Friday, June 3, 2016
Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 2 | The Portal
Here is the transcript and the audio of the second part of the joint Cobra / Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter.
Before we start, you can read an interesting analysis of the first part of the interview here:
The Youtube audio version of the second part of the interview is here:
Link to Rob Potter's page with the interview is here:
And the transcript here:
Before we start, you can read an interesting analysis of the first part of the interview here:
The Youtube audio version of the second part of the interview is here:
Link to Rob Potter's page with the interview is here:
And the transcript here:
Rob Potter:
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re back with Corey and Cobra for Part 2. An
extremely interesting interview. Both of these gentlemen are confirming
each other’s intel with a few additions by each. I hope you are enjoying
this unification and remembering about the Full Disclosure Meditation,
the Secret Space Program conference in Mt. Shasta, as well as we’re
having Cobra’s Ascension Conferences coming out. So lot’s of places for
you to connect with other light members and become instrumental light
bearers or information givers to people in your community.
is really about letting people . . . preparing for some tremendous
changes that are coming to the surface of the planet and we’re looking
for clarity in these interviews.
going to talk to Corey first and this first question is from someone.
It says, “Corey, you have mentioned that some ET groups have been here
with a little bit of service-to-self. Is that correct?”
Corey Goode: Yes.
Rob: Yeah,
you have stated the Blue Avians are here because we are a parachute, as
you termed it. It seems the Earth’s mess is kind of holding them back
from evolving. Is that correct?
Yes, and that’s the case with all beings that follow the creed or kind
of model and tinker and create other beings. When they progress past
that point maybe thousands or millions of years later, they cannot
ascend to other levels or progress further until they go back and deal
with their creations and whatever karmic entanglements they have with
them. But we’re not a creation of these Sphere Beings, but their actions
that they had millions and billions of years ago somehow had them tied
with us to where we have to ascend or reach our next level before they
can fully. They’ve gone as far as they can. Their goal is ultimately to
return to Source.
Rob: Okay,
and this is kind of an Earth-based thing. It says, “If so, this implies
they’re here with their own agenda towards progressing.”
Corey: That’s in the answer I pointed out.
Rob: Yeah, they may not be here at this time to intercede otherwise, possibly. Does that make them self-serving as well?
Corey: Yeah.
Kaaree used that to kind of punch me in the stomach, because she, I
guess, took issue with their position that her people were
Service-to-Self. You know, when it comes down to it, if we’re all One
and we’re all karmically tied, or we’re all tied on some level, every
type of entity would have to be, by that definition, Service-to-Self.
Before they can return to Source they have to make sure that we are on
the right path or moving on the right path. I guess, in that context, on
that grand scale, I guess you could label them that.
Rob: Yeah,
it just seems like they have bigger technology that everyone has to
listen to them. Cobra, I’d like your comments on that little dialogue
Cobra: Okay. The whole
galaxy is a living being. It’s a living entity and all cells in the
galactic organism are connected. So if one single cell is infected with a
cancer, the whole galactic body cannot evolve fully. And no race in the
galaxy can evolve fully until the Earth’s situation is resolved. And
the division between service-to-others and service-to-self is
artificial. It’s a programming attempt to divide beings. Each sentient
being needs to first take care of himself before he can help others.
key is in the balance of taking care of your own needs and then helping
others. And evolved galactic society keeps that balance. And taking
care of your own needs does not mean stepping upon others. It means
creating a respectful cooperation throughout the galaxy and this is what
the evolved galactic races have achieved. They have created a civilized
society when there are no wars needed, no conflict needed.
conflict is an aberration. It’s an anomaly. And for most of the galaxy
what is happening here is pure madness. They live in a reality of love,
in the galactic ocean of love, and for them, what is happening here is
pure madness.
Rob: Thank you
very much and I would have to agree with that. We’re definitely in a
madness situation down here. I would like to make a little comment here.
I’ve heard and felt the same thing that we’re all one and that, you
know, people are here trying to resolve this situation of what’s going
on here. And for those of us down here, we’re the same way. And if we
could on the Earth . . . You know, we look around, we’re separated by
programs and borders and Cabal. If we could realize we’re all one people
and that people are starving in Africa, there’s little children,
orphanages, and people that are homeless throughout the world and
suffering, that we’re spending money on other things.
could feed our neighbors. We could realize ourselves as one. And this
is coming and this is what this movement is about for people to wake up
and for the leaders to be honest and just. We’re going to bring out some
differences here. We’ve established a lot of unity. And I’m looking for
clarity. This isn’t to emphasize the difference.
you have stated that the artificial intelligence that Corey kind of
delineates that I would call the plasma scalar field mind-control
network, which is multi-dimensional and it is reinforced by physical
technology, but you say that it can be turned off and is part of a
scalar plasma fence, which is linked to certain Cabal members and
Chimera, including toplet and strangelet bombs, the point being that
this is a sophisticated supercomputer that reacts so fast that it
appears to be sentient. Can you talk about that version of your
understanding of this control network?
Cobra: Okay,
it’s a matter of terminology. Basically, what we have here is sentient
organic intelligence that uses technology, that actually uses technology
as its body. Fuzzy logic software program is part of that body. So one
person could say, “Hey, this is artificial intelligence. This program
thinks and makes decisions.” When in reality, there is a being behind
that program that makes decisions and is assisted to a great degree by
that program.
So if you would look
from a certain perspective, what would appear is that the program is
making decisions. But there is always an entity, a living being, free
will, which is behind those decisions. And the Chimera group has
invented so-called artificial intelligence millions upon millions of
years ago and has tried to spread its infection throughout the galaxy
through scalar plasma networks. And they were successful to a certain
degree, but I would say that the most evolved cosmic races know how to
deal with that.
Rob: Thank you.
Corey, you have a slightly different version. Could you talk about your
understanding? And, I guess, some of this is coming from the glass
pads, but you’ve stated that it’s its own thing, kind of like the
Terminator or the Borg, as we said. Could you share the information?
You’ve said that it’s actually infected multiple galaxies. Can you
comment on your version? And then we’ll have you comment on each others
Corey: Some of what
Cobra said sounds like a little bit of a mixture of two different
technologies if I’m understanding him correctly. I could be
misunderstanding him. There is a scalar mind-control grid that has been
around the Earth as long as there have been humans, you know, walking
around. We can simplify it and call it a mind-control grid or a control
There are two giant cruisers, or
ships, that are not occupied. They are controlled by, basically, what we
would call computer program. They complete the circuit of this control
grid, most of which is down on the Earth. This is something that can be
shut down. They’ve talked about shutting it down, but they think that
shutting it down . . . it’s going to be very rough on humanity if . . .
It’s the excuse their using for not shutting it down.
the fact is that newer Special Access Program groups have studied this
technology and they’re mimicking it and they’re using it for their own
means. The inter dimensional AI signal that I’m talking about is a
signal that was broadcast and it came in from another reality many, many
millions, if not billions, of years ago. It cascaded its way through
multiple galaxies, and in the manner I’ve described, it has infiltrated
people’s bio neural fields. It has infiltrated technology and exploited
technology, but it’s not technology. It’s not an actual artificial
intelligence technology that’s created by organic beings here. It is a
pervasive signal that now broadcasts itself through relay systems that
it has tricked organic beings into creating for it.
is something that these more technologically and spiritually advanced
beings can deal with. Many, many, many lower-tech civilizations that are
a thousand years more developed than ours on the surface are subject to
having to deal with this threat.
Okay. This is completely different. Cobra, can you comment on or have
you heard of this other kind of universal AI intelligence? Corey has
stated that this intelligence lays nascent in hiding and then comes out,
influences organic beings to create technology that it can then live
inside. It can actually be in a computer. If you touch a technology, it
can infect you and then it can receive from you. It has its own
intelligence, he said. Cobra, can you confirm this? Can you say that you
understand this or do you have a different view?
Okay, my understanding is that this is plasma consciousness that can
use technology as a vehicle of spreading the virus. I can confirm that
this virus has infected one part of this galaxy, one part of the
Andromeda galaxy, and one part of the M33 Galaxy in Triangulum, and to a
very, very limited degree certain other galaxies in the local cluster
of the galaxies. I can also say that the Resistance Movement has dealt
with that issue and for their own society they have handled the issue.
So if somebody would like to enter the Resistance Movement, they need to
go through a certain cleansing process. It is something like a shower.
You need to take a certain shower that removes all parts of that signal
before you can even enter their region below the surface.
they have also assisted quite much in removing this from the surface.
They have not been 100% successful, but they have been very successful,
and they have actually introduced a certain technology into shower gels
through certain multinational corporations. And people using those
shower gels were actually . . . they were being assisted in the removal
of that virus, that signal. And, again, it was not 100% successful
because the Chimera group have their own means in maintaining this, and
the easiest way for them to maintain this is with people who are the
most mind-controlled and the most under the plasma influence.
There is a plan that’s a part of the natural process of what’s going to
occur with the energetic waves coming in to our solar system through
our sun, there’s going to be an event that’s going to completely purge
the signal from our solar system at some point.
This is exactly what I’m speaking about the removal of this plasma
scalar field removal of Yaldabaoth, this octopus entity, and this is
exactly the Event. When this plasma field is removed, that is the moment
of the Compression Breakthrough.
A solar event that’s going to have a lot of issues with electrical
equipment and stuff like that, but it’s going to be what’s needed to
push that signal out while they’re reintroducing some other very
advanced technologies that will not be as vulnerable to this signal.
That will kind of put a shield up for us. That’s great. One more
question on this for you, Cobra, was: “He said that this . . .” – the
inter dimensional part. You were saying that it’s connected, it’s a
technology, it can be turned off. From what you guys are describing this
signal still is going to exist but it’s going to be pushed off the
Earth but is still involved in other parts of our super-cluster of
various galaxies.
Corey: Well, what’s
occurring is these advanced groups have created a dampening field that
does not allow the signal to broadcast within the sphere of this
dampening field like most of them do. And I guess it is a shield of
sorts. It effectively neutralizes the signal.
Cobra: Okay,
according to my sources, the increased activity of the Galactic Central
Sun is precisely the means to erase that signal from the galaxy. So the
increased flow of particles, and I’m speaking of physical and
nonphysical particles, and waves of energy, it is a purging effect that
will actually clean the whole galaxy. This signal will not exist
anymore, anywhere. It’s an anomaly. It’s an aberration, and it will be
And this is what the gnostics speak
about when they say “correction of the original sin” and the “original
sin” was actually an anomaly, which needs to be corrected and it’s
corrected with this new energy which will heal the distorted space/time
structure and this signal, which is just one aspect of the cosmic
Corey: The information I
have heard is that galaxy wide, the signal will usually return after a
1,000 years, which galactic-wide is not very much time after different
galaxies have had their galactic emanations. It’s a pernicious problem,
but it’s one that can be managed especially as we progress spiritually
and technologically and catch up to these other groups.
Okay, thank you. I had a brief conversation with Alex Collier recently –
I’m going to do another interview with him – and he was more along the
lines of Cobra that it’s a technology-type of thing and kind of said
that it’s a, and from his understanding with his conversation with the
Andromedans, that it’s different. So I guess we’ll have to wait a 1,000
years and hopefully disclosure will reveal a lot of this information for
I wanted to go into something here. I
was going to save it for later, but we’ve talked about the clearing of
this energy from the heliopause with a system. Dr. Frank Stranges also
spoke about this at a certain point in time . . . and I want to talk
about the cleansing technology. He maintains that when he went on board
the ship, the Victor One, with Commander Valiant Thor, that they kind of
walked you . . . it’s like a magnetic field kind of thing that cleansed
him before he could go on board. His clothes were taken off and this
type of thing.
I’ve also heard from the past
Atlantean, some transcripts I’ve read, that they take this artificial
intelligence thing very seriously. Fred Bell had indicated to me, as
well as Bob Reynaud of the TerraKor Files, has indicated that when an
ET, who has been serving in the Earth situation, before they’re allowed
to go back to their planet, they have an extremely prolonged security
debriefing protocol, which is really more of an luminous and a
soul-energetic cleansing to make sure this AI is not in there. Have you –
either of you . . . Can you confirm this technology has been around for
a long time and a lot of worlds are very, very concerned when people
return from earth how about this? Corey, first, I guess?
Yeah, absolutely. We were warned and warned and warned by these
different non-terrestrial groups not to mess around with this AI signal
or these different artificial intelligence technologies that developed
from information that we received from this inter dimensional AI signal.
Rob: Of course, the ICC and the Nazis disregard it and that’s our state of being.
Yeah, yeah. And not only that, they started using this AI’s probable
future technologies to help them stay one step ahead. There’re so many
times we heard that the Cabal’s going to go down. There’s going to be
mass arrests. Well, they’ve been able to stay one step ahead of a lot of
the Alliance moves with this technology.
this technology has not been working for them recently. That’s another
thing that’s thrown them in disarray. They’d become so heavily reliant
on this probable future technology, and it’s not just using remote
viewing and all these different things, but they’re now falling back on
They used to have all these different
ways of looking at probable futures, but these certain factions became
so reliant on this AI probable future technology that now they’re in
chaos, because it’s not working for them.
Cobra, can you comment on the positive light workers that go through
this? You say the Resistance members made humans go through that. Is
there any of the Resistance or the positive ET technologies when their
groups are down here and they go back up? Do they have to go through
this cleansing as well? It’s not like you consciously engage this stuff.
It comes into you subtly through your subconscious. Is that correct?
For the Resistance members that come to the surface and go back, it’s
quite a process. They go, as I said, through something that looks like a
shower. Then they go through a shower that is actually a scanning
device, and it scans their physical body, etheric body, plasma body,
astral body, mental body, everything, and removes every kind of
infection before they can enter. And then, of course, they have the
medical check. They have other checks before they can enter again. And
this is quite a procedure. And this is really why they don’t like to
come to the surface because they know when they come back they have to
go through all that process.
And the surface
of the planet is infected and they know that. And they are very careful
about this. The technologies to disinfect the surface will be available
at the time of the Event, not before. When the Light forces have more
power than the occupation forces, this is when the technology
breakthrough will happen at the same time as the Event.
was not speaking about this before, but there are certain technologies
that the Resistance have and other Light forces have that will be
brought to the surface at the moment of the Event that will disinfect
the surface from many things. This is one part of the Compression
So the living standards on the
surface are artificially low also because of this. This infection
creeps into the consciousness of human beings and this is why they are
so depressed, so uninspired. And I would say the vast majority of human
conflicts that are happening are engineered. They are not real. And this
is all orchestrated by this technology.
Rob: Well,
this is wonderful. It confirms a lot of the information that I’ve had.
You buys have both confirmed that this technology exists.
Corey: I
realized I didn’t answer your question directly, but yes, full spectrum
decontamination is a standard operating procedure for just about any
group when you’re mingling with a group other than yours or you’re going
out of a controlled environment into what we will call an alien
environment for them.
Rob: Yes, I’ve
also heard they have extensive psychological questions and answers even
after the screening that they’re very careful when a person returns.
It’s very interesting. So that’s it, folks, we can look forward to some,
I guess we can call them virus showers. I’ll get one and I don’t care
if we’re out of hot water, I want one.
that’s very interesting. I’m glad we cleared up this information in
regards to the AI intelligence there for you folks. My suggestion that I
talked about long ago in 2012 on Cobra’s portal was my understanding is
that it feeds off the mind and your focus, so you can starve this field
through entering into the silence and you have the will of your own
thoughts and your own decisions to disregard these negative impulses if
you hold fast to a virtuous life.
So here we
have another question that kind of relates to this event breakthrough
plasma field clearing of the Earth. It was noted on the official NASA
website – we’ve talked about this energy and the cosmic winds coming
from the sun – on the Internet it showed that the magnetic fields of the
Earth actually kind of went into kind of a calm state. Can either of
you comment on that recent event? Was that a technological thing that
didn’t register or was this an actual change in the Earth’s magnetic
fields that took place recently? I think it was about within a week to
10 days ago.
Corey: Well, yeah, the
Earth’s magnetic field is connected directly to the sun’s, and as the
sun is going through these different changes as the cosmic energy is
funneling through it through the cosmic web, there’s going to be
interaction. It’s going to ebb and flow – the electrical field of the
Rob: Okay, so this was kind
of a natural change that had a kind of a . . . it went to pretty much a
zero calm state with the cosmic . . .
The report that the shield drops was incorrect that they went
completely down. I’ve seen reports . . . I have a bunch of emails. I had
asked about that in my last briefing and I saw the charts and stuff. It
did not drop completely.
Rob: No, no, no. It didn’t drop completely, but it definitely changed.
I would put it this way. Every planet on . . . and every star has a
plasma field around it, and the plasma field around the sun is called
the solar wind. And the plasma field around the Earth is interacting
with that solar wind. The magnetic field shapes and curves the plasma
entity and the plasma entity is not just particle, it’s a living being.
And in the case of this solar system, the plasma being is called
Yaldabaoth, the octopus entity. And there are many Light forces working
on transformation of that plasma entity. It’s actually an entity which
is trapped into cosmic anomaly.
And what is
happening is that the Light forces are sending energies of healing and
transformation in this plasma entity and this is why the oscillation and
perturbations in the solar winds are happening. And NASA has released
an image or a video animation of a spiral movement of the solar wind
which looks exactly like an octopus. This is scientific confirmation of
the intel I have been releasing. It’s actually a living being which
reacts to our cosmic winds, cosmic forces.
the heliopause is the area where the solar winds, the solar plasma
field and this entity meets the interstellar wind or so-called galactic
consciousness. And the galactic wind, interstellar wind, is part of the
galactic plasma entity which is called Pleroma in some old gnostic
sources. The Pleroma is the light emanation of the Galactic Central Sun
and it creates . . . It actually brings light to the whole galaxy. And
this interstellar galactic field is an Ocean of Love. So when this, I
would say, not-healed solar system entity, this octopus, meets the Ocean
of Love, this is where the healing happens. This is one way of
describing it.
And the region where that
happens is the heliopause. This is why there is so much focus on the
heliopause recently. And whatever happens there then, actually, it
cascades down through the whole solar system and will eventually trigger
the Event on the planet Earth. And the changes in the Earth’s
magnetosphere and the Earth’s plasma field, Van Allen belts, is a direct
consequence of what is happening in the heliopause right now.
Very good. And, folks, Dr. Bell was speaking about this in his book,
“Rays of Truth – Crystals of Light”, about 15 years ago, explaining, of
course, we have various beings that we live in. We are a being and we’re
supporting many bacterial lives just as we have a planet that has a
life that is part of the solar system. And the sun would be considered
the pineal gland. The Earth would be considered the heart chakra. Our
sun is considered the heart chakra in the local system of which the
Pleiades is the pineal gland and all of this is connected to the one
life of the central super universe cluster through our galactic central
sun called “Alohae” and then this energy is transmuted to the sun and
that people of the Earth, our consciousness, is actually required . . .
We have the power to stave off higher cataclysmic events with our
attunement to this life force. The Earth is resonant to that. Would you
agree with that that the Earth people have an influence on the
relationship between the Earth and how it reacts or to the S and P waves
of the solar system radiations, Cobra?
Cobra: Yes,
of course, because every consciousness has influence on every other
consciousness. I would say every cell and living organism of the galaxy
has a say on what’s going on here. And as I said before, if there is
healing taking place here on the surface of the planet, that creates
huge waves of energy throughout the galaxy simply because the Earth is
the focal point of the resolution of the cosmic anomaly. And this is not
by chance that the planet Earth was chosen with a very highly evolved
cosmic architect to be the focal point, the melting pot, of various
races when very different, divergent galactic cultures could interact
and resolve this cosmic anomaly.
This is why
everybody wanted to come here. This is why the Dracos came here. This
is why the Orions came here. This is why the Pleiadians came here. This
is why everybody wanted to be here to take part in this experience and,
on a very deep level, everybody wanted to resolve this cosmic anomaly.
now we’re in the final phases so why this is happening right here is
the focal point of the whole galaxy to resolve this and bring the galaxy
back into balance.
Actually, there is an
old galactic prophecy of the time when the whole galaxy will be light
when the galactic network of Light will be completed and planet Earth
and the solar system is the last point to be included in that galactic
network of Light. And everybody’s waiting for the transformation to be
completely here.
Rob: Right. And we
can be part of the transformation. Corey, we talked about my little
thing on the sun, if you want to comment on that or Cobra’s stuff?
Yeah, and what’s playing out here on Earth is playing out on multiple
planets within the 52 stars in our local star cluster. The heliopause
leaves off with (where) the heliopause of Alpha Centauri leaves off and
begins. So these stars in the local star cluster are also connected, not
only through the cosmic web, but in a more direct way through
physically, you know, directly.
And in our
local staff cluster there have been all of these different planets that
have had these Draco groups and other groups kicking dirt and causing
problems just like they’ve been doing here in our solar system. So there
are a lot of things playing out on different planets in our local star
cluster. And all of it’s tied together and all of it has to come
together in some huge beautiful cosmic symphony.
more focused on what’s going on in our solar system, and we’ve seen
many intel about what’s going on in our solar system, but our local star
cluster has been a big issue for the wider galaxy. And that is
something that is being corrected at this time.
Rob: So
we have a lot going on and most of us just need to focus on our own
lives really and just raise our vibration. All this is very interesting.
Corey, you probably are not aware, but Cobra has put out a very
powerful document that I resonated and a lot of people resonated with,
and it’s called the Galactic Codex. And it’s kind of like the laws of
Hanbury or the code of ethics or the Ten Commandments . . . it’s kind of
a statement that is allegedly used throughout the galaxy and determines
a planet’s free will.
I’m going to have
Cobra break this down for you and then I’d like you to tell me if you’ve
heard about this. For many of us, for me, it’s very valid and it’s been
violated. And that’s why we’re having engagements with some of these
regressive ETs.
Corey: Yeah, I’ve
heard of these edicts, these things being set up. They’re slightly
different for every solar system, for every culture, depending then on
how they developed. The root of them are basically the same.
Cobra, could you share your Galactic Codex? Is this a galactic codex or
is it different solar system by solar system from your knowledge?
Okay, I would say that’s the spiritual evolution of the galaxy starts
from the galactic center. So, around the Central Sun is the most light
and this is where the so-called Central Civilization evolved. And when
it was expanding throughout the galaxy, it was creating a network of
Light and assisting in the development of other races throughout the
galaxy and together they have discovered that there is a certain inner
code which is not written anywhere. It is just how things are, how
societies, the divergent societies, can co-create and co-exist.
the Galactic Codex, that has been published on my blog, is just, I
would say, an interpretation of that inner truth which is aligned with
human mind. So I would say the underlying truth is the same throughout
the galaxy, but the way beings perceive or interpret that is according
to their own development and their own understanding of the truth. But
some basic rules are the same.
There has
been a lot of talk about non-interference like it is a cosmic law. It is
not. Non-interference was just an excuse for the Archons to keep planet
Earth occupied. What is really happening is if a certain entity on a
certain planet wants to create contact, that contact should be granted.
the reason why this contact has not been granted on planet Earth is not
because of the law of non-intervention, or non-interference, but
because somebody was and still is preventing contact. And if people
begin to understand that, we will make one big, huge, planetary leap
towards Full Disclosure. To understand why Full Disclosure is not
happening now, it is not because there are no beings out there that
would like to contact us, but because somebody is preventing that
contact by taking humanity hostage.
So when
this hostage situation is resolved, full contact will happen. It’s a
natural law. It’s our birthright. We have a right to be speaking with
our star brothers and sisters. We have a right to interact with them.
This is our divine birthright. And this is what I’m fighting for.
Corey, could you comment on what Cobra has said here in regards to that
it’s really not free will that they don’t interfere here with . . . the
reason why we can’t be contacted and all that? There is an indication
that our free will has been gone around here. It’s more of a safety
issue and a hostage. Can you comment on your views on that?
In the Super Federation, the laws of free will are important and
mentioned, but the laws are kind of soft and loose-knit. There’s ways
around it. And they have obviously found ways around the laws of free
will. Now, the fact that they were having open battles in the skies
above developing humans for tens of thousands of years up until very
recently, up until the point in time when they signed these accords
after the time of Mohammad. That tells a lot. That to me, that’s openly
and directly interfering with the development of a world genetically,
spiritually and on-going interference with our civilization on a
sociological level.
Rob: Right, and
one of the articles that I have posted repeatedly, and I hope people
will really get, is “The TerraKor Files – An Overview of the Omegan
Situation” where it talks about the syndicate and indicates that the
reason these treaties were signed is both the confederation, the
alliance, and some of these syndicate, dark, regressive ETs had been in
major battles that have decimated all sides. And at all costs, they want
to avoid this battle. And would you both agree this is why hostile
groups can share bases on the moon and yet respect each other’s space
sort of. I’ve heard there are incursions and attempts all the time in
these bases.
Corey: Oh, really? On the Moon?
Yeah, the Moon. There’s both positive . . . There’s Nazi bases, Dracos,
next door to Confederation and Pleiadian and positive bases. Is that
Corey: Yeah, they’re all
kinds of embassies up there. A large part of it’s controlled by a
negative group, but with all of the agreements that have been signed,
especially on the moon . . . The moon is kind of like Antarctica. It’s
all split up and it’s a major diplomatic area, but, you know, there’s
fighting going on down in Antarctica. The only people that have attacked
or have done anything to the moon has been us. Humans. These lower
military Secret Space Program factions have launched all kinds of things
at the moon. And they’re the only ones that have done anything overtly
hostile. It’s a very delicate balance up there, but none of these groups
are going to take a chance of screwing up.
Right. They don’t want to escalate into a full-blown conflict that
could reach galactic proportions in the solar system. Cobra, your
comments on the diplomatic relations on the moon and how this tenuous
cease-fire to a certain extent is taking place between these various
Cobra: Okay, first I will
describe a situation on the surface of the Earth. Yes, this was true
there were many treaties signed because if those treaties would not be
respected we would have two things happening. We would have Reptilians
openly eating children for breakfast, and we’d have Pleiadians rescuing
the victims of car crashes. And both things happening at the same time
could lead to extreme actions, so this was not to be advised.
this is why this uneasy treaty has been signed. And part of this treaty
is protecting us, so part of this treaty was to protect the light
workers and the light warriors. But on the other side of the coin, the
same treaty is protecting the most visible Cabal members. So it goes
both sides.
And this uneasy treaty is being
respected to a certain degree by all beings, of course, not completely.
There have been things happening on both sides. But this treaty will be
respected until the time of the Event when the surface of the planet
will be liberated.
I can confirm that what
Corey has described for the Moon, has been happening on the Moon until
quite recently. I cannot confirm that is what is happening there
recently, but yet we have been . . . there have been many interest
groups there with quite strict areas where they could move and they have
to respect their borders otherwise they could have mutually assured
destruction. And most races have discovered and most factions have
discovered that that is not a safe option. So they tended to avoid
direct open combat, direct open confrontation, because they understood
that it would be the end of the story for them as well.
Rob: Yeah,
it’s very sad our solar system is kind of a microcosm of the Earth and
hopefully it’s a shame that they even have borders on the moon at this
time. Hopefully, this will be resolved. I’m going to ask Corey this
question first and then Cobra. Lot of questions about the moon. It
doesn’t rotate. Corey, what is your story of the history of the Moon? Is
it artificial? Is it brought from another area? Was it a spaceship?
What’s the story of the moon from your perspective – it’s history and
it’s locked orbit?
Corey: It was a
natural formation that was hollowed out and made into a giant ark. It
may have been a part of the original defense network that was created by
what they called the Ancient Builder Race, which was in operation up
until the moment when this Super Earth blew up. It brought down this
defense grid that was around our solar system and also protected the
solar systems of the local star cluster.
this technology went down, all these different races that we refer to
as genetic farmer races, began to come in and, you know, mess around
with us, with our genetics and just doing whatever they wished. Okay,
I’m sorry. What was the original question? Sorry, I got off on a
Rob: That’s okay. You kind
of answered it. So for you, it was a . . . It’s a natural created planet
or moon that was created originally naturally and that was hollowed out
and used as an ark possibly by Ancient Builders.
There is conflicting information about it from the different groups
that have looked at the information when there have been archaeological
expeditions throughout the Moon. Depending on the group and their point
of view or religious beliefs, they’ve come up with several different
perspectives about what the Moon is.
Okay, Cobra, I’d like you to comment on your understanding of the Moon.
Does this coincide with what Corey’s told or do you have a slightly
different perspective?
The Moon is a natural object which has an orbit that is locked to the
Earth and this is quite a natural occurrence through most of the solar
systems. It has not been hollowed out, but it has been honeycombed,
which means that there have been tunnels dug below the surface of the
Moon. There have been tunnels expanded through the natural lava tubes,
underground cities and the various civilizations have been using those
for quite extended periods of time. And I would say it’s a natural
satellite. It’s nothing artificial about the Moon, but, yes, it has been
used for many purposes in its past.
Okay. Thank you, both. That’s great. This is a kind of more for Corey
question, but Cobra can you answer. Corey, we’ve spoken about this
before, and this is from one person, but it’s not saying that you don’t
think there’s positive galactic federation, but, again, your . . . so
far in your narrative, you have given us the ICC, the Nazis
infiltrating, this kind of hostile what’s going on with the Dark Fleet.
We know you’ve gone to these Super Federation meetings.
told me personally in our private conversations since you’ve interacted
with some of them, but it’s kind of lacking . . . This is just a
general view of some people who . . . I’ve got a couple questions like
this. So here’s a question: “It seems that Corey says that there are
many ET races and federations with different agendas. But he doesn’t
seem to believe that there is a Galactic Confederation of positive races
working for the light. At least it seems he never mentions it really
apart from the Sphere-Being Alliance. So the question, Corey, do you
believe in the positive Galactic Confederation and do they outnumber the
bad guys? And what is your take on their efforts? Are they benevolent?”
There, again, we’re throwing around ‘positive’, ‘negative’ and all this
kind of thing. This Super Federation is a super federation. It’s made
up of other federations, and these federations are made up of hundreds
or thousands of solar systems, if not more. So this Super Federation
could very well be made up of some of these groups that this person
mentions, but they’ve not identified themselves in the same manner that
people are identifying them on Earth or online that I’m hearing.
groups, just as I’ve stated, some of them are positive from our point
of view. They seem to very much want to help us even though they have
their own agenda, which any beings that have their own agenda. Some of
them really wouldn’t mind seeing us replaced with what they consider
more responsible caretaker beings on this planet. So it runs the full
spectrum between the people that are a part of this Super Federation.
the most part, most of them are what we would call, from our point of
view, positive. They want us to progress. They are a part of this Grand
Experiment. We’re a part of this Grand Experiment. And if they want to
progress, they want us to progress. So that’s the best I can explain on
Rob: Okay, thank you. I was
thinking, obviously, we have this Ganymede that Cobra’s talked about
that my friend Luis has been to this artificial moon, and it is a
training ground for guides and teachers. And it’s a group that very much
has motherly-loving instincts. It’s like a sore foot. We’re a sore foot
in the galaxy and they’re here to mend it through mentoring the human
consciousness field. So when I say ‘negative’, I know that’s a judgment
and good and bad and all that, but I mean I’m talking about the groups
that are working with the government and Agenda 21 – depopulation.
The Super Federation, they’re a much higher level. Most of the people
in the Secret Space Programs are not even aware of these groups. They’re
aware of more of the groups that they’re dealing with like these Draco
groups or these other groups that have come in that are not heavily
partaking in this Super Federation.
Right. My point being that what I consider . . . When I use the word
‘negative’, I’m not trying to deny an entire race of absolution or
changing in any way, but when a race is violating the Galactic Codex,
that’s the groups that I’m talking about that would be negative and it
seems, you know, the viewpoint from some people is that the reporting
and yourself . . . And I know we have a lot more stuff that we’re just
waiting to hear. We want to hear details: who you met, what group they
were, what they said, what their opinion is, what you could reveal about
their positive plans. Do you have anything on that?
Well, there is some information that I have revealed and is yet to be
released on Cosmic Disclosure that we’re having to do a little more
editing. I ended up giving a lot of descriptions and a lot of
operational information that I was told it was okay to share, but then
some of these groups did not appreciate it. So there are still some
things that I need to ferret out before I share information, especially
in terms of what occurred most recently between Gonzales and I with an
incident where I was picked up and questioned by a competing faction
that has caused a lot more stress and issues between the SSP Alliance
and myself. So I have to be a little bit careful not to rock a already
very rocky boat.
Rob: Cobra, I’d like
your comments on that aspect between the positive and the negative
alliances out there. And are they really communicating? You mentioned
the Dracos don’t communicate. They don’t take part.
First, I need to say there is a Galactic Confederation that is
positive. It’s very real. They have actually saved my life many times,
so they are very real, at least to me. And there are many races that
belong to that confederation. And it is, from my perspective, the most
powerful group in the galaxy, because they live in a reality of cosmic
love. And they don’t have any, I would say, bad motivation, any agenda.
They simply would like everybody to have that experience. They have a
natural tendency to share and expand that galactic love and experience
throughout the galaxy and to heal the anomaly which exists here. This is
their primary motivation.
And as the
galactic network of Light expands throughout the galaxy, more and more
races join through a process of integration to this galactic network of
light. Through that process their sovereignty and integrity is respected
and they enter this alliance as equal participants in the galactic
evolution process. Races that don’t want to cooperate are basically
mostly races that have an agenda, especially races that want to dominate
other races, for example like Dracos.
there remain negotiations with Dracos, but their negotiations style is
not an attempt to find a solution. It is more for them to enforce their
own way. So, at a certain point, they have to be enforced. They have to
be put in certain situations where they cannot harm others, because by
harming other races, they are violating the Galactic Codex.
every race that oversteps certain boundaries needs to be dealt with.
And now races that have overstepped the boundaries inside of the solar
system, are being dealt with. It is that simple.
Cobra, with the great force that will come forward and neutralize these
negative forces, perhaps with the technology of the Blue Sphere
Alliance which seems to be able to repulse them, what is going to happen
to these negative races? Will they actually be arrested? We’ve
mentioned that some will be sent to the central sun to have their souls
reset. Will some slip through the cracks and continue in other areas of
the galaxy? Or is it intended that some of these beings are placed on
quarantine status in other worlds where they work things out? What’s
going to happen there, Cobra, to these beings? Will we have to revisit
this situation in a million years?
No. This is the final clearing process of the galaxy. All of the
individual sentient beings that belong to those races will be given
certain choices. If they want to cooperate, they will be given
assistance. There were many attempts, positive attempts, to give them
space to think about it and realize that the positive path is the path
that makes more sense. If they don’t want to cooperate, they will have
to go through the restructuring process, because darkness has a certain
time slot in the history of the universe and this time is almost over.
It’s game over for them. It doesn’t have any purpose in the evolution.
It is simply an anomaly which needs to be corrected.
Rob: Thank
you very much. Corey, Cobra has a very positive view of the future. Do
you have any information . . . I know you’re dealing with a little . . .
a lot of the Secret Space Program stuff, and I’m sorry for the
violation of the group that contacted you again, but can you tell me, do
you have this kind of confidence that the Blue Sphere Beings indicated
to you that this is going to be healed once and for all and that it’s a
galactic-wide cleansing and healing that’s going to take place through
the planet Earth’s liberation?
Yeah, that’s very much the entire reading why they are here. That is
their purpose. That is their mission. So I have to have faith and belief
that it’s going to be the ultimate outcome.
Well, folks, that was a great interview with Corey and Cobra, Part 2. I
hope you enjoyed that. To let you know, folks, they have agreed to do
another interview. We’re going to let some time pass here and we’ll
revisit this. They both have extremely busy schedules. It was very
difficult to get them together, but we’re going to do it again.
Victory of the Light!
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