Monday, February 8, 2016

January Monthly Update by Cobra | The Portal

Sunday, February 7, 2016

January Monthly Update by Cobra | The Portal

With a short delay, I am posting the January monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter. You can read the transcript if you scroll down the page on the following link:

The Youtube audio version is available here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

An update about the Disclosure Petition will be posted soon.


  1. My comments in the thread....

    Thank you, Cobra and Rob, and everyone working behind the scenes.

    Some have gotten it all backwards. "Feelings" -that's not a dirty word. It is the mind that messes with people's understanding, that fosters distrust, while gut instincts, the opening of the HEART allows us to discern TRUTH. Discerning Truth is not exclusively the task of the mind, because the mind is not inclusive nor is the discernment process holistic if it excludes emotion and intuition.

    Overthinking leads to mindfuck and confusion. The world is full of kneejerk reactions. Sitting with an issue allows the heart to find it's way to deeper understanding. When we can respond instead of react, we are well on our way.

    It is not for others to define who or what Lightworkers are or are not. We know who we are, we own it, we are not delusional, nor are we "waiting" for there is only NOW. Self-definition, self-determination, collective intention, that is what we are about. Lightworkers will keep working for the Greater Good precisely because NO ONE is coming to save us, WE MUST SAVE OURSELVES, but we can't do it alone. There is Power in numbers, and We the People with HEART are the MANY, while those aligned with the Dark are the FEW. We also have friends in high places. :)

    Yes, there are dangers of being tricked or influenced by the dark, thus it is necessary for more self-care and clearing. Closing the heart with suspicion is not the answer, we must open our hearts and tap into our own innate powers, flow with it through our days, detach from the need to define, the need to be right, the need to judge, the need to have all the answers right now, the need for certainty.

    Trust yourself, people. You are powerful beings of Light! You are capable of great things, beyond what you now realize or can even imagine at times. Remember, we are all in this together. Never give up!

    Victory of the Light!


    You might want to go read the transcript. He discusses the demand for release of intel, and why that has not YET happened. People may feel that they are "in the dark" because the intel is conveyed on a need-to-know basis, until it is released publicly.

    Sure, we all feel a sense of urgency with the world situation, we all want to know more, but feeling frustrated and making inappropriate demands on Cobra are two different things.

    Surely there are more constructive ways we can participate in planetary change as we anticipate the good news and intel releases to come.

    When The Event and other changes come, the release of intel will be fast and massive, so it might me a good idea to keep preparing in the meantime.

  2. (another comment of mine) "Yes, thanks G. Marten. Very well said. I think it is important for those who do maintain an optimistic view to also express themselves here, since so many who are overwhelmed and scared are posting voluminous expressions to get their angst out. This is not helpful to those teetering on the edge of fear and transcendence.

    Ye of little faith, take heed! We all feel those insecurities and disbelief arise..those times are exactly when we must draw on our faith and innate knowing. We must remind ourselves that are not alone, we are not delusional, and ultimately, there will be no "losers", for all will be allowed to uplift themselves -if they so choose. Even Cabal members. If they can forgive themselves after they come to realize what they've done.

    Why wait? It has been proven that new habits take 21 days to sink in, so start now with positive affirmations and re-train your monkey mind not to freak out over small delays or a lack of intel. Learn to TRUST that a Divine Plan is in motion.

    As G Marten said, "We save the world by releasing our own false sense of insecurity." and "Give yourself permission to experience relief. For relief is your experience of liberation."

    Don't take it all on your shoulders to resolve all the world's problems overnight, in order to feel peace. You can feel peace here, now, in this moment, and use that peace and faith to choose tasks each day toward the greater goal.

    Most of us have personal matters and responsibilities that we need to work on, things we have neglected, been meaning to do, so that is usually a good place to start.

    Just remember that you are never alone. You are always loved and supported, even when you feel unlovable and alone. Be your own Valentine and cut yourself a break. Love yourself and your life here, now, in this moment. From a place of love and acceptance of self, we can begin to choose what changes we would like to create. As we change ourselves, so the outer world changes with us. And so, IT IS."

