Complete Freedom: June 2016 Energy Forecast
by Emmanuel Dagher
Love and blessings!
The energies we've had access to these last few weeks have created a clear path for us, offering amazing revelations about how we can experience complete freedom.
This kind of freedom has been absent from our personal and collective consciousness for thousands of years. But in the late 1950s and early 1960s, aspects of it began to return to human consciousness, and it has been building up ever since.
In fact, as a result of several important global heart gatherings that have taken place this year—along with the anchoring of the Sacred Star grid, enacted on behalf of all humanity on April 15 at the grounds of the United Nations (please see the May 2016 Energy Forecast in the Archives for details)—a massive opening and awakening has occurred in our personal and collective consciousness.
This awakening has finally allowed humanity's collective mind to open up and connect with the frequency of complete freedom, which is now entering our awareness.
I specifically mention the mind here, because our Spirits have always operated in the realm of complete freedom.
Complete freedom has not yet been fully realized in the minds of humanity, because the collective mind taught itself long ago to operate and take comfort in patterns of survival.
These patterns led to the belief that our mind has limitations, and must play by specific rules. It also led to the mind being conditioned with the belief that anything it sees as a potential risk or danger that we're facing in the third dimension is very real. Therefore, it must protect itself at any cost.
This is where humanity's survival patterns began.
The Return of Complete Freedom
The old, deeply rooted survival patterns that we have been identifying with have been coming to the surface in recent weeks. Have you noticed?
This is happening because we are being asked to take a good look at whether we want to continue repeating those survival patterns, or whether we're now ready to move in a direction of complete freedom from the past—freedom from the illusions of limitation and fear we once created for ourselves.
One of the most effective ways we can begin to move into complete freedom, is to question the judgmental or fearful thoughts our mind has about itself, others, and life in general.
For example, let's say your mind has a thought that goes something like:
"Nobody understands or gets me."
Have you ever had a thought similar to this at some point in your life?
If a thought like this ever comes up, ask your mind the following:
"Is this absolutely a 100 percent Universal truth, that no one understands or gets you? And even if that is completely true, do you want things to remain that way?" Simply answer a yes or no here.
If you responded with a yes, I would invite you to consider the following:
Is there any chance that on some unconscious level, you have chosen to be misunderstood, in order to separate yourself from others, as a way of keeping yourself safe and protected?
If there is even a .5 percent chance that the experience of you being misunderstood is simply a defense your mind has created to keep itself safe, to avoid feeling vulnerable around others, then this could be a life-changing moment for you.
Because when we realize that every experience in our lives is a result of us choosing that experience on some level of our being, whether we were aware of it or not, then we no longer need to engage in victim/survival patterns as our truth.
The moment we realize that it has never been about "others" misunderstanding us, but rather about us misunderstanding ourselves, then we take our power back, and become the Creator of our life again.
Let's take another thought may have been deeply ingrained in our consciousness:
"As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I feel it's wrong to accept money for those services."
If you've ever had a thought like this one come up, ask yourself:
"Do I know this to be an absolute truth? And if so, what has led me to believe this idea is true?"
See what comes up for you. It could be a thought that stems from a religious upbringing in this lifetime, or a belief that comes from a past lifetime, in which you equated poverty with being more spiritual.
It could just be that you've seen so many people misuse their power, especially when it came to their relationship with money, that you decided to judge and place blame on money itself, deeming it unworthy of your time, energy, or space.
But can you imagine how traumatized your best friend would be if you blamed them for all of the world's problems? Well, money is no different! It has an awareness. It feels and responds to our feelings toward it, and it wants to be of help to us.
Money was originally meant to be a symbol that represents an exchange of energy. This exchange is part of a Universal energy-balancing system, known as the Principle of Circulation. This also means that the energy that money represents is alive, and has always been alive.
You can imagine what happens, when we treat any area of life in a way that is unkind and unloving, therefore separating it from us.
If we did that to a best friend or a partner, they would run in the other direction, and never want to see us again.
When we look at the belief that says, "As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I should not accept money," we can clearly see that that is a judgment we have decided to make.
As a result of this judgment, we have not only blocked ourselves from allowing an exchange of energy that honors our time and efforts. We have also dishonored the energy of money itself, which is simply the energy of giving and receiving love.
That decision might have been based on our judgment of how some people treat money (with greed, for example). We then decided to judge money in terms that do not honor ourselves, or money's sacred role in the world.
You can see that when we begin to question our thoughts, we create an opening in our consciousness through which we can expand into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately, into complete freedom.
If you're feeling any resistance toward what you've just read, or experiencing any guilt or sadness about judgments and beliefs you've held in the past, know that those ideas were formed during a time when we were all simply doing the best we could with what we knew at the time.
In the past, our mind simply chose to operate in survival mode, which is another way of saying that it decided to make protecting itself its ultimate priority.
But what if it no longer needs to use patterns of separation and fear to protect itself?
What if the mind can finally remember that our Spirit has kept us safe all along, even when we thought otherwise?
Doesn't that free up space for us to try new things that will help us expand into greater states of aliveness, awareness, and being?
The mind has become very comfortable in identifying with survival patterns, so that when celestial openings occur in our personal and global consciousness, it experiences a lot of discomfort.
Our only job when that happens, is to be a compassionate presence for the mind as it adjusts and shifts out of the old patterns. This requires that we simply observe the mind's resistance, without trying to fix, change, or save it.
Just observe and send it love, and the mind will no longer feel like it needs to resist the shifts that are happening. The mind can then, in its own time, relax into our warmth and compassion, as a child would feel safe in the loving arms of their parent or caregiver.
The Effects of Embracing Complete Freedom
As we continue doing our inner work and letting go of survival patterns, embracing the complete freedom to be our full Divine Selves, we may notice some changes, such as:
• We release the need to blame everyone else for the issues that show up in our lives
• We take full responsibility that on some level, we have chosen to move through each experience to learn and grow from it, and to receive clarity on what we really want to create
• We release the need to please others just to fit in or be liked
• We express our truth in ways that are in alignment with our highest good
• We try new things that help us expand
• We enter new relationships based on honoring and celebrating each other's freedom, rather than being possessive or controlling
• We develop a deep connection with Spirit that surpasses all logic
• We let go of needing to micromanage our lives and the lives of others
• We make ourselves the first priority in our lives
• We don't hide anymore—we learn to operate from the most authentic and honest part of ourselves
• We start to live life to the fullest, rather than just going through each day feeling uninspired, and going through the motions of what we've been told we "should" do
• We feel a deeper sense of love and compassion for all of life, including ourselves, our inner child, other people, our experiences, and our journey
• We operate in a world of eternal abundance and joy
• We create physical, mental, and emotional balance and well-being in all areas of our lives
So the next time your mind tries to convince you that the energies we're moving through are challenging, remember some of the amazing results of being free!
Then be that compassionate presence for your mind, so that as emotional triggers come to the surface, it can move through them with greater ease.
If you have been participating in your inner work during the past few months as a result of all the shifts going on around us, you may have noticed the desire to laugh a lot more lately, to play, and to just feel like a kid again.
This is a confirmation that you are entering the next phase of your journey, which is to be an enlightened being.
One of the greatest effects of experiencing complete freedom, is that we become enlightened beings.
Enlightenment is not about spending your whole life sitting on top of a mountain and praying. Although if that brings you joy and fulfillment, it very well could lead to it.
Enlightenment simply means "to lighten up."
Most people, especially those who are a part of the spiritual/new age movement, have a tendency to take themselves and life way too seriously.
My personal observation is that that's because of their empathic nature, and the desire to want to "fix humanity." They decide that they have to save the world, so they place a big responsibility on their shoulders that was not really for them to take on in the first place.
If you are still choosing to create this kind of reality for yourself, just ask yourself:
How does it serve me to believe that I have to save the world?
See what comes up. At the core, it could just be that you believe that you need to save yourself, including saving yourself from having to feel another's pain.
But in reality, how can you save someone who is already perfect?
The Universe/your Higher Self are perfect. They have never been anything less than that. It's just that the mind needed to distract itself through the years, to keep itself inside a reality that it felt was safe. So it took on the need to fix and change things—to try to make everything all right, so it could feel safe again.
In fact, the moment we let go of the need to rescue—the moment we choose to lighten up, enjoy life, and no longer sweat the small stuff—we achieve an enlightened state of being.
Can you imagine what the world will look like when everyone lets their guard down, and allows themselves to play? To joyfully appreciate the gifts life offers them?
Well, believe it or not ... this is the reality we are headed towards. And it begins with each of us. It begins with each of us choosing to commit to ourselves, to accept that now we get to enjoy life. To have fun, and to play again.
That is complete freedom!
So are you willing to enter into a reality of complete freedom?
Till next time,
Peace and progress,
Make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there's anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.
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