THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, June 2, 2016
http://www.oraclereport.com/I will be back will a full report tomorrow, everyone. In the meantime, Tuesday's post is worth a re-read today. Venus re-activates the degree of the Sun's location on Tuesday, and the Grand Cross is building in strength as we approach Saturday's New Moon. Scroll down for Tuesday's entry.
Note also that the Moon is now in Taurus, aspecting the Black Moon as it does two times each month. Here is a reminder about his energetic, as discussed yesterday:
When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine's Day 2017. This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is. Everyone's shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting. Projection of one's one feelings onto others is the modus operandi. Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.
The Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini around 11:00 pm ET tomorrow (3:00 am UT Saturday), switching the dynamics considerably before the New Moon in Gemini later in the day.
The Balsamic Moon phase, our current Moon phase, is the time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and the time when Spirit is "closest" to us, speaking directly to us. The lunar month's mission of enlightening us to important things is doing its best to complete the task.
Energy levels are typically lower when the Moon enters Taurus again during the Taurus lunar cycle. Taurus energy does not really like to move around a lot. Taurus is the sign of the Bull, which would prefer to dig in or "shelter" or stay comfy and cozy. But, like a bull, the energy can rapidly jump into action when needed and will not stop until a goal is accomplished or the job is done. Taurus can make the long haul. Some call it stubbornness, but it could also be called strong willed.
Taurus energy LOVES beauty, as it is ruled by Venus. If the Taurus energy inspires the opportunity to capture a photograph of something beautiful in nature today, please send it in for everyone to enjoy. Keep them coming!
Have a happy, mystical, Balsamic Taurean day! See you tomorrow.
(P.S. The shootings at UCLA yesterday began when the Moon was conjunct...you know what I am going to say...the Eris Point. A regular perusal of the wires at various aggregate sites reveals that drills and ops have been happening for the past two weeks. Jade Helm has not ended. It may have changed names and is ultra-compartmentalized, but the objective continues. Regarding the UCLA event (or any event), the question is ALWAYS why now?
One possibility that should always be analyzed is what was breaking in the news from which the minions of the new world order would want to divert attention? Was it something about Hillary that was leaking [a la the "broken bottle and spilled perfume" Sabian symbol, discussed in the audio recording for the Gemini cycle]?
The UCLA event may very well have been one of many operations that are happening that went "live." The new world order is trying hard to re-imprint chaos and strife into the archetypal energy of Eris -- Isis. Let us not forget.)
THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Balsamic Moon Phase: clear and release
Moon in Aries/Taurus 10:48 pm ET/2:48 am UT
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides, Matangi, Goddess of the Wind, and Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty and Goddess Who Absolutely Sonically Pummels the Archons
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): all four - Ian, Kathe, Elias, and Seth
Skill: be fluid like an acrobat
True Alignments: going into the mystic/the unknown, safe and secure, honing a talent or skill, new attitude, new opportunities, things coming to light/understandings, sympathetic, productivity
Catalysts for Change: restrictions of growth, the need for approval or validation from others, insecurities, the need for absolute proof, arrogance, lost in the past, resisting change
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (reconciliation of the inner and the outer; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending limitations/the past/old systems)
Welcome to a world-class day.
Have you ever seen or heard or felt something that was so profoundly beautiful that it brought tears to your eyes?
This is the highest octave of today's energetics.
Beauty has many forms and definitions. It applies to anything and everything.
I write almost every day and I do not have words to describe what is happening today. It is one of my days when I wish I was a musician because words fail me when attempting to deliver the message. Playing an instrument or using the voice for singing would be the only way to fully engender the meaning.
Thus, I will honor the beauty of the heart of it as purely and as simply as I can: We are greatly loved, and the totality of it is realized by us only in flickers.
The stars flicker for us today.
We are being lifted above and beyond. Out of harm's way. It is a beautiful act of love.
A great wave of wind (the Wisdom Goddess Matangi) arises underneath us, a great push in the proper direction (Tara) snaps us into position, and then a great line of power (Shodashi) lifts us up.
This happens today as the Sun (Saboath to the Gnostics) discharges the energetic of "a world famous pianist giving a concert performance." Today is nothing less than that.
For us humans, the energetics may feel like we need to be an acrobat to manage it all. Acrobatically adjusting to changes that are taking place, challenges that are being met, and emotions that are surging is the key today. The "magic carpet ride" of the course of your life may be swaying to and fro and up and down. It is gliding along the currents, which are dramatic right now. A Grand Cross has formed in advance of the New Moon on Saturday, June 4, and it is changing the course of things.
Today, three of the ten "faces" or "aspects" of Gaia Sophia and each of the four "faces" or "aspects" of Thelete (with the Grand Cross) are in play to smooth out the ride for us as a "symbolic battle between swords and torches" is being "waged" or is happening at higher levels of consciousness. The tide has turned for the Archons and their agenda. They suffer a massive blow today courtesy of Tara, Matangi, and Shodashi. Let's watch what happens on the first day of the Balsamic Moon phase of the Aquarius and Pisces lunar cycles later this solar-lunar year (February and March 2017 in the Gregorian calendar). This is when what happens today will manifest or represented in the reality of our world.
Today, after something from the past provides insight for us, new things open up. The Earth is discharging "a widow's past is brought to light," Venus is discharging "newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience," and Mercury is discharging "a new continent rising out of the ocean." As I said, the day is world class.
When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine's Day 2017. This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is. Everyone's shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting. Projection of one's one feelings onto others is the modus operandi. Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.
Nonetheless, it is a world class day. Wonders never cease.
(P.S. Audio overview of the New Moon in Gemini now posted.)
THE ORACLE REPORT:Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Aries
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: change perspective
True Alignments: relevance, breaking free of conditioning/habits/limitations, being heard, seeing a brighter side, creativity and creation, proud expressions, liberty, leadership, seeing the future in current patterns, clearing
Catalysts for Change: intimidating or dominating others, unjust assumptions of power, the power to sway, stuck in being a victim, expecting others to fix things, holding in feelings, difficulty letting go of what is no longer acceptable, feelings of worthlessness, giving away one's power, cluttered up
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the past, past beliefs, past systems)
Four planets are positioning to form a beautiful pattern in the skies. When planets make patterns, their energetics combine in special ways to produce certain effects.
This particular beautiful pattern is called a Grand Cross. It is an equilateral cross, with one planet anchoring each of the four points.
Grand Crosses change things. The planets are at right angles, so changes in the direction of things occurs. Rectification, realignment, and revision is the purpose. It begins at the perfect time -- the Third Quarter Moon phase, the time of the lunar cycle when the energetics naturally favor revising and realigning.
The Grand Cross occurs in what astrologers call "mutable" signs, which means the energetic effect of the Grand Cross mutates, changes, transforms, transmutes, and morphs (into often unexpected ways). Mutable energy is like a running river. It meanders and goes into different places.
The activator of this Cross is the Sun. The other planets involved are Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. A divine bit of loveliness is bestowed upon us.
But the loveliness is not confined to today. This Grand Cross begins today, and will still be in effect at the upcoming New Moon in Gemini on Saturday, June 4. This means the energetic is "imprinted" by the New Moon and then plays out, unfolds, and develops through the entire lunar month. So it will be with us for a month.
Even more loveliness is added tomorrow when Venus moves into range of the Sun and begins to add its influence at that point on the cross. Venus is the Planet of Loveliness. When Venus conjuncts the Sun, beautiful things occur. The power of love is activated.
The Sun hyper-empowers things. Jupiter hyper-expands things. Saturn hyper-structures things. Neptune hyper-spiritualizes things.
That is a pretty good combination in my book. What do you think?
Grand Crosses activate four directions, and the Four Directions (the Medicine Wheel) are the domain of the Knights of Sophia or the Kings of Thelete or the Band of Brothers, which are my preferred names for the four emissaries or "faces" of the aeon Thelete. In the ancient Gnostic view, Thelete is the principle of the Divine Masculine which centers on will and desire.
All of this starts today and continues throughout the next month. It's a giant smack down of love for the fellowship of humanity.
For today, here are the themes we encounter on our "magic carpet ride" through the Theme Park:
1- RISING ABOVE - The Sun is discharging the might of the Sabian symbol of "a Black slave girl demands her rights of her mistress." This energetic is a fortification of inner strength that comes out into the world to set things right. It seeks justice. It seeks alignment with inalienable rights. Sabian symbol Queen Lynda Hill writes that it is the energy of "spreading your wings in order to improve your situation." The lower octave of the energetic falls into victimhood.
(Side note: How interesting that rapper Snoop Dogg is calling out the [mind control] programming with the remake of the Roots miniseries to incite division and victimization and living in the past instead of being part of creativity now [Second Renaissance]. --Italics mine.)
A possible indicator of what we need to rise above today may have shown up in some way last Sunday (May 29). Venus comes to the degree that the Sun was discharging on Sunday: "an airplane performing a nosedive." In our terms this year, our personal magic carpet may have been in a nosedive. If so, was it a total crash or did you pull up in time? Either answer is fine and correct. Magic carpets do not really crash. They do not break apart. They fall and hit the ground, but they are kind of a built in parachute. They just land as they are and fold in on themselves. This year, "crash downs" are really solid landings. We are perhaps a little bruised and sore from it, but nonetheless intact.
2- IDEAS AND IDEALS RING OUT - The loveliness continues with the Earth discharging the energetic of "a flag that is seen turning into an eagle." Our minds and imaginations soar, and things become physical and real. Declarations become real at some point. What we focus our energy and attention on today holds great power to bloom later (and maybe sooner than we think).
3- CLEARING - Third Quarter Moon phase is the best time of the lunar month to clear up and clean out (change a mindset, habit, belief, environment, anything). Today Mercury returns to the degree of "a woman airing an old bag through a sunny window." With this, we take the best and discard the rest. The energy wants to gets things in order, get them ready. The energetic seeks to "de-clutter" the mind, body, and soul. It wants to air out and bring things to light.
The Magic Carpet Ride of 2016 is nothing if not surreal to witness. There is a lot to see, but let's remember to look UP. There is a Giant Cross happening in the sky. It harmonizes. Let's tune into THAT. Let's look. And listen.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
Now for some Astronomy, which helps us understand the planets and corresponding alignments that the tool of Astrology interprets as patterns and potentials.
ReplyDeleteWhat’s up for June? Saturn at its best! Plus, good views of Mars, Jupiter & Jupiter’s moons: