Embracing Our Differences, Embracing Love: February's Full Moon In Virgo
| Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols
Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face. Nelson DeMille
I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend. Abraham Lincoln
It’s never too late to give up your prejudices. Henry David Thoreau
Prejudice is the child of ignorance. William Hazlitt
Why must it be just a case of black or white? There must be more to life than this. Freddie Mercury
The imposition of stigma is the commonest form of violence used in democratic societies. R. A. Pinker
You cannot contribute anything to the ideal condition of mind and heart known as Brotherhood, however much you preach, posture, or agree, unless you live it. Faith Baldwin
I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend. Abraham Lincoln
It’s never too late to give up your prejudices. Henry David Thoreau
Prejudice is the child of ignorance. William Hazlitt
Why must it be just a case of black or white? There must be more to life than this. Freddie Mercury
The imposition of stigma is the commonest form of violence used in democratic societies. R. A. Pinker
You cannot contribute anything to the ideal condition of mind and heart known as Brotherhood, however much you preach, posture, or agree, unless you live it. Faith Baldwin
If you judge people you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
The only moral lesson which is suited for a child, the most important lesson for every time of life, is this: “Never hurt anybody.” Denis Breeze
The only moral lesson which is suited for a child, the most important lesson for every time of life, is this: “Never hurt anybody.” Denis Breeze
February's full Moon falls on Tuesday February 23 in Australia and February 22 in the United
Further, we have Chiron (The Wounded Healer and The Stories We Tell Ourselves) and the Moon's south node (a 'karmic point' if ever there was one - although I think everything in a chart is somewhat 'karmic') meeting up now and over the coming weeks. This gives us a huge opportunity to heal even major issues from our past. The trick is to remember our sense of balance, our self-belief, to find our composure and feel good about ourselves from the very base of our being. The Moon's south node is on Pisces 22: A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM THE MOUNTAIN for about two and a half months and it is conjunct (together with on the same degree) Chiron for some of that time. Regardless of our abilities, backgrounds, financial status, the things we've 'inherited', our beliefs, etc, we can heal many issues by analysing those things that may be 'set in stone'. We may need to lay down some new laws, new guidelines, new possibilities, new ways of being. We may need to set boundaries, have others know what we will and won't put up with. Of course, we may need to abide by (or rail or protest against) some rules that society sets up... whether it's law or religion or society's mores, we can find a sense of balance by deciding what is important to us and what is not. We may need an avatar or a guide, but, in the end, it is we who chose which laws we adopt about our lives.
We may need to get rid of some restrictive beliefs, dogmatic rules
or issues, especially those that may have us feeling like we've sinned
in some way.
Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. Henry David ThoreauThe words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. St. Augustine.
Jupiter is conjunct the Moon's north node, and, opposite Chiron. This adds even more emphasis to the need to connect with what's desirable, possible, fun, expansive, adventurous, and, more in line with our beliefs and ideals. The Moon's north node is on Virgo 22 for about two and a half months. Virgo 22: A ROYAL COAT OF ARMS ENRICHED WITH PRECIOUS STONES. With this, we will do well to remember our sense of self, those things we have inherited, to hold our heads high and realise just how special we are.
There may be struggles over what is 'right' against what is law, what is laid down in stone.
It seems that some ideas are old and outworn and need to be tossed in
the dust-bin of history. You might find a few 'laws' that are holding
yourself back from the freedom you seek.
This full Moon is opposite Neptune (with the Sun conjuncting it).
So, this is quite a Neptunian time in amongst the other energies going
on. It is, as always, by connecting with our dreams that we can begin to
see through the haze, muddle and stress of recent times. I like this
full Moon. Please do remember that the energies of the full Moon last
well into the coming month, and, if events occur for you during this
time, you will find that the effects can extend well into the future.
The full Moon each month marks a time of heightened energies and events. It often marks the culmination of the energies released at the new Moon. Emotions can be supercharged as the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and illumination is increased - it's like we can see in the dark - and we can be hyper-aware as well as being hyper-awake. The effects of a full Moon can be major or minor, depending on how they interact with your own chart. Sometimes, realisations or events that are unleashed, or unlocked, can stretch their meaning months into the future. A lot can be learned at the time of the full Moon and whether it's lunacy or illumination, or a combination of both, there's magic unleashed with every full Moon. Full Moon: Feb 22, 2016 6:19 pm GMT
Although this Symbol implies that...
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