Friday, February 12, 2016

The Planetary Parade | Expect Wonderful by Meredith Murphy

The Planetary Parade | Expect Wonderful
by Meredith Murphy

05 February 2016

Hi Lovely!

As you may know, right now five bright planets are lined up in the sky for the first time since 2005. In their actual order based on distance from the sun, these bright planets -- Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury -- can be seen arranged together in a line, from Earth. This arrangement became visible to the naked eye, starting around January 20th. Have you noticed the energies intensifying? Did you feel a significant shift at the end of January?

Think about this. These 5 planets being visible like this is a visual experience of unusual, or we might say "increased" alignment within our galaxy, when viewed from an Earth perspective. These planets are bright, because they reflect the sun's light. The sun -- our sun -- transmits our soul blueprint to us. So we've got a line up in the sky of our galactic friends, reflecting solar light, which includes our own essence energy, back to us.

What a empowering parade!

If you've been feeling a sense of pressure, a strong drive to get clearer about your purpose and how to best share your unique presence in the world, you're feeling are in sync with the message this manifest arrangement is mirroring.


Alignment in the lives of many ascending humans, is starting to generate Soul-based Consciousness. This shift into Soul-based Consciousness is not happening to everyone, automatically, all at once. It happens as we create the resonance with this energy and this includes refining our energy system and growing our capacity to express and emanate higher frequencies. So consider all this knowing that we're all in different states of expression and each of us, guided by our eternal soul-self, is moving perfectly, naturally toward a 5th dimensional expression. An expression in which our Soul infuses our consciousness and we live in a state of conscious unity with all life.

As we move into conscious co-creation with a true, integrated sense of Oneness we began to notice we can see ourselves all around us. In each other, in animals and plants and of course, in the night sky and the fields within our Universe that are actually within us.

This planetary parade can be felt as a strong nudge to line up our own lives with our own galactic energies; creating more spiritual alignment with the higher level aspects within our own wholeness. This will feel, I think, like surrendering to your true self. Like getting to a place where you just drop all the costumes of being and should's that you may have been sustaining, long past believing they are actually authentic or necessary.

The Lunar New year is Monday, February 8th and this will also serve the kick-off to this year of completion and stepping into the next level of human potential.

Now is a great time to go within, intend to know more clearly anything about your life or yourself, that you feel really ready to empower or upgrade.

You are on a path of creating an exquisite freedom and joyful, authentic self-expression. You, being you, fully and freely, is how we will know our own Oneness.

Thank you!
Lots of love,

P.S. this planetary lineup will repeat in August of this year -- again, preceding an Eclipse Cycle and an Equinox. Why not use both of these manifestations as support and with awareness and build into a more fulfilled version of you?!

Posted at 03:06 PM in Ascending Earth Life | Permalink
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