Sunday, July 24, 2016

Evolving Psychic Perceptions & Abilities by DeniseLe Fay | HighHeartLife

Evolving Psychic Perceptions & Abilities


I’ve had “psychic” abilities—clairvoyance (vision), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing)—and more from birth. They’re not newly acquired current life abilities but ancient ones, ones that were mandatory for me if I was going to insert myself into an incarnation in 3D Earth physicality during an astrological Age change, multiple galactic and universal cycles completing at the same time, a hardcore knockdown drag-out battle with multidimensional Team Dark, and an all-encompassing universal evolutionary Ascension. Every tool I had in my Higher Toolbox that I could safely embody came with me (Denise specifically) when the greater, higher “I” ‘Volunteered’ to insert aspects of Itself via physical incarnations on Earth across time which required a great drop of Light, memories, Higher Awareness and abilities just to be able to incarnate into the energetic extremes, density, darkness and duality of physical earthly 3D before the start of this Ascension Process.

I’m not special in this, every being/aspect(s) that volunteered to do this Ascension Process from within 3D physicality needed to drop a whole lotta Home that they were simply to be able to get in here and not stick out like “aliens” to the 3D Earth natives. Yes, re-read that sentence if needed. ;) Those that did instantly sense us, see and feel us were nonphysical Team Dark beings and negative physical humans however. Re-read that sentence too if needed.

Those that can plumb the heights and the depths simultaneously as multiple aspects of their Greater Self have been here working the Ascension Process from the physical inside and the outside higher dimensions. We are the physical aliens and angels on Earth doing the mostly invisible energy work down here because none of this could have happened if highly capable heavy-duty aspects weren’t here to grab, anchor, embody and insert into the physical earthly dimension the higher frequency NEW codes, energies and consciousness for the human masses to step into when that time comes. That time has arrived, but first, some greater crashing and burning of the old lower.

Many of the Forerunners, the ‘Volunteers’, the Pathpavers and Wayshowers have always been empathic, psychic, sensitives. We needed as many Higher Awareness tools as we could carry in-body while living in the extreme negativity and density that has been normal on Earth and in human consciousness. We needed at least a couple of higher tools to keep us connected with our Home Light Teams so we could get the job done here and not get crushed by the density or killed off by the negativity. As bad as it’s been for the Forerunners, most of us have done all we have with minimal tools and consciousness of our higher dimensional Homes and more natural states of being. At times when I honestly think about this, it amazes me that we’ve succeeded—and sooner and greater than was planned I might add—and not lost our minds, bodies or souls in the vile fray. Wow, seriously.

Because I incarnated with psychic abilities, and multiple past-life memories, how those abilities have worked for me have changed slightly as I (Denise) grew throughout my life. However, once I began the physical, biological phase of this Ascension Process (at age 47 in 1999), my lifelong psychic abilities began evolving and changing rather dramatically. The ways I received and perceived higher dimensional Light information in general, plus communications with higher dimensional beings etc., began changing and it’s been an ongoing learning curve of strangeness since then. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not complaining! I know many Forerunners have been going through these types of evolutionary changes in themselves and how and what they’re able to perceive, receive, embody and transmit.

In the past when I’d psychically perceive something it was always acutely obvious to me that what I was clairvoyantly Seeing and Feeling, Hearing, Sensing, Knowing etc. was happening at a nonphysical level. I never confused the nonphysical with the physical because they were, to me back then, wildly different frequencies, levels and states of reality. When I’d perceive something like a coming physical disaster that would affect large numbers of people for a long time, I always Saw the approaching event and Knew it was not physical yet but had a strong possibility of arriving soon because it was so dramatic, disturbing, amplified and highlighted. The more developed the visions, it meant the closer they were to actually manifesting in this physical world.

Other psychic impressions I had were like there were huge flashing neon arrows pointing something and/or someone or a group out to my consciousness; one huge screaming message of, “Look, look, over here at this, it’s coming…” My psychic impressions, visions and other perceptions were always crystal clear and obviously nonphysical to me. All this has been slowly changing however since my physical, biological Ascension Process started in 1999.

Since then the distinct energetic and dimensional lines, borders, boundaries and perimeters between the physical and nonphysical first blurred then began moving around slightly. Next, those blurred and moving dimensional lines flat-out disappeared completely. Needless to say, that’s when things really started getting interesting for myself and many Forerunners! Over the years since 1999, the ways that I perceive nonphysical events, multidimensional beings, different dimensions, energies and such has evolved and changed so dramatically that they’re nothing like they used to be for me. I knew back in 1999 that as I changed, so too would the ways in which I perceived, received, embodied and transmitted what I perceived. What I didn’t know back then was how the old familiar borders between the 3D physical and the 4D astral dimensions primarily would disappear and be no more as they had always been. That took some time for me to learn and adjust to. What I’m dealing with and learning today is as different, new and strange to me as the past seventeen years have been. And on and on it naturally evolves.

In the past what I perceived was always clear to me to be a nonphysical, etheric thing. For many years now however, due to the ongoing evolutionary Ascension progress we’re making, this is no longer the case for me. What I often clairvoyantly See now is not always instantly recognized by me as a nonphysical thing or being(s) etc. What I See now (these past many years) exists in the same space as I currently do. Those old lower frequency borders and borderlines between the old lower dimensional turf of my younger years simply do not exist any longer. I have evolved beyond them, as have many of you reading this, and we’ve entered NEW territories with NEW rules and much larger borders. I now directly mingle with NEW-to-me colorful energy expressions, beings and energies etc. and it’s all so—and this is the important part—natural, un-dramatic, un-highlighted and un-spectacular. Said another way, it’s more like original Home meaning there’s hardly any old lower 3D egoic high drama, intensity, shock, trauma, panic, ooh la la, freakout, hair-pulling, old lower 3D emotional reactions, etheric flashing neon arrows or other such lower frequency, ego-based consciousness, reactions and road signs. Now it’s just so different and “normal” despite my knowing that this momentary level is not even “it” yet! This Ascension-induced dimensional hodgepodge mashup called my current perceptions and base of operations, reminds me of that iconic Star Wars movie scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina. And, it’s all just fine and normal as I slowly pass through this particular corner of the NEW 5D territory.


The important point in all this I wanted to get across is that what I now clairvoyantly See, Feel, Know etc. no longer exists ‘…in a galaxy far, far away…’.  That great energetic and dimensional gap between me and my incarnation on Earth and up/out to higher dimensional beings and such is no more a great gap; we’re all well within range of each other now meaning what I perceive, receive, embody and transmit, plus who and what I directly interact with now here in this space is nothing like how it was prior to the start of the Ascension Process. I’m only stressing this because I know many of you have been experiencing this perceptual and literal evolutionary change too and I want everyone to realize that this will only expand, because we are individually.

I now sometimes experience things I simply have no vocabulary for so I don’t even try to write about them. I just experience a bit more of the NEW-to-Denise and tuck it away for possible future educational story sharing. These nearly indescribable experiences I’ve been having, in between the lower level global chaos and insanity connected to the dying patriarchy, are great but don’t impact or affect me like some things, visions, precog awareness’ would have in the olden days of lower 3D reality and personal consciousness. 5D and higher Neutrality/Unity/HighHeart consciousness is wholly anti-dramatic and live and let live and good gawd doesn’t humanity need that right now!
The teeth gnashing, hate throwing, who can tell more lies the fastest and have the unaware still believe them all, and general negative thrashing about in rapidly increasing duality continues with and in the unaware. This gap is too much for Team Light so just don’t go there at all. Keep your distance from them and the escalating ‘Energetically devouring of each other’ that’s taking place down there. It’s not your, our concern. What is your, our concern is how well can you maintain your current elevation and HighHeart focus despite the wonderfully weird encounters with like-other beings and energies while the unaware act like crazed starving zombies? The better and longer you/me/we can maintain and Hold the Higher Space and Way, the less lower insanity and volatility there will be for All everywhere. No pressure however, just keep doing what you/me/we have been.

Happy first day of Leo and the annual rising of Sirius and all that comes with and after it. Use these summer 2016 energies wisely and keep moving forward because 2017 is going to seriously rock all. It’s a good but potent thing so do the prep work now. <3


July 22, 2016

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Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this Copyright Notice and live link.

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