February 05, 2016
Receiving, Reviewing And Revising Our Messages:
February's Aquarian New Moon | Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols
Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Langston Hughes
Something was dead in each of us, and what was dead was Hope. Oscar Wilde
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Martin Luther King Jr.
Lift me like an olive branch, be my homeward dove. Leonard Cohen
A secret is like a dove, when it leaves my hand it takes wing. Saudi Arabian Proverb
Censure pardons the ravens but rebukes the doves. Latin Proverb
I got the message. All of us get the message, sooner or later. If you get it before it’s too late or before you’re too old, you’ll pull through all right. Nat King Cole
The Aquarian new Moon falls on February 8 in the US and February 9 in Australia.
It's a big new Moon and one that holds some very interesting challenges
and opportunities. An Aquarian new Moon is always a time when we can
examine our freedoms, our sense of authenticity, our belief in
ourselves. We may have a few issues to deal with along the way....
For a start, Mars is exactly square this new Moon from Scorpio. The messages from both
the new Moon and Mars are about just that - messages. It is a curious
new Moon as it can imply the need to filter the things you say, the
things you think, the things you relay to others, the gossip you're
ready to either believe or pass on, etc. It's about messages. The new
Moon degree is about 'doves', doves bring messages, and Mars is on a
degree that talks about 'parrots' bringing messages. Mars on 'The
Parrot' degree can have us shaking our heads around what is being said,
heard, passed on, gossipped about. The trick is to employ our filters
and to see what is real, useful, healing, necessary, etc, and what is
pure noise. Mars squaring the new Moon can have us making some pretty
strong decisions and some of them can be rash, or, we may be on the
receiving end of someone's anger. It can be a good idea to count to ten,
revise, revisit, renew, reevaluate before we react.
For a start, Mars is exactly square this new Moon from Scorpio. The messages from both
Thankfully, there is a beautiful trine between Venus and Mercury and Jupiter and the Moon's north node.
This can bring all kinds of good things our way including good luck,
good news, good ideas, expansive thoughts and realities, etc. etc. We
may find a way out of something that has been binding us for a long
time. Freedom comes from deciding what is real and what is fantasy -
although a bit of fantasy can go a long way now. Some may be deciding to
travel, take up a new course of study, making decisions around
consolidating your resources into better uses, etc. New relationships
can come about that bring new horizons and possibilities. This trine is a
very good one, full of promise, as long as we don't overstep the mark
and go full tilt before the time is right or before we have the
resources to back up our plans, ideas or projects.
Venus is also in a rather difficult (or rather confronting) aspect with Pluto.
The Symbol for Venus is also about 'messages' and/or 'music'. Right
before the new Moon, Venus will conjunct (pass over) Pluto, and this can
be rather intense, life changing, life challenging, momentous, etc. It
can have us realising issues to do with control, money, inheritances,
power, etc. Also, right before the new Moon, Venus is squaring Uranus.
This can have many people making decisions about friendships,
relationships, money, issues to do with ethics, our sense of values,
etc. Some relationships will no doubt come to an end with this new Moon,
even if the final realisations don't fall into place for a while, we
may be seeing how we compromise ourselves by having certain people (or
issues) in our lives.
The other, rather momentous, thing is Chiron meeting up with the Moon's south node over the next few weeks.
This is very likely to have us assessing what stories we want to keep
going in our lives and what stories we want to adopt. We would do well
to assess what stories we habitually tell ourselves (as they can rather
easily be a big part of our 'wounds').
I have made a Daily Rave audio about this new Moon. You can listen to it - click here.
If you want to order a copy of my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom in hard copy, or, receive it by email on pdf, you can read up about the book - click here. If you want to order a reading you can read about it - click here.
Here are the Sabian Symbols for the planets for this new Moon.
It's a big one, but one that holds a great deal of promise. We may have
to sidestep anger, disillusionment, gossip, things that hurt, etc, BUT,
we are on the path to many bigger and better things. Time to leave some
aspects of our lives that don't work behind!
This Symbol brings solace, comfort and joy to those who need help. “A Large White Dove”
brings messages, possibly ones you've been waiting for for some time. You may need to resolve your situation by relying on peaceful messages that come from your spiritual center. They should be offered with gentleness and without malice. It can indicate either being seen as a savior or one who needs saving as you will at times be the one “Bearing a Message” at other times receiving it. Whichever side you’re on, there can be relief once you’ve been able to assimilate the message that’s being revealed.
Keywords: Being seen as a savior or one who needs saving. Blessings delivered—all will be well. Celebration. Somebody who brings blessed relief. Issues of hope and salvation. The Covenant. News. Announcements. Peace movements. The Rainbow Warrior. Utopian idealism. Olive branches.
The Caution: Staying with the assumption that things will never improve. Refusing solace. Shooting the messenger. Not trusting the good things in life. Not being content with any message that's relayed. Insincere messages caused by the pain of not facing the real truth.
The Quest Degree (the degree following) for the new Moon is Aquarius 21: A WOMAN DISAPPOINTED AND DISILLUSIONED, COURAGEOUSLY FACING THE FUTURE - straight after the new Moon, first the Moon and then the Sun will pass over this degree. This is a good time to analyse where you might be feeling let down (by others, or, by yourself, or, both), like you have nothing to look forward to, feeling held down by life in general. This can be a difficult degree, BUT, it is at heart a degree of discerning what is and what isn't good for you. When I rewrite the Symbols (which I will do one day), I will rewrite this Symbol as A WOMAN COURAGEOUSLY ASSESSING HER LIFE - how much better that phrase feels (!) What messages from The Dove are coming your way? What messages better serve you to listen to or heed?
This Symbol shows the need, to be “Courageous” in the face of “Disappointment” or Disillusionment”. The “Woman” may have always thought things would be different but one day she wakes up to find that her dreams have not born fruit, at least not as yet. There can be feelings of wasting energy, and thoughts of failure, but being strong and vigilant against negative thoughts can turn situations around. It always helps to look on disappointment as a teacher. There’s always hope that things will get better. Reconnect with what is available and possible, and, although it requires courage, we always return with greater wisdom and understanding.
Keywords: Breaking through illusions. Facing stark reality with hope. Loneliness and depression overcome. Positive outlooks. Counting one's blessings. Looking towards the future. Having to battle through relationship losses while maintaining a sense of self and purpose. Turning points reached. Having a belief in miracles. Choosing joy.
The Caution: Wallowing in failure. Not seeing the joy and beauty of one's life. Accepting defeat. Feeling like all is lost. Bitterness. Walling one's self off from others. Not trusting people. Finding nothing to be happy about. Feeling deserted and alone. Not letting go of the past. Injuries. Infertility. Incurable "dis-eases". Unrequited love. The loss of the partner. Staring into space. Being a sad, old person.
Keywords: Spiritual retreat. Sexual retreat. Losing the libido. Withdrawing without thought of the future. Vows. Renouncing things. Going within to find answers. Contact with higher sources. Faith renewed. Giving up things for a greater cause. Losing identity. Taking on new identities. Sacrifice. Opting out. The rejection of marriage. Marriage with God. Longing for love of a higher kind. Maintaining faith. Intense sexual experiences.
The Caution: Self-sacrifice to win sympathy. Neglect of self and hiding away. Nosedives into obscurity. Crisis of faith. Feeling let down by the world. Bad episodes again and again. Feeling devoid of emotion. Escaping war. Losing all and seeking sanctuary. Self denial. Forgetting how to enjoy life.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
Venus will have just conjuncted (been together on the same degree as) Pluto, and, it will have just squared Uranus on this new Moon. Venus in Capricorn with these aspects seems to suggest that we will be taking a good, long, look at our values, relationships, issues to do with money, etc. There may be some people that you are leaving behind, especially if you find that your relationship with them is not 'authentic'. Particularly if you find that they have not had your best interests at heart. Or, you may find that you've outgrown certain people and now need to move on, even if it means going alone for some time.
This Symbol shows singing, playing or enjoying music, and, also, to be able to pick up on
Keywords: Background messages. Voices not heard or noticed before. Men, women and the church. Sensitivity to spirituality. Speaking behind closed doors. Voices from "nowhere". Melodies from the past. Choirs, organs and organ music. Channeled voices. Songs, sheet music. Hidden speakers. Clairvoyance.
The Caution: Taking undue credit for group qualities. Keeping the feminine out of the picture. Discriminating against people as not being "spiritual" or finding that some just plain aren't! Background voices telling people how they should live. Using hidden messages to manipulate people, sometimes through guilt. Gossip. Messages that don't make sense. Being afraid to sing.
The Karmic Degree (the previous degree) for Venus is Capricorn 19: A CHILD OF ABOUT FIVE CARRYING A HUGE SHOPPING BAG FILLED WITH GROCERIES
Keywords: Being the one everyone counts on to do the job. Feeling weighed down. Having to carry the "bag". Lifting heavy weights and bearing the consequences. Taking on things above and beyond what one should. Acting the grownup. Maturing quickly. Looking after paperwork. Running errands. Providing food and sustenance for everyone.
The Caution: Overloading the innocent and the inexperienced without thought of the consequences. Taking on too much. Not allowing for fun and carefree activities. Never being "off-duty". Joint, back and shoulder problems. Growing up too fast. Having a serious attitude. Lack of childhood. Dropping the bundle. Carrying the family's responsibilities.
The Quest Degree (the following degree) for Venus is Capricorn 21: A RELAY RACE - with these degrees, Venus seems to be saying to listen to the messages you receive, stop
This Symbol shows working together in a cooperative venture, to know when to go and when to stop, when to take the baton and when to pass it on, and how to pace yourself so you can stay in the “Relay Race”. Each person has to contribute as best they can; some run fast, some have their own talents, some trip you up and cause you to falter. Working together, you can figure out who will help win the race and who wont. Sometimes, victory seems achievable, but you are likely to be a member of a team, with your own special task to perform. You may not be the one who crosses the finish line, but you may, eventually, share in the group effort. Just watch for when it’s your turn and when it isn’t.
Keywords: Shared endeavor. Knowing when to hand on responsibilities. Teamwork. Knowing when to finish. Encouragement and tr ust. Sharing and cooperation. Inheritances. Timing. Being competitive. Taking turns. Handing on responsibilities. Split second timing. Hand eye coordination. Having an on/off switch.
The Caution: Not letting go of control to another . Feeling defeated through feeling that you don't have the necessary resources to win. Criticism and competitiveness. Acting only for one's best interests. Competitiveness in inter-reactions and conversation. Butting in when others are talking. Expecting others to do all the work or carry responsibilities. Not sharing the glory or the rewards.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
Keywords: Transmitting information or knowledge. The need to integrate things into consciousness. Recorded messages. Answering and fax machines. Mumbling. Translators, birds, parrots, news reporters, stool pigeons. Telephone operators. Messages from strange places. Automated responses. New languages. Talking to animals. Talkback radio.
The Caution: Rote responses that are ill considered. "Towing the party line" without having any opinion of your own. Going over the same territory. Losing true meaning through repetition. Repeating without knowing the real meaning or purpose. Meaningless banter. Tunnel vision. Gossiping. Missing the essence of what's being said. Not having a mind of one's own. Brainwashing. Re-runs of the same old line. Broken records.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
This Symbol implies is a strong connection to heritage and family lines. This can give rise to
Keywords: A long lineage standing behind. Social stratas. Royalty. Issues of social standing and identity. Having a regal bearing. Aristocratic status. Nobility. Coats of Arms. Strength of association. Pure blood. Ancestors of worth or note. Hereditary lines. Having rights and prestige. Pageantry. Knights jousting. Inheritances. Wealthy lineage. Displays of grace and honor. Beauty and wealth no matter what the status. Tartans. Precious stones. Shields. Inscriptions.
The Caution: Superficial judgment on one's ancestry. Believing in privileges for the select few. Seeing others as not being worthy. Class-consciousness. Snobbery. Having "slaves" to do everything. Being "in the club". Elite school snobbery. Bastardizing others. Feeling above everyone because of lineage.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Keywords: Looking back, reading the signs. Divination and other systems of inquiry. Seeing society as being to blame. People having a good look at how they seem to others. Wondering how others perceive you and picture you. Prophets that can tell the "weather" ahead of time. Predictions. Prognosticating. Welcoming an early spring. Scrutinizing objectives and possible outcomes. Looking to nature for clues.
The Caution: Being scared to act without some message of confirmation. People (or society) looking for someone else to blame for conditions. Relying on the same solutions without consideration of changes. Blizzards and the cold.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
This Symbol shows issues of working hard versus taking time out to relax. If you find that you
Keywords: Detachment. Abandonment. Having too much to do to be able to rest. Issues to do with sleep. Sleeping difficulties. Planning for days off or for retirement. Hustle and bustle. Memories of loved ones. Lounging or sitting under trees. Having permission to stop. Time out. Missing a lover. Beds, sheets, pillows, sofas. A favorite chair. Holidays. Trees and gardens.
The Caution: Deliberately pushing when in need of rest OR not being involved in life's complexities. Dodging responsibilities. Having nowhere to stay rest or retire. Neglecting time for oneself. Too much work and no play. Areas of life which are not fulfilled. Having so much work there's no time for relationships. Always being on the go.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Keywords: Competitiveness and high ambitions. Wanting to win, sometimes against the odds. Losing and gaining weight. Weightlessness. Racing to be first at things. Demanding quick flight. Bolting out of the gate. Aggressive desires. Exhilaration. Wanting to better oneself. Being on the home run. Speed and the need for it. Facing forward with great intensity. Rivals and competitors. The value of training. Horsemanship. Discipline. Energy poured into the drive to succeed. Starting whistles, pistols or lights.
The Caution: Galloping at full speed prematurely. Being too ambitious. Ruthless measures. Jumping the gun. Doing anything to win or succeed. Being pushy or single minded. Running out of steam before the finish line. Weight dropping off too quickly. Sabotage or blocking other's efforts. Reigning in energy at the last moment.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
This Symbol shows getting rid of the restraints imposed by social conditioning and inhibitions;
Keywords: Confrontations with one's self. Reconnecting with nature. A desire to "reveal" oneself mentally, physically or emotionally. Issues with weight. The manipulation of the female form in the media. Exhibitionism. Learning to let go of extraneous things. Confronting puritanism. Being at one with the environment. Releasing inhibitions. Stripping. Streaking. Sun lotions.
The Caution: Suppression of natural attitudes. Bondage to social inhibitions. Feeling "indecent" about one's bodily responses. Hiding one's self away OR being an exhibitionist. Showing off with no concern for other's feelings. Shocking and surprising behavior.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Keywords: Provision of life's necessities. Being well nourished. Having to prepare for others. Issues of "who will serve and who will eat". Dinner and dinner parties. Issues of nourishment and having a roof over one's head. Food allergies. Food technology. Breaking bread with others. People bringing a plate to share. Cutlery, plates, glasses. Wine and water. Diets. Groceries. Doing the dishes. Making a meal of something. Obesity. Attention to detail. Hired hands. Catering. Candles. Sharing life's bounty.
The Caution: Making preparations with no ability to nourish or satisfy. Devouring things or people. Banging on the table and asking for more. Guilt around issues of providing. Feasts or famines. Eating syndromes. Empty spaces at the table. Arguing at meal times. Indigestion and heartburn. People not turning up for dinner. Overindulging. Consuming people. Not appreciating life's bounty. Continually having to provide for others. Always having to come up with what's for dinner.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds and it is known as The Wounded Healer, it also shows The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
This Symbol implies having the talent, skills, training and discipline to be able to tame
Keywords: Having faith and courage in your abilities. Sublimating animal instincts. Control. Fearlessness. Professionalism. Extremism. Adrenaline rushes. Dangerous spectacles. Training and conditioned responses. Restrained passion. Coordination and skill. Superheroes. Holding the whip.
The Caution: Needing to be in control. Believing that things are dependent on your direction. Showing off and boasting. Plunging into situations, physically or emotionally, that are inherently dangerous without regard for the consequences. Overplaying one's abilities. Dominant attitudes. Taking on anything and anyone.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
Keywords: Spiritual channeling. A need to free up "stuck" or earthbound entities. Efforts to materialize things. Coming straight out with things. Giving voice to spirit. Tarot readings, clairvoyance and clairsentience. Things seen ahead of their time. Bringing messages from the other side. Contacting the dead.
The Caution: Putting on a false front. Merely doing a performance for others. Making things up. Using mind control over others to get a desired outcome. Using sensational methods to induce others to give up control over their own lives. Exorcisms performed by the inexperienced. Inviting weird energies or people.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
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