Monday, July 11, 2016


Edge of the Unknown

11th July 2016

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood


“Greetings Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion.

And so it is, in this dimension, at this time that the energies of Ascension, as you call it, are expanding and growing at a rapid rate. Many of you are feeling it quite profoundly in your physical bodies, in your mind, and even in observing it in the world around you. If you feel tired or overwhelmed or things not happening in your physical body the way you would like or your mind and your emotions feel out of control or down in the doldrums, or you see events or occurrences happening in different places on the planet that seem troubling to you we would invite you to understand that these are all evidence of the shifting and changing environment you’re in.

While the body might feel tired and unfavorable, the mind might feel depressed or down or feeling like there’s no solutions at hand, and you’re feeling stuck, or you feel like the world is falling apart, we would invite you at this moment in time to shift your focus to the idea that all of it is in transition. If you see yourself not as permanently going to have issues with your physical body or permanently going to be sad and upset or permanently that the world is falling apart we would say to you that if you hold the space that this is just evidence of change, evidence of transformation, then you cease to lock it down as “truth” and you look at it more as a momentary experience.
We would invite you even to acknowledge where you’re at and how you feel and at the same time be in some level of excitement and anticipation of what’s to be on the other side, when the physical body feels better, more rested, more enlivened, less depressed, less confused and when the world seems to get back on its own sense of balance again, won’t it be exciting to see what’s on the other side?

As you have that energy of anticipation of “What’s on the other side of this change that I’m experiencing in the moment?” it gives you that energetic uplift to weather the moment that you’re in currently. It allows you to not live just into the future, but it uplifts your NOW. For as you know, there’s nothing that you’re going to experience in this lifetime that’s permanent. So, if in the moment, your condition feels less than favorable, less than ideal, you know that it won’t continue. For as you know, and you’re well aware of, there’s nothing that stays the same forever.

Looking at these moments where you are in the quagmire of change and in the quagmire of confusion, it’s easy to feel like this will go on forever. It’s easy to look back into the past and say “Well, I felt this for so long or my family has this pattern, whatever it might be” What we’re asking you to do now is not keep reinforcing your “now” by looking at the past. Look at what you have in the moment that feels like struggle as evidence of your change, and the energies asking you to change, and maybe you haven’t made it to that new energy yet. But anticipating that this will not continue forever, that you are in a transitional time and space in your body, in your awareness, and on your planet, and that as the (new) energies become more embedded and imbued there will be less feeling of transformation and chaos and you’ll connect to that good place, that shifting in the energies, where you see more possibilities and you see greater ease. You see the changes manifesting in ways that you anticipate.

For those of you who listen to our messages could be considered “idealists” and “dreamers”. Of course, you are! You’re the ones who are here, who came to bring in and help anchor the new energies. You’re connected with the new energies. You’re helping create that flow of the new energy here on this planet at this time. So you have that vision. You have that energy of what the future will be. When you hold that energy, and not necessarily see it evidenced in your life at this moment in time, there gets to be frustration and even disappointment and even expectation that maybe it never will really change.

We’re here to say it is changing!

So keep yourself up with that vision, knowing that that vision creates that vortex of energy that the energy of your vision will follow. Use some of those very easy energetic up-lifts to help you in this time by connecting strongly with the vibration of gratitude. Connect strongly with reaching out and helping others. Who can you help today, whether it’s by smiling at someone, opening the door, helping them put their groceries in their car, reaching out to a friend and bringing a meal to them? That active assistance and service does the much to uplift your own energetic field, as well as the recipient of your gifting of energy.

Do those small things of gratitude, assisting others, smiling, moving your body, and being out in nature to give you that elevation to move you through any challenges you’re feeling right now.

Be Blessed. We are the High Council of Orion.”

© 2016 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood    

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