Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Being Fully Present – Energy Update Posted on July 11, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

Being Fully Present – Energy Update


I went camping in the deep woods for a few days and it was really an eye opening experience. We only brought what we could haul in as it was inaccessible by road. I was torn over this trip. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go, it was that I had never experienced anything like this before. I was worried the toll it would take on my back and the amount of pain I would be in.  Yet, I knew I HAD to go. I had to get out of my comfort zone and completely unplug in nature without the distractions from the outside world. With the current events taking place in the world right now the timing couldn’t have been better, I needed to get away.

My husband was amazing and rigged a cart so that I wouldn’t have to carry a pack and he had been acquiring camping supplies to provide comforts. I was still very worried and my entire body was full of resistance. I was scared. Scared I couldn’t keep up, scared of what I would encounter in the deep woods and scared of what I would encounter within myself. This resistance popped up as muscle tightness, defeatist thoughts and just simply a bad attitude. I could see it and simply observed how it made me feel, it felt awful. I wasn’t in the flow, I wasn’t allowing, and I certainly wasn’t trusting.  I even tried to back out the night before but my husband kept telling me it would be fine, that I wouldn’t be a burden.  At the time I was feeling like two sides of me were competing. The human who can be quite stubborn and the spirit who was whispering – “GO, all will be fine.” Now looking back I realize that it was spirit the entire time, no division. The human part of me is also my spirit, just the part that still needs healing and the acknowledging of all that I was feeling, like the fear of being a burden.

The universe knew exactly what was necessary and the group of people that we went with were simply amazing. The encouragement, understanding and friendship I received was what I needed. I woke the first morning, sore from sleeping on the ground, feeling a little funky because I knew that I wouldn’t be showering that day and praying I didn’t have to poop in the woods. One of the people in the group sees me and asks if I am having a good time. My response was “I’m not sure yet”. He smiled and said “Happiness is a state of mind.” I wanted to be annoyed, but knew he was so right, so I then decided to throw myself into the experience and see all that would surface.

Once I stopped resisting, the amazingness of the experience hit me. It was so vast out there, so wild and so incredibly beautiful. At the site we picked there was a red-headed woodpecker’s nest and we were treated to watching a pair tend their young. I spent time looking at the creek, the trees, the wildflowers and just took in the harmony of it all. I tapped into the earth energy, felt it flowing up through me and was able to send it to all who were requesting assistance. My entire body vibrated as I visualized this incredible energy blanketing the earth.  I knew deep healing was taking place within me, but I was also aware of the healing taking place within the earth. As each of us connects with the earth in love and gratitude, we help heal her as well.  It is a symbiotic relationship. We cannot heal others or the earth without healing ourselves too.

The biggest issue I had while camping was this pervasive fear that we would run out of food. I mentioned it to my husband who said that we would be fine, we had plenty of dehydrated meals, yet the anxiety remained. I asked to be shown what this was from and was transported back to being a child, a hungry child. Out of fear that my sister and I would be overweight our food was rationed and often all we would have for lunch was a half of sandwich and a piece of fruit. It wasn’t enough to make me feel full and I remember always being hungry. I also remember getting home from school and stealing change from my dad’s jar, biking to the store and buying food to binge on.  In my adult life now my pantry and fridge are always stocked and I tend to way over pack my little’s one’s lunch bag.  The memories came crashing back and I realized that this had to be healed.  When I got home I messaged my sister about what had arisen and her response was “Just one more thing to tell your inner child – I won’t let you starve”.
She hit it on the head, my inner child was still sad, hurt, and fearful that a time would come when I wouldn’t ever feel full again. It also showed me why when I am very stressed or sad, I want to feel very full, over full. It was a comfort I created all those years ago. Now it can be healed.

As I was meditating in a field with the sun shining so brightly, I was shown that the way I was feeling about the entire camping trip in the beginning is how so many feel during this awakening process. It feels as if we are going into the unknown, a strange land, one we don’t feel equipped for. Yet, it is what we fear that often shows us our next move to make. In our comfort zone there is little growth, we have to shake things up, experience the new to show us things within that need healing. If we keep doing and reacting as we have always done, we don’t grow or uncover the deep wounds, wounds that keep us from our highest self.

I was also shown that now more than ever we need to be fully present within our body. So many of us have had trauma layered throughout our lives and as a protection we haven’t fully resided in the body. We were shown time and time again that being in the body was painful. So we decided to not fully connect. We have spent so much time reaching out, out into the realms, connecting with our true essence as if it is “out there”, when in truth it is all within. It is now time to consciously bring that soul forth, walking with us in each moment. The only way to do this is to break through the wall we created to keep ourselves safe, the wall that kept us from not being fully in the body.

I work with many clients who the guides tell me are ungrounded, yet they do daily grounding exercises. The reason they are not grounded is because in order to ground completely you must be fully in your body. They also explained that it is in being fully embodied, fully present that we are then able to manifest our world with greater clarity and receive clearer guidance (this guidance looks different for each of us).  I was also told that we cannot heal ourselves physically unless we are fully in the body. We can do all the work and affirmations but the disconnect still remains.  Now more than ever it is important to be completely in tune with what is going on within instead of focusing so much on what is going on in the outer.

Take a moment, relax and close your eyes and when you are ready say aloud:

“I ground my soul, my I AM into my body now from my head to my toes. I give my soul complete permission to take over the journey.”

Feel yourself settle in and notice your reaction. When doing this with clients I have seen a wide range of reactions. Some cry, some laugh, some feel nothing. I had one client who felt the soul really come into her body and was instantly surrounded by fairies cheering and saying “It’s about time!”

I recommend doing this every morning and as you do you will feel more grounded and able to handle the stresses of the world. I also do this when I notice old programming or reactions arise. I take note of what happened and then make sure that I am fully present and that my soul is in charge.

SO much in our world today is designed to keep us in turmoil and feeling out of control. This makes us feel unsafe and elicits that protective “not fully in my body” response. We cannot control what is happening “out there” but we can control or reaction to it and what is taking place within.

I was very grateful for the information and insight given during the camping trip and when I returned home I looked up the Red Headed wood pecker and was not surprised to see that there is a correlation with the root chakra.  I had definitely been working on root chakra issues of safety, security and being wanted. Wood peckers message that really hit home was that a woodpecker was telling me to pay attention and to be present. It is also asking me to see opportunity in everything as woodpeckers see value everywhere even in the dead trees.
Message received. Thank you.

Sending you all love and calming energy.


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

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