Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jenny Schiltz: Energy Update, Vasovagal Nerve Activation

Energy Update, Vasovagal Nerve Activation
by Jenny Schiltz


The energy is still very high and so much is coming up to be moved through. Depending on where you are in this process you could be experiencing really big changes in your life that cause you to question everything. For others, it can be a resurgence of old patterns, thoughts, and feelings. Either way, it is the opportunity for us to see what it is holding us back, what it is within that does not resonate and CHOOSE Different.

When the old thoughts, fears, and patterns arise we can choose to rewrite them by reacting differently then we have before. It can be very frustrating to see what we thought we healed prior resurface. In these moments we can either look at ourselves like we have failed, like we have gone backwards, done something wrong OR we can see that we have reached a new level, a new understanding and are to heal from this new place. Can you feel how different the energy (vibration) in the different options? Realize that each time our themes arise it is an opportunity to view it differently, to walk in our power and choose different.

Look at the thoughts that keep resurfacing (doubt, lack, fear, self-worth issues etc.) as a computer program running constantly in the background. There are light codes coming in that help to bring this background program to the front so that you can see it still exists. It is at that moment that you can hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE, by choosing to react differently then you have before. Look at your patterns. How do you normal react when these ego-driven thoughts arise? Do you beat yourself up? Do you get angry and cranky? Do you act out onto others because you are not able to verbalize and process your emotions? Do you withdraw and shrink inside? Look and be brutally honest with yourself.  Once you see how you normally react, you are in the beautiful position to choose different.

Understand that these programs run deep in our psyche, in our layers and we must rewrite the tapes through all of them. Often the universe (our highest aspect) brings the same feeling within us but in different situations so that we can see just how deep and multi-faceted the programming runs. It is also the universe’s way of asking “Are you sure you are ready to let it go? How about in this situation or with this person?”

The most important things is how you talk to yourself during this process. Often we talk to and treat ourselves in ways that we would never talk to another. You have a loving, big heart – it is time to use it to love yourself completely, ALL of you. This goes for the parts you don’t like too, the parts that are anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry and just plain confused. Honor that part, let it have its say. Talk to it like it is a good friend going through a rough time, hear it, honor it, and give it comfort. If you belittle or suppress it, it will get louder and louder. Once you honor these aspects of yourself, you create space for spirit to come in.  As you do this you allow the light codes to rewrite your programs. This is a process and what we must have patience for ourselves.

This is a very important time. This energy, though uncomfortable is here to help us heal and move BEYOND. It is here to help us stand in our power, to embody our highest aspect and potential.

Physically, so many are really feeling these waves quite intently. If you are having a re occurrence of thoughts and patterns needing healing, the chakras that correspond can give you trouble. It is our thoughts that cause an imbalance in the chakras. If you are dealing with lack issues of all forms, the root chakra may be causing you problems creating low back and tail bone pain. If you are having problems speaking your truth you may feel that the throat chakra feel tight, swollen and in some cases you may have a sore throat.
We are also experiencing cranial expansion & crown chakra upgrades which can cause our temples to throb and our jaw and teeth to ache. Our Vasovagal nerve is also being activated. It is expanding to allow greater blood flow throughout the body so that we can handle more light and so that our body can increase in its crystalline nature with greater ease. This can cause the back of the head, neck and  upper shoulders to ache and throb.  For some this may be the first time for this expansion, for others it is part of the next level in the light body process. This nerve is said to help connect our brain with our heart.
Neuroscientist Stephen W. Porges of the University of Illinois at Chicago argued that the vagus nerve is the nerve of compassion as it is thought to stimulate certain muscles in the vocal chamber, enabling communication. It reduces our heart rate. Very new science suggests that it may be closely connected to receptor networks for oxytocin, a neurotransmitter involved in trust and maternal bonding
The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body that goes from our neck to the digestive system, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart & lungs. This is not a small thing in our body. It is responsible for our entire autonomic nervous system. When it activates, we can experience stomach upset, dizzy spells, migraines, and just general unease. It can be quite confusing and make us worry that we are falling apart.
There are ways to help your vagus nerve along. Deep diaphragm breathing and visualizing the nerve expanding and filling with light.  Singing and OM’ing can help as well. Deep grounding and earthing also helps to improve your vagal tone. Other options are seeing a chiropractor to ensure that the neck bones are in alignment. An acupuncturist is also able to help regulate the flow of this nerve. My oldest sees an acupuncturist who is helping to ease her migraines by stimulating the Vagus Nerve. The doctor has been out of town for a month and with the current energies, my daughter is seeing just how beneficial acupuncture has been. She is experiencing migraines and intense nausea.
For those who are doing well through these energies with joy and excitement, share it with others. It helps those who are not in that space to believe that it DOES get better; much better.
I am sending you all the brightest light full of love, joy, hope and blessings. May you all be blessed. <3
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to 
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Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz
 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

1 comment:

  1. Vagus nerve

    The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves. It is the longest of the cranial nerves, extending from the brainstem to the abdomen by way of multiple organs including the heart, esophagus, and lungs. Also known as cranial nerve X, the vagus forms part of the involuntary nervous system and commands unconscious body procedures, such as keeping the heart rate constant and controlling food digestion.

    Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve, called vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), is sometimes used to treat people with epilepsy or depression.

    The vagus nerve is involved in one of the most common causes of fainting, called vasovagal syncope. This is an overreaction of the body to certain stimuli, like the sight of blood, which involves the stimulation of the vagus nerve. This stimulation causes a drop in blood pressure and heart rate. Less blood flows to brain, resulting in loss of consciousness. In most cases, vasovagal syncope does not require treatment.
