THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, February 25, 2016

Full Moon Phase:
realization, illumination

Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: being true to oneself

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a large white dove bearing a message" (important information gained)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)

Laura is not doing well today and asks that you check back tomorrow for the report.

REMINDER: Hug for Gaia Sophia
(Wings Around the World group meditation)
 scheduled for Friday, February 26 at 11:15 am ET/4:15 pm UT and anytime thereafter to join the group hug that will be established.

Wise owls are called upon to put themselves aside and focus on a greater goal -- joining together and spreading wings around the world in a wave of love.

A group meditation that occurs at individual times is the mission.  If you are inclined Friday, perhaps in the time you would have ordinarily read today's report, please join me in a gathering of minds. 

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: "Love prevails."
Please modify this according to your own practice and style.  I will prepare the space for the "ring of wings around the world."  Let's keep our minds focused on the bigger picture.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!