which are full of great stuff.

    Yah, I admit, at first, I fell for Dave Schmidt's siren-song charm, then it started to not feel right, then Neil Keenan called him out (several months ago). Good point, I heard the same about Dave. I know many people don't like Neil, but he is a feisty, no B.S. New Englander, and I think his heart is in the right place, though I cannot attest to his information being true or not true. Seems to me he is fighting the good fight, in his own way. I like people who speak Truth to power. The "p" in power is small because it is false power that the cabal has. The only true Power is LOVE.

    As for "DEMANIFEST", the concept reminds me of Bradley Loves blog.
    I especially enjoy the rant/declaration at this link in particular:


    One minor point about saying this or that...I believe this is kind of what Eliana was referring to...In my view, it is important to work for ESSENCE, not for FORM. The Universe will provide the right form.

    Peace, and Shameless Demanifestation~! :D

    In Co-Creation,

