THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, June 1, 2016
http://www.oraclereport.com/Balsamic Moon Phase: clear and release
Moon in Aries/Taurus 10:48 pm ET/2:48 am UT
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides, Matangi, Goddess of the Wind, and Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty and Goddess Who Absolutely Sonically Pummels the Archons
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): all four - Ian, Kathe, Elias, and Seth
Skill: be fluid like an acrobat
True Alignments: going into the mystic/the unknown, safe and secure, honing a talent or skill, new attitude, new opportunities, things coming to light/understandings, sympathetic, productivity
Catalysts for Change: restrictions of growth, the need for approval or validation from others, insecurities, the need for absolute proof, arrogance, lost in the past, resisting change
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (reconciliation of the inner and the outer; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending limitations/the past/old systems)
Welcome to a world-class day.
Have you ever seen or heard or felt something that was so profoundly beautiful that it brought tears to your eyes?
This is the highest octave of today's energetics.
Beauty has many forms and definitions. It applies to anything and everything.
I write almost every day and I do not have words to describe what is happening today. It is one of my days when I wish I was a musician because words fail me when attempting to deliver the message. Playing an instrument or using the voice for singing would be the only way to fully engender the meaning.
Thus, I will honor the beauty of the heart of it as purely and as simply as I can: We are greatly loved, and the totality of it is realized by us only in flickers.
The stars flicker for us today.
We are being lifted above and beyond. Out of harm's way. It is a beautiful act of love.
A great wave of wind (the Wisdom Goddess Matangi) arises underneath us, a great push in the proper direction (Tara) snaps us into position, and then a great line of power (Shodashi) lifts us up.
This happens today as the Sun (Saboath to the Gnostics) discharges the energetic of "a world famous pianist giving a concert performance." Today is nothing less than that.
For us humans, the energetics may feel like we need to be an acrobat to manage it all. Acrobatically adjusting to changes that are taking place, challenges that are being met, and emotions that are surging is the key today. The "magic carpet ride" of the course of your life may be swaying to and fro and up and down. It is gliding along the currents, which are dramatic right now. A Grand Cross has formed in advance of the New Moon on Saturday, June 4, and it is changing the course of things.
Today, three of the ten "faces" or "aspects" of Gaia Sophia and each of the four "faces" or "aspects" of Thelete (with the Grand Cross) are in play to smooth out the ride for us as a "symbolic battle between swords and torches" is being "waged" or is happening at higher levels of consciousness. The tide has turned for the Archons and their agenda. They suffer a massive blow today courtesy of Tara, Matangi, and Shodashi. Let's watch what happens on the first day of the Balsamic Moon phase of the Aquarius and Pisces lunar cycles later this solar-lunar year (February and March 2017 in the Gregorian calendar). This is when what happens today will manifest or represented in the reality of our world.
Today, after something from the past provides insight for us, new things open up. The Earth is discharging "a widow's past is brought to light," Venus is discharging "newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience," and Mercury is discharging "a new continent rising out of the ocean." As I said, the day is world class.
When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine's Day 2017. This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is. Everyone's shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting. Projection of one's one feelings onto others is the modus operandi. Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.
Nonetheless, it is a world class day. Wonders never cease.
(P.S. Audio overview of the New Moon in Gemini now posted.)
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