ADDENDUM 10:15 am ET: I should have discussed the Sun-Saturn opposition today. That right there is an example of Sun-Saturn: should have, would have, could have. Saturn is an "energetic homebase" for the Archons. Saturn tends to say, "You suck, human." The places where we feel that we have "fallen down" or "do not measure up" come into view when the Sun and Saturn are in aspect.
When you add Venus to the mix, and we do because Venus is conjunct the Sun, and is therefore also in opposition with Saturn, our harsh inner critic turns it up to maximum. We tend to be hyper-self critical of perceived flaws or imperfections.
Let's bypass all of that today. It is a drag (like Saturn). Let's try it a different way: kind and gentle.
Balsamic Moon Phase: clear, release
Moon in Taurus (Gemini 11:02 pm ET/Saturday 3:02 am UT)
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: let go and see where it goes
True Alignments: sharing, bonds of love, honoring the past, strong foundations, mysteries, going the distance, the healing power of music, psychic communication, preparing space for the new
Catalysts for Change: extremely hard on oneself and/or others, making more rules to follow, the need for approval and validation from others, robbing someone of something, conflict, opposition, destroying/rewriting history, feeling alone, manipulation
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something important; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending; the unraveling of the archontic control system)
Today our "magic carpets" twist and turn through the last day of the lunar month of "a symbolic battle between swords and torches." This sight-seeing tour is rapidly becoming the greatest show on earth.
The lunar month that starts tomorrow will be dramatic in what it produces and changes. My title for the overview of the upcoming cycle (recorded Tuesday, May 31 and posted at the homepage of OracleReport.com) is "Standing Up (Or the Drama of Second Renaissance)."
Today, on the eve of the New Moon in Gemini, we are guided in new directions (new thoughts, ideas, feelings, perspectives, etc.) as the energetics of shift weave their way through our lives. Both Chiron and Neptune (which are both in Pisces) move to new degrees in the sky today. We also have the Grand Cross activating, pointing things in new directions and aligning things with True North.
Chiron moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol "the New Moon reveals it is time for people to go ahead with their different projects." Perfect timing with the New Moon beginning tomorrow. Chiron is the planet that heals us of our wounds and teaches us that there are other ways. Hold this thought.
Neptune moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol "a sword used in many battles in a museum." The energy is about putting things down but keeping a reminder of them so that we remember to do things different ways.
Now let's put the two together. Chiron at "the New Moon reveals it is time for people to go ahead with their different projects" and Neptune at "a sword used in many battles in a museum" equals "put down the swords that we use to wound ourselves and do things a different way."
In the audio overview for the Gemini cycle, I discussed how we would see evidence of a "unification" of the sacred feminine (Sophia) and sacred masculine (Thelete). Follow this with me:
Today, the Sun is discharging "two people living far apart in telepathic communication." The two aeons, Sophia and Thelete, have always been linked, even though Sophia was "unconscious" for some time. In the microcosm of our individual lives, our inner sacred feminine or inner sacred masculine may have felt cut off from us for some time.
The Earth is discharging "the pyramids and the sphinx." In symbology, pyramids represent the masculine principle (among other things). My grandmother visited the Sphinx in the 1970s and she said it was quite clear that the monument was of a female, but damaged in certain areas in order to make it look like a male. At any rate, it is feline-ish, which is symbolic of the feminine.
Additionally, Saturn is located at the degree of "the pyramids and the sphinx" and it made exact opposition with the Sun at 2:38 am ET/6:38 am UT today.
The Sun, Earth, and Saturn are directing us toward unifying our inner sacred masculine and feminine, and it will continue throughout the next lunar month.
Today, Mercury gives us a clue with how to go about this. Mercury is disseminating the energetic of "wisps of clouds, like wings, moving across the sky." Mercury says, "Let it go and see where it goes."
We are seeing where things are going today, as we prepare for the New Moon. We are following the shifts, watching as the two Divine Principles begin to manifest in our worlds and in our lives.
Note: Here is a summary of the items I discussed in the audio recording for the Gemini New Moon:
1- The lunar month is the second month we have that is like a month-long Crescent Moon phase. Perseverance is required.
2-The month is detail-oriented.
3- Evidence of the return of the sacred masculine and the principles of will and desire (through openings and opportunities). Ian, God of the East
4- Evidence of the return of the sacred feminine and the principle of wisdom (through leaks, breaks, splitting, venting, diversifying, spreading). Bagalamukhi, Goddess Who Destroys Illusions and Goddess Who Stuns and Silences
5- The month brings bounty and inspiration.
6- Mars and the Black Moon in Scorpio
7- Hillary Clinton attempts a comeback but is thwarted.
8- Dates to note:
June 6-8: Sun-Venus conjunction
June 17-26: Black Moon transits Chiron Point
June 29: Mars stations direct
July 4: New Moon in Cancer
Note also that the Moon is now in Taurus, aspecting the Black Moon as it does two times each month. Here is a reminder about his energetic, as discussed yesterday:
When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine's Day 2017. This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is. Everyone's shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting. Projection of one's one feelings onto others is the modus operandi. Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.
The Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini around 11:00 pm ET tomorrow (3:00 am UT Saturday), switching the dynamics considerably before the New Moon in Gemini later in the day.
The Balsamic Moon phase, our current Moon phase, is the time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and the time when Spirit is "closest" to us, speaking directly to us. The lunar month's mission of enlightening us to important things is doing its best to complete the task.
Energy levels are typically lower when the Moon enters Taurus again during the Taurus lunar cycle. Taurus energy does not really like to move around a lot. Taurus is the sign of the Bull, which would prefer to dig in or "shelter" or stay comfy and cozy. But, like a bull, the energy can rapidly jump into action when needed and will not stop until a goal is accomplished or the job is done. Taurus can make the long haul. Some call it stubbornness, but it could also be called strong willed.
Taurus energy LOVES beauty, as it is ruled by Venus. If the Taurus energy inspires the opportunity to capture a photograph of something beautiful in nature today, please send it in for everyone to enjoy. Keep them coming!
Have a happy, mystical, Balsamic Taurean day! See you tomorrow.
(P.S. The shootings at UCLA yesterday began when the Moon was conjunct...you know what I am going to say...the Eris Point. A regular perusal of the wires at various aggregate sites reveals that drills and ops have been happening for the past two weeks. Jade Helm has not ended. It may have changed names and is ultra-compartmentalized, but the objective continues. Regarding the UCLA event (or any event), the question is ALWAYS why now?
One possibility that should always be analyzed is what was breaking in the news from which the minions of the new world order would want to divert attention? Was it something about Hillary that was leaking [a la the "broken bottle and spilled perfume" Sabian symbol, discussed in the audio recording for the Gemini cycle]?
The UCLA event may very well have been one of many operations that are happening that went "live." The new world order is trying hard to re-imprint chaos and strife into the archetypal energy of Eris -- Isis. Let us not forget.)
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, June 3, 2016
http://www.oraclereport.com/ADDENDUM 10:15 am ET: I should have discussed the Sun-Saturn opposition today. That right there is an example of Sun-Saturn: should have, would have, could have. Saturn is an "energetic homebase" for the Archons. Saturn tends to say, "You suck, human." The places where we feel that we have "fallen down" or "do not measure up" come into view when the Sun and Saturn are in aspect.
When you add Venus to the mix, and we do because Venus is conjunct the Sun, and is therefore also in opposition with Saturn, our harsh inner critic turns it up to maximum. We tend to be hyper-self critical of perceived flaws or imperfections.
Let's bypass all of that today. It is a drag (like Saturn). Let's try it a different way: kind and gentle.
Balsamic Moon Phase: clear, release
Moon in Taurus (Gemini 11:02 pm ET/Saturday 3:02 am UT)
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: let go and see where it goes
True Alignments: sharing, bonds of love, honoring the past, strong foundations, mysteries, going the distance, the healing power of music, psychic communication, preparing space for the new
Catalysts for Change: extremely hard on oneself and/or others, making more rules to follow, the need for approval and validation from others, robbing someone of something, conflict, opposition, destroying/rewriting history, feeling alone, manipulation
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something important; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending; the unraveling of the archontic control system)
Today our "magic carpets" twist and turn through the last day of the lunar month of "a symbolic battle between swords and torches." This sight-seeing tour is rapidly becoming the greatest show on earth.
The lunar month that starts tomorrow will be dramatic in what it produces and changes. My title for the overview of the upcoming cycle (recorded Tuesday, May 31 and posted at the homepage of OracleReport.com) is "Standing Up (Or the Drama of Second Renaissance)."
Today, on the eve of the New Moon in Gemini, we are guided in new directions (new thoughts, ideas, feelings, perspectives, etc.) as the energetics of shift weave their way through our lives. Both Chiron and Neptune (which are both in Pisces) move to new degrees in the sky today. We also have the Grand Cross activating, pointing things in new directions and aligning things with True North.
Chiron moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol "the New Moon reveals it is time for people to go ahead with their different projects." Perfect timing with the New Moon beginning tomorrow. Chiron is the planet that heals us of our wounds and teaches us that there are other ways. Hold this thought.
Neptune moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol "a sword used in many battles in a museum." The energy is about putting things down but keeping a reminder of them so that we remember to do things different ways.
Now let's put the two together. Chiron at "the New Moon reveals it is time for people to go ahead with their different projects" and Neptune at "a sword used in many battles in a museum" equals "put down the swords that we use to wound ourselves and do things a different way."
In the audio overview for the Gemini cycle, I discussed how we would see evidence of a "unification" of the sacred feminine (Sophia) and sacred masculine (Thelete). Follow this with me:
Today, the Sun is discharging "two people living far apart in telepathic communication." The two aeons, Sophia and Thelete, have always been linked, even though Sophia was "unconscious" for some time. In the microcosm of our individual lives, our inner sacred feminine or inner sacred masculine may have felt cut off from us for some time.
The Earth is discharging "the pyramids and the sphinx." In symbology, pyramids represent the masculine principle (among other things). My grandmother visited the Sphinx in the 1970s and she said it was quite clear that the monument was of a female, but damaged in certain areas in order to make it look like a male. At any rate, it is feline-ish, which is symbolic of the feminine.
Additionally, Saturn is located at the degree of "the pyramids and the sphinx" and it made exact opposition with the Sun at 2:38 am ET/6:38 am UT today.
The Sun, Earth, and Saturn are directing us toward unifying our inner sacred masculine and feminine, and it will continue throughout the next lunar month.
Today, Mercury gives us a clue with how to go about this. Mercury is disseminating the energetic of "wisps of clouds, like wings, moving across the sky." Mercury says, "Let it go and see where it goes."
We are seeing where things are going today, as we prepare for the New Moon. We are following the shifts, watching as the two Divine Principles begin to manifest in our worlds and in our lives.
Note: Here is a summary of the items I discussed in the audio recording for the Gemini New Moon:
1- The lunar month is the second month we have that is like a month-long Crescent Moon phase. Perseverance is required.
2-The month is detail-oriented.
3- Evidence of the return of the sacred masculine and the principles of will and desire (through openings and opportunities). Ian, God of the East
4- Evidence of the return of the sacred feminine and the principle of wisdom (through leaks, breaks, splitting, venting, diversifying, spreading). Bagalamukhi, Goddess Who Destroys Illusions and Goddess Who Stuns and Silences
5- The month brings bounty and inspiration.
6- Mars and the Black Moon in Scorpio
7- Hillary Clinton attempts a comeback but is thwarted.
8- Dates to note:
June 6-8: Sun-Venus conjunction
June 17-26: Black Moon transits Chiron Point
June 29: Mars stations direct
July 4: New Moon in Cancer
Thursday, June 2, 2016
I will be back will a full report tomorrow, everyone. In the meantime, Tuesday's post is worth a re-read today. Venus re-activates the degree of the Sun's location on Tuesday, and the Grand Cross is building in strength as we approach Saturday's New Moon. Scroll down for Tuesday's entry.Note also that the Moon is now in Taurus, aspecting the Black Moon as it does two times each month. Here is a reminder about his energetic, as discussed yesterday:
When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine's Day 2017. This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is. Everyone's shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting. Projection of one's one feelings onto others is the modus operandi. Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.
The Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini around 11:00 pm ET tomorrow (3:00 am UT Saturday), switching the dynamics considerably before the New Moon in Gemini later in the day.
The Balsamic Moon phase, our current Moon phase, is the time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and the time when Spirit is "closest" to us, speaking directly to us. The lunar month's mission of enlightening us to important things is doing its best to complete the task.
Energy levels are typically lower when the Moon enters Taurus again during the Taurus lunar cycle. Taurus energy does not really like to move around a lot. Taurus is the sign of the Bull, which would prefer to dig in or "shelter" or stay comfy and cozy. But, like a bull, the energy can rapidly jump into action when needed and will not stop until a goal is accomplished or the job is done. Taurus can make the long haul. Some call it stubbornness, but it could also be called strong willed.
Taurus energy LOVES beauty, as it is ruled by Venus. If the Taurus energy inspires the opportunity to capture a photograph of something beautiful in nature today, please send it in for everyone to enjoy. Keep them coming!
Have a happy, mystical, Balsamic Taurean day! See you tomorrow.
(P.S. The shootings at UCLA yesterday began when the Moon was conjunct...you know what I am going to say...the Eris Point. A regular perusal of the wires at various aggregate sites reveals that drills and ops have been happening for the past two weeks. Jade Helm has not ended. It may have changed names and is ultra-compartmentalized, but the objective continues. Regarding the UCLA event (or any event), the question is ALWAYS why now?
One possibility that should always be analyzed is what was breaking in the news from which the minions of the new world order would want to divert attention? Was it something about Hillary that was leaking [a la the "broken bottle and spilled perfume" Sabian symbol, discussed in the audio recording for the Gemini cycle]?
The UCLA event may very well have been one of many operations that are happening that went "live." The new world order is trying hard to re-imprint chaos and strife into the archetypal energy of Eris -- Isis. Let us not forget.)
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